My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Sunday, October 29, 2017

No Tricks Just Treats for Shelters

Today Mom and I are pawticipating in the 3rd Annual.... No Tricks Just Treats For Shelters 
Hosted by Mayor Arty, Jakey and Rosy SassyPants and their peeps.

However, we are putting a different spin on it.  As you all know, I had a really scary health issue 
that started in June.  My wonderful vet at Hidden Valley Animal Clinic and their ER Clinic at Quail Ridge was there for us every step of  every day we needed them.  
I will donate  $.50 cents all my treat money and my peeps will match my donation for each comment that is left on my blog between the hours

12 am today, Sunday, October 29-11:59 pm Sunday October 29. 

 After mom uses her fingers and toes to count all the comments, we will send a check to the  
Wake County Animal Center (which is where Milky-Way the first family cat was adopted)
Their slogan is Be Cool....Adopt a Shelter Pet

Our check will be in honor of the excellent Vets at
Hidden Valley Animal Clinic and Quail Ridge ER Clinic
both clinics work closely with the Animal Shelter

This is a what do you see test.....look closely at the circle

Via the zoom of Pizap here is a better shot

Every day 7 days a week about the same time we see these darling little
mini Dachshunds taking their peeps for a walk. One is a long hair red and the other a Pie-Bald.
Both are rescues from a Puppy mill (about 3 years ago).  Now they are rulers of their home and living and loving their life.  Once their owner told mom neither really knew how to walk outside on ground but after about 3 weeks they took to it like pros.

Be sure to head over the Da DB Boyz blog here they are having a comment a thon
to raise money for LBR and Marg's Animals  thru Sunday October 29, 2017


  1. We're going to leave a comment AND as there are three of us (SHE doesn't count) We think we're worth $1.50....just sayin'.

  2. What a PAWSOME way to help our furr-iends in need Madi!! Thanks so much for hopping with us this weekend!!
    Jakey, Arty & Rosy

  3. This such a great idea,well done,xx Speedy

  4. This may send you broke.

  5. What a great idea Madi!

    When I drive my bus, I sometimes see two duster dogs (that's what I call them, because they look like the duster that goes with the pan, but I think they might be Scottish terriers) leading a two-legger. I always like to see them.

    Mara from Norway

  6. Perfect idea Madi!! We just love your Halloween pic! Happy Sunday!

  7. That is so nice of you Madi and the Mom to do this. We sure do thank you so much. We feel very honored that we are included. It is most appreciated. You all have a wonderful day.

  8. here is my worth a dollar comment. LOL MOL... cute dachschunds and would have missed them without the circle. we have a cute one next door, named Louis Armstrong. good idea to donate to the shelter you started from...

  9. A most excellent idea, Madi! I love it!

  10. You know I love Doxies!
    Good Morning!

  11. Madi - I am sure glad you are feeling betters and I hope that continues. That is nice of Mom to make a comment-a-thon and I hope she has to start counting her eyelashes too! Thank you for being such a blessing to me to come to (almost) every morning!

  12. That's a most wonderful thing to do sweet Madi, lots will appreciate the help!

  13. That is a great way to honor the vets that helped you out. We're happy we can help you add to the pot but we hope it doesn't take away from your treat money.

  14. Hari OM
    Wooooohooooo, looks like there is going to be a decent little donation going in from here!!! Thank you for making this effort Madi and mom... hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  15. Our kitty cat cousins, Tibie and Hannibal were adopted from Lollypop Farms animal shelter. My Florida associate Miss Charlee came from a high kill shelter. She was very lucky!

  16. Madi we think that is a wonderful thing you and your Mom want to do. We hope you get lots and lots of comments!

  17. That is a great thing to do Madi!
    Hazel & Mabel

  18. What a wonderful way to celebrate Sunday, Madi and Mom!!!

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  19. We love your idea, Madi! I hope you get plenty of comments!

  20. Thanks fur donating to the Shelter. You are pawsome

  21. Those are cute minis. And it's really nice of you both to donate to the shelter.

  22. You are so sweet to do a commentathon. XO

  23. What a great job ! Good for you and Mom !

  24. Great post and I must say your peeps ROCK for doing a comment-a-thon!!
    Madi, you and me are the luckiest cats in the world and helping other animals is the bestest!

  25. OMD OMC ... We HOPE we made it IN TIME fur your Comment A Thon Donation...
    What a very much Generous thingy fur you and your peeps to do fur the less fortunate..
    OMC...OMDachshunds.. we saw them... right through the leaves... we KNEW that body shape... Dachshunds !! We are so happy that they were rescued and LIVIN LOVE filled LIVES now.

  26. Cool picture and cool story about your friends.

  27. Madi, what a great way to honor your wonderful vet and clinic. The shelter will be so happy to get your donation.

  28. Okays, I knows I am in time, cause it's only 8:11 here! It counts rights??! Ma would have commented earlier, butts she was doin' peep stuffs like cleaning. I was hiding, cause I didn't want her to gets any ideas abouts 'cleanin' me....☺
    Okays, your doggie furiends are PAWSOME! It is so nice of them to walk their peeps everyday!
    Ruby ♥

  29. Oh, I forgots, Milky Way is ADORABLES!
    Ruby ♥

  30. Um....not as ADORABLES as YOU, of course!
    just sayin'...
    Ruby ♥


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi