My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Psst come closer.....Tuesday Tale

Mad Snapper I bet dollars to donuts you are scratching your head wondering what are those orange things under the legs of the white the first two photos.  So I'll tell you
that is one heavy chair.  My weak peeps make grunts and groans if they have to lift.
Those little things make it slide across the floor with the greatest of ease.  


  1. SHE usually leaves the overhead cupboard door open and only remembers when SHE cracks HER head! MOL!

  2. TeeHeeHee..Our Mama is also a perpetual leaver opener...even after she hits her head on the same open cabinet door 87 million times!
    Jakey, Arty & Rosy

  3. My human shuts drawers... she just doesn't do it all the way sometimes! She didn't even know it was a thing until her boyfriend moved in (many years ago) and he mentioned it.

  4. Yep, our moms do have strange little quirks, don't they? Ours has a laundry list of them.

  5. Hari OM
    ... and I am the family closerer-upper... Hugs and whiskeries, YAM-aunty xxx

  6. Is there a gene too for leaving doors open? Gail has that one. As a child she was forever being asked "do you think you live in a barn?"
    Toodle pip!

  7. MOL, around here it are da male who leaves da drawers open.

  8. Ha ha that is a very funny family secret!
    Don't worry, my mum has the 'empty her handbag on the kitchen table' gene - because she's always losing things at the bottom of her bags... what a silly sausage.
    It's lucky has furpals are so much more switched on! ;)
    Lots of licks, your good friend Morrie!

  9. We hope your mom doesn't walk into it. That could hurt! We thought the orange thingies were floor protectors. This is good info to know. Thanks, Madi!
    We love the look of your blog. The quilt background makes us feel warm and cozy and your header is fabulous!

  10. Silly Mom, but our Mom will do that sometimes too. Love the orange things under the chair legs. Good idea. You all have a super duper day.

  11. I would have never expected that your Mom was a drawer, door, cabinet "leaver opener"... not in a million years! I have those easy slide thingies under my washer/dryer and under the treadmill! Good Morning!

  12. A leaver opener eh? Perhaps you could get those doors and drawers that automatically close after a while?

    Mara from Norway

  13. I am falling down on my observing skills, i missed the orange things and what a good idea. is that the chair where the tree is now? I am unable to move furniture now, and bob refuses to, so our sofas have been sitting for 15 years where they are. they get moved when replaced. ROFL at leaveopener.... in our house it is BOB that suffers from that malady...

  14. Dang, we never find open drawers here pretty Madi!

  15. The hubby is kin to mom. No door closing drawer closeing and messy to the max. Mom may have missed out on that messy gene

  16. We never would have thought your mom was a drawer leaver opener! We are shocked!

    Keep Calm & Bark On!

    Murphy & Stanley

  17. That's funny. It's a good thing you didn't jump on the counter and then go exploring in the drawer.

  18. Looks like that drawer is the purr-fect size for a certain gray tuxie beauty. I'm sure your Mom is just leaving them open for you, Madi. Happy New Year!

  19. No open drawers in this house! I'd be into those right away!

  20. OMC you are JUST LIKE MY HUSBAND! He leaves EVERY DRAWER and CUPBOARD open all of the time and it drives me insane!!!! OMC NOT YOU TOO!!! And...those things on the bottom of chairs? I used to have them too :)

  21. Well, as you know, Madi...perfection is boring! Everyone needs a little something that makes them unique! Now, if you were talking about NOT putting away one's tools after finishing a project, you'd have The Hubby hands-down!

  22. That would be our Dad here. He never remembers to close the drawers in the bedroom dresser, and Mom walks into them if she gets up in the middle of the night - oushie!!!

    We have those slider things too - sure makes life a lot easier for Mom when she wants to clean under the sofa.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  23. Our mom is a perpetual closer! And all the light switches have to be in synch, the blinds have to be even, everything has to be alphabetized, you get the point. She put the O in OCD.
    Yours sincerely,
    Margaret Thatcher

  24. Our mom is the one that leaves the lights on!
    Hazel & Mabel

  25. BOL! She needs to get together with my momma. She's furever closing things!

  26. Madi, our dad-guy is the drawer leaver-opener around here. It drives the mom crazy!

  27. I never leave drawers open, but Ivor can never shut them the last inch or so.

  28. I thought they were floor protectors :) That is a funny family secret :) XO

  29. We love you new comfy quilt and header Madi. We won’t share your secret.

  30. We won't tell....fortunately, since the great kitchen disaster, our drawers and cabinets close themselves!

    Hugs, your guy Raz and The Florida Furkids

  31. Our Xena pup is always jumping up and down on her hind legs against the counter hoping to get food. She would hit her head on the underside of that drawer (and has at home). But believe me Madi, your Mom could have a much worse vice!

  32. Mommy has "sliders" under all the furniture in the Livingroom. She found that the sofa walked "backwards" when my Human brother was sitting on it over Christmas. He sorta "flumps!" when he sits down! I guess a "walking sofa" i our family secret!
    You look wonderful darling!

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Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi