My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Sunday, March 25, 2018

Sunday Plates

Mom found this photo in my 2012 Files...evidently I was once...

we thought it was appropriate for today's Plate Post

1. IMSQUARE, it was on an Element Car
2. NOTTDAY, Not today
3. CRAVEN4, on a late 1940's yellow Chrysler Convertible
5. SAILI, Sail I
I sail must have been taken so it was reversed
6. RIJKSEI, no clue
7. SAVNGAS, Saving gas on a Prius
9. MIMIJANE, Mimi Jane grandma's name
10. NRSEJEN, Nurse Jen
11. PALMIE, a nickname or Palm reader lol
12. KHAWAJA, No clue
13. HMLT, Hamlet
14. WECTIOT, No clue
15. KATAHDIN, no clue
16. KBOCT26, Maybe initials and bday
17. 4DUKIES, Duke University fans are Dukies
18. LLLLLLL, 7 L's 
YAM we were curious we looked this up
Biblical reference says:
Seven is the number of completeness and perfection (both physical and spiritual).
19. CANONGUY, Possible clergy 
20. GR8FUL-G, Grateful Granny Maybe
21. 1MAG!NE, Imagine with creative spelling
22. ISARENA,  I Sarena maybe name
23. JAVA
24. BLUR
25. BEAUPAK, Beautiful Pack?

Ohhh and MS we have a budding MS aka Dad of Madi
he took this one and I knew you'd like it

We call  it Shadows over The Sanctuary*
*About 2 years ago  Dad had the idea of putting pea gravel and stepping stones here with a border of flowers and perennials.  He called Adam at Lawn Detailing to do the work.
After Adam completed the area he said referred to it as our Sanctuary.  So now we call it
The Sanctuary


  1. Lovely picture of your sanctuary, and a nice glimpse of your neighbourhood too!

  2. Hari OM
    Great car Madi!
    #6 - that is a Dutch name - and I think has something to do with mathematical formulae
    #12 - that is a title for 'teacher' in Sufism
    #14 - as far as I can make out, this is either a 'pig English' word or a coding vector...
    #15 - highest mountain in Maine - so they presumably climbed it
    #16 - agreed
    #18 - The number seven is considered to be a worthy number because nature produced seven seas, seven continents and, in Hinduism, there are seven heavens (lokas) and seven 'hells'... Genesis states that creation of what we see occured in six days and the seventh was kept fallow... but logic clearly dictates that this cannot be known, as time is a man-made concept. Then there are 'lucky' numbers in other sitations which are different. But clearly this driver thinks using the first letter of the word Luck seven times might be worth having. (I have an upcoming article during th A-Z which you will find interesting in this regard).
    # 25 - There's a place called Beaupak in Thailand... or it could just be someone's nickname.

    &*> YAM xx

  3. Demo Diva? WOW! I'm plates today too. We think the Sanctuary is a very cool little spot in the yard.

    Hugs and Happy Sunday!

  4. Your sanctuary is beautiful and so serene.

  5. my comment disappeared, if this is a duplicate OH WELL. pat DAD on the back and say welcome to my world, from MADsnapper and I do love this. what a beautiful sanctuary it is, love the shadows reaching out to the green glass ball.

  6. We really like your sanctuary. Well done Dad.Hope you all have a great day.

  7. You look very Royal sweet Madi and those plates are pretty interesting!

  8. Ghostwriter says she remembers her first encounter with the then new Element car. She pulled up behind it at a stop light. It was a gray car. She glanced at the name on it and thought it said Elephant.

  9. I love your Diva photo. Great plates too.

  10. I love that my gal is a Demo Derby Queen!

    your guy Raz and The Florida Furkids

  11. We love you and your fancy car, Madi. And your sanctuary is beautiful. Mom says the houses across the street remind her so much of her time in MA and CT - they had colonial styled houses in both places.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  12. Your Sanctuary looks lovely. I am impressed that you were a Demo Derby Queen, Madi.

  13. We like your dads picture and those plates are always interesting.

  14. I like the sanctuary too. I am thinking of pea gravel in one small area.

  15. #18 is pretty interesting...and creative :)

  16. You sure have led a very interesting life, Madi.

  17. Madi! You are MY Queen (well, Queen #2, Queen Penelope is my #1)
    Some of the licence plates had Mom stumped until she read the comments and I LOVE your garden...fabulishious!

  18. So many great plates and Mama loves all flowers and branch shadows in your sanctuary!
    Arty, Jakey and Rosy

  19. A neat looking picture. I love the shadows.


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi