My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Tuesday Tell all

Last Friday my Canadian Buddy Marv the Marvelous: Tails of a Persian Cat

 gave us a list of 5 questions to answer


Who is your hero?
Garfield he is afraid no nuttin', speaks his mind and most of all he is always right and Jon knows it.
Now if I could just figure out how to get mom to know I'm right!!
If you were to create a piece of art, what would the subject be? ME
That should not surprise anyone.  MOL
I have been the subject of a stain glass photo by our fiend Ramona and my Aunty K
made a quilt into the most amazing likeness of me 

What is the one thing that should be taught in school? This is  my only serious answer
Kindness and acceptance.  We pets understand it but the humans need reminding. 

Who would you take with you to a desert island?
#1 my peeps because they both have survival skills that are relevant to the care and tending of ME.
#2 Mama and Daddy of Mayor Arty 'cause they are the Jackie and Jacques Cousteau of Blogville.  They could provide us with fishies. Mayor Mama takes the most gorgeous above and  below the Sea Photos maybe she'll even a see a MerryMaid.
We thank Mayor Arty's Mama and Daddy for granting us permission to use this photo.

What are you really good at this is a 2 part question?
A: Jumpin'   

B: Boxes
As I was stepping down from my position as first Feline, Female Mayor in 2014
my friend Sarge hosted a Box Bash on January 10th 2014.  Every buddy showed their best Box moves.

Bonus Question:
If you were the ultimate ruler of the world, what is the first thing you would do?
Teach all my K9 friends how to use a litter they wouldn't have to go out in to the cold, wet snowy, hot yucky weather.

That's right Blogville, save the date and start thinking of how you will be celebrating Valentine's Day in 
 Arty and Jakey will be back on Friday to give you more information!!

Hugs Madi and Rosy SassyPants


  1. I loved reading your answers, Madi - I learned lots about you!

  2. Our Mama and Daddy sure look silly!

    We loved your answers too, Madi. We always love learning more about you!
    Jakey, Arty & Rosy

  3. Hari OM
    those were snappy and chatty and true to you!!! Hugs and whiskeries, YAM-aunty xxx

  4. I love your answers and think you are a work of art all of the time!

  5. We like your desert island choices....yes, it is all about you!

  6. great answers!!! and yes, Garfield is a fabulous hero... he can eat a whole lasagne within 2 minutes, wow!
    the mama laughed as she saw her favorite madi-leap photo in the gallery... think that's the one what became epic for all times ;O)))

  7. Garfield are my hero too - I wish I could get to eat lasagna.

  8. Great answers Madi.....well done! As for Paris for Valentine's Day? Sounds ever so FUN!

    Hugs, Teddy

  9. What an AWESOME idea!! Teach ALL the pups to use litterboxes...wouldn't that be great????

    Love that Rosy has a "SassyPants" added to her name!

    Always fun learning new stuff about you! :)

  10. I love reading your answers, Madi! Mom has wished more than once that I could use a litter box or the official bathroom so I didn't have to go out in the rain or sub-zero temps!

  11. Good Questions and great answers. It was great fun reading all your answers. You all have a super Tuesday.

  12. Great answers Madi. Glad to see you are still enjoying your mosiac of the most beautiful YOU!

  13. You could easily teach me the litter box thingy Madi, I do not like wet Princess slippers!
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

  14. You forgot to list as one of the things you are good at, is Answering Questions. great job on these. and i agree you are the best at boxes and jumping. also a third thing is sleeping in sunshine.

  15. Cool idea for the questions and answers! You have some good answers, Madi! Garfield is a good hero. I love to see pictures of you jumpin'... most excellent form you have! Kindness and acceptance is a most excellent answer, too. Good Morning, Madi and Mom.

  16. Those were all very interesting answers to those questions. We always love to learn a bit more about our friends.

  17. Great answers Madi! See, we are here 2 days in a row. Mom says she is putting off the war with her closet as it is supposed to commence today!

    Keep Calm & Bark On!

    Murphy & Stanley

  18. Great answers, Madi. We think you are an awesome jumper and would do so very well in the Olympics.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  19. A litter box? NO WAY! I have to be at least two hundred yards from my home before I will even consider producing a poop.
    Toodle pip!

  20. Madi, I bet you'd enjoy going scuba diving for your own meals! Do they make cat-sized goggles and tanks?

  21. BOXES! BOXES! BOXES!!!!!!!
    Sorry. Did you mention anything else?
    Yours sincerely,
    Margaret Thatcher

  22. I love those shots of you jumping, Madi. You and Bear would get along so well (though he's not usually a fan of boxes - but that can be good because you wouldn't fight over them).

  23. madi...yur jumpin skillz R purrfectionz~~~~~ N pleez make sure mom takez an extree soot caze ta de eye land; willna bee any storz ther ta stock up on chalk !! :) ♥♥☺☺

  24. Nice to learn more about you sweet Madi. You are a great jumper. XO

  25. Wonderful answers to all the questions Madi!
    Hazel & Mabel

  26. Great answers Madi. It is only right that it should be all about you.

  27. Lady and Garfield share a birthday! We had missed about Valentine's Day cause well Lady doesn't get to blogs everyday (she tries but this work thing messes up her time!)

  28. Those were fun sweet Madi and you and Rosy look darn cool together!

  29. Madi, you look like one cool cat there with Rosy Pants, in front of the Eiffel Tower. Take good care of that puppy - she's still very young to be travelling on her own!

  30. We couldn't agree more about Garfield - dude is pawsome!

  31. Those were some excellent answers, Madi.


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi