My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Wordy Wednesday and Photos #4


On Friday June 23 it was time for us to leave Red Cliff Lodge for 
Mesa Verde National Park and a visit to more 'Cliffs'
Click here to read all about the Cliffs Palace of the Ancient Pueblo People
I was truly in awe of the entire tour.  It was HOT as blue blazes though.
I'd recommend one take this tour in late April or early May
To get to the location below where the tour began was better suited for a mountain goat. Everyone made it w/o incident.  One lady on our tour was deathly afraid of heights.
She literally took some of it on all fours

In the picture below  we have made our trek way down to a cover area where the Park Ranger is 
giving a presentation before we all traipse down to see the buildings.  
It was a tad hard to concentrate on what she was saying. Our group consisted of my tour mates and about 25 other folks including a toddler about 18 months old. 
As I said it was H O T,
the child had to be restrained.  Toddlers don't like confinement WE all know that.
Once we got to this location there was a very very very steep drop off no gates or fence. There
were 3 adults with him.  One decided it was a good idea to sit on the edge of the drop off 
and point out birds to the child.  At this point I lost ALL concentration.
One wrong move  was all it would have taken.
Finally one of the adults took back to a place where he could stand.
Looking down into what was more than likely a kitchen or common area. 

The group you see below was the group before us.  It is the  end of their tour. Guess what?
There are 3 ladders one has to climb to get back up 150' to the top of the cliffs.

Now it is time for our us to head down.

I am thrilled to say we made it up all 3 ladders which thankfully are all pretty much surrounded by rock and very narrow so I felt ok on them.  I don't know how in the world the family with the toddler made it up the ladders...but I know they did.  Once we were on the motor coach I saw them.

Later I'll show you some photos from Arches National Park...most taken from the Motor Coach.
Below is a photo of Wilson Arch...the only arch one could actually walk to.
Click here to read about Wilson Arch
Several tourist were actually walking up to stand under the arch.  If you squint, you can see them.  It was actually farther away than you would think and it was a rugged climb.
The elevation of Wilson Arch is about 6,150 feet

 Madi Dad and Madi Mom at Wilson Arch should have had on her shades... I think she might
have added about 100 wrinkles around her eyes.

Thank you for stopping by...Mom says she promises not to bore you with too many details on our pics...we will give links to where you can read if you so desire.


  1. The Cliifs Palalce looks truly amazing. Thanks for the photos.

  2. Wow, what an amazing tour! Although I do want to say, my human would have probably been one of those all-fours people. She is a little over-cautious.

  3. oh I love it so much... thanks for sharing this photos... so we can be a little bit there with you (but without toddlers and kids).
    Maybe the batman-sunpuddle was the secret sign Phenny sent to Madi because our kitchen project becomes a horror-movie?

  4. STUNNING!!! What an amazing place to visit and such history, oh and I would nefer be bored learning about such places and your wonderful holiday Mom of Madi!!!!!!
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

  5. Wonderful photos! Your trip sounds amazing. Nose licks and love from Moth xx

  6. Wow, you really saw some neat stuff. I don't know how you stood all the hot weather.Have a great day.

  7. Hari OM
    Crikey Madi, as a bat you could at least fly to those places - I will just have to settle for watching through the lens of your mum... I could never reach those parts. What an amazing place... hugs and whiskeries, YAM-aunty xxx

  8. Wow, that's amazing. I love that part of the country and would love to travel more about there. Very impressive that you made it up all those ladders. As you know, I am clumsy and not sure I would have. LOL.

    Too bad about the toddler - that's actually pretty scary thinking about what could have happened.

  9. WOW what amazing things to see! That was very scary about the toddler on that trip - so dangerous. Sure looks like it was an amazing journey!

    Hugs, Teddy

  10. Wow! What an amazing site to see! My mom isn't a fan of heights either.

  11. if I were there your soap box would have been crowded with both of us on it at the same time. I am in AWE of your photos so can't imagine how it would feel to see all this. I am trying hard not to be jealous. I LOVE all things wild wild west.

  12. Nice shadow work bat cat.
    Puppy Growls,

  13. Is there enough room on that soap box for me as well?

    Anyway, that place looks so amazing. I would love to see that some day. Including the three ladders...

    Mara from Norway

  14. Those are gorgeous pictures. And we totally agree... Not a place for small folks.

  15. Wow! What a great place to visit! I agree about the small child. Ghostwriter would have been out of her mind if she saw a little child so close to the edge!

  16. Keep the pics and the commentary coming - we love seeing where she was and learning about the spots too. That is one very worthy soapbox to be shouting from - where doe some peeps put their brains when it comes to child safety>>>>!!!!

    Woos - Lightning and Misty

  17. Yep, I'd be on my hands and knees FOR SURE! I get dizzy just thinking about it! Glad that no child was injured during this excursion, and I've gone to an art fair with three adults and one 2-year-old and it took all of us to keep him from killing himself!

  18. Oh Dear God are YOU EVER BRAVE!! I could have NEVER IN LIFE handled that! First, the heat. Forget it! With my chronic kidney stone condition I would have DIED in the heat, second, I am TERRIFIED, SIMPLY TERRIFIED of heights! They would have had to send an emergency helicopter to haul my ass out of there! My heart breaks for that poor woman who did it on "all fours", I don't think I could have even done that! And............LADDERS??? are you kidding me? I would have died!!! About the toddler, I get upset when I see them at baseball/football games, I can't even fathom bringing a tiny child to something like this! OMG!! xoxoxo catchatwithcarenandcody

  19. SHE would have loved that...though SHE would have been on all 4s as well. Going up ladders might have been okay. A fantastic tour. Don't know why parents insist on taking kids to places that kids don't like. Surely they can't enjoy themselves.

  20. A really gorgeous and interesting place, to say the least. I could have never done that tour in the heat. I couldn't have done it on a day with perfect temps. CH would have been on all fours because he is afraid of heights and I have gotten that way too as we have gotten older. The National Park... the rock formations are awesome. In the top picture to the right I see an elephant head, its ears and trunk... :) Madi, your Bat Cat is shadowing you! Your Mom and Dad got some guts to do that tour! They must truly be fit!!!!

  21. madi...holee bat cat iz rite....two hot iz vizshuz hot N we agreez bout de wee that age what iz de child even gonna "get" outta thiz....ya noe ~~~~~~ any way, thanx two mom for sharin de fotoz .....they iz awesum !! ☺☺♥♥

  22. We love the details!! What a beautiful trip...our Mama says she totally understands getting aggravated about the silly humans!!
    Jakey & Arty

  23. WOW, you ARE Bat Cat!!!!!
    We love seeing the pictures!

  24. some peeps have no brains at all. That looks so very interesting but our mom doesn't know if she could have done it!
    Hazel & Mabel

  25. Me and Stanley have not been there BUTT our mom and dad have. Mom says it is the most amazing place ever because the ruins are still intact enough so you can SEE what life was like for the ancient people! They must have been good climbers!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

    Pee Ess - 106 degrees a few minutes ago. Mom is cussing like a sailor!

  26. We'll never understand why peeps put their kittens in danger....cats are sooo much smarter.

    We're loving your Mom's photos.

    Hugs, your guy Raz and The Florida Furkids

  27. Great photos. That is crazy that someone took such a little one there though. XO

  28. It looks like a great place but I'm with the lady who spent time on all fours heights are not my thing.

  29. Looking good BatCat Madi! WOW! That's a pretty amazing place!

  30. Such beauty! There's so much beauty here in our very own country.

  31. This post really made me want to get out and travel. It's been a longing of mine for a long, long time. Thank you for sharing!

  32. There sure is a lot of history to explore but I would be
    crawling up and down the caves. LOL
    XO Astro and Linda

  33. I would have been on all 4 right beside that lady. I'm scared to death of heights too.
    how stupid to bring a toddler. I know what a handful our Miss Z is, so no way.


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi