My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Saturday, January 20, 2018

Golden Retriever Cake Art

If it is Saturday, we are having fun with 
However, what we have to show you is really Doggy Art

Mom loves the new CMT talk show Pickler and Ben.  It airs at 9 am each morning 5 days a week.  Mom has the DVR set to tape series so she can watch them at night.
If you haven't watched it, mom says the show is funny and full of surprise guests and just all around great TV.  Recently she watched an episode that featured
click on their names above to see more of their creations.
David is the baker and Natalie is the cake artist
David also comes up with delicious flavors of cakes to compliment each cake.
Mom nearly fell out of her chair when she saw this beautiful
Golden Retriever Puppy Cake Playing in snow
Every bit of the cake is edible

 The puppy has lots of chocolate in it
 The snow is coconut with yellow cake under it
Kelly and Ben asked Natalie if it upset her to see her creations eaten
she said no that is the best part.


  1. Some people have a problem digging into fancy cakes... NOT my human! She goes right in.

  2. Hari OM
    that's impressive. There is a show on popular telly here (something not on my radar for watching, but the ads for it are frequent) called 'Extreme Cake Makers' (there's an original show title fur ya). Glimpses given are of all sorts of things - including pets. Seems to be a fashion now. Forgive, me but I'll stick with my uniced yoghurt loaf... hugs and whiskeries, YAM-aunty xxx

  3. Isn't it amazing what some people can do with just a bit of icing and some coconut? If it had been up to me, I might have gotten the snow, but never the dog!

    Having said that, sometimes the cake does suffer a bit. A former colleague of mine went into the cake business and she makes beautiful cakes. However, the taste is just bland nothingness which is a shame. But if he is the flavour man, I think they could be onto a real winner (well, apart from the coconut of course, but that might just be me).

    Mara from Norway

  4. That is a gorgeous cake. Very talented lady. You all have a fine week end.

  5. That is amazing! I wondered when that show was on! I love both Ben and Kellie!

  6. That is a gorgeous cake! Very talented those two. I have to say, I could not cut into the Puppy. Nope, I couldn't do it. Snow part yes, puppy no. Puppy would be taking up a chunk of room in my freezer! I will have to check out this show you are watching!

  7. I'd have a hard time eating that gorgeous cake!

    Monty, Harlow, and Ramble

  8. wow are they super talented, looks just like a real dog... i did not know about that show. we watch good morning America but can DVR it and see how we like it. bob loves Pickler and has since she won American Idol. i don't like her show that comes on at night, to silly for me but will give the talk show a look see. it might even be on demand. thanks for the info.

  9. That cake is amazing! At least they have pictures and videos to remember it by.

  10. Oh yea, amazing is a good word for that beautiful cake!

  11. Our mom would NOT be able to eat that cake! It's too pretty!

  12. Oh, my eating doggies, is just not right.
    XO Astro

  13. What a cool cake!
    But eating it might be kind of creepy...unless it was tuna flavored...then I, Marvelous would be eating it!

  14. What talent to be able to make a cake like that!!! We would love to have some of that snow to play in!

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber


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Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi