My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Tuesday Tale: Band Update #1

Last Tuesday Princess Leah and I told you about starting a gal here
and we asked for your help with the band

Jumpin' Catfish and Slippery Princess Slippers you all came through with such great ideas.
The post took on a life of its own.. and there will be a grand announcement 
coming soon to a blog near you.
 In the  meantime we wanted to share band names the  names of our furiends who want to pawticipate.

Possible Band Names
Ink Spots submitted by Mad Snapper

MADLEAs, SlipPaws, Divincesses submitted by YAM-Aunty

Divalodians submitted by Brian and family

Dynamic Divas submitted by da Trout Talkin' Tabbies

Blogville Divas submitted by LLB Gang, 

Metallicats submitted by BichonPaws

The Royal Divas submitted by Woos, Lightning, Misty and Timber

Divine Diva submitted by Teddy and Angel Sammy

 Leah and I will decide on our  name from the above!!

WE are still taking names for our back up band!!!
Guys will be part of the back up band and chorus

NOW for the list of friends who want to play in our band or sing in the chorus

YAM-Aunty  has serious skills with the Recorder
Jessie the Boxer can play drums with her paws and her tail, what a talent!
Lucy  wants to be a Greeter, From Angel Lexi's blog
Xena vocals and Accordion, from Angel Lexi's Blog
Ruby the AireDale wants to shout her Zen's over the air waves...
and dance but I think she'll need a few Margaritas
Bear Cat wants to be our roadie
Rosy SassyPants wants to do anything..she is up for the challenge
Lightning, Misty and Timber will add their Wooful sound to the chorus
Ms. Oswin  says she is especially good a howling (for her din din)
Lone Star Cats back up vocals
Jake(Mad Snapper) body guard aka bouncer,
Katie Isabella Purrsonal Assistant to Madi and Leah
Raz purrsonal body guard to Madi
Millie(Bird Brains and Dog Tails) back up vocals
Angel(Eastside Cats)  back up vocals
Chester, the reporter from The Daily Bone, requested a spot in the howling section
Bentley and Pierre Guitar
Arty and Jakey back up vocals
Rosy a Sassy guitar
Island Cats a groupies

So friends as you can see there are places in the extravaganza for everyone.
Tell us what you can DO in the comments


  1. I wanna do background vocals - I luv vocalizing!!

  2. Hari Om
    Wooohooooo, it's a goer!!! Hugs and whiskeries, YAM-aunty xxx

  3. What fun! Can't wait to hear more about this DIVA-LICIOUS band of yours!

    Hugs, Teddy

  4. What a lot of great suggestions for your band name, Madi and Leah!

  5. Those are some great band names. Sure sounds like this is going to be one terrific band. Can't wait to hear them play. You all have a fine day.

  6. i think my choice for a name is the Divalodians, that made me laugh, a close second and they both knock out my Ink Spots, is Dynamic Divas.... every single name is a good one and hard to choose.

  7. The only job Jake could do would be Body Guard

  8. WooHoo cannot wait to dance to the music!

  9. We can't wait until the tunes hit the charts pretty Madi!

  10. I am excited to hear the Grand Announcement! I know the band will be rockin' and I will be toe tappin'!

  11. We like Royal Divas or Dynamic Divas! Raz would like to be his favorite Diva's Bodyguard!!

    your guy Raz and The Florida Furkids

  12. We like all those names. You will have a difficult time picking one out. Millie was sure she volunteered to sing vocals in your band too. She can be a real hound dog when it comes to barking and wooing.

  13. Angel can certainly sing aka yeowl and meow loudly, but she doesn't travel well; she's a real homekitty. Sounds like you are having lots of fun, Madi! Yay!

  14. madleas is pawfect!!! you can play medleys or mötleys like that wild band with the same name... or you can play something from dad's rival rod ;O)))

  15. Hey, I can do a really great howl! Sign me up for back up vocals. (Maybe I can get my Jason human to play his trumpet.)

  16. You are going to have a bigband! How brilliant.

    Mara from Norway

  17. madi......with cargo loads oh fresh catch all most day lee; and R sponsor crankee azz cat chow; we can supply de foodz N for thoz non fish loverz N for thoz who canna eatz kibble, we can all wayz nab a few ton oh ham samichez :) ♥♥
    let uz noe !☺☺♥♥

  18. Madi and Leah - you got some great suggestions for names - you can't go wrong no matter you decide. We are so excited for this BIG band to get going. We are going to practice every day to get our woos in perfect sync:)

    Woos - Lightning, Timber, and Misty

  19. Count us in, Madi! Looks like you have quite the band :) We can't wait for the performance.

  20. OMD!!!! I CAN'T WAITS!!!! I've been practicing my barkin' ~ um, SINGING ~ and Ma has been HAPPY AS A CLAM!!! I likes all of the names, butts I thinks The Royal Divas is my fav. Okays, time to bark with the neighbor doggie....
    Ruby ♥

  21. Those are fantastic names, it will be tough to choose. XO

  22. Look at all those names to choose from. Mom really likes Metallicats.

  23. many things to choose from!! Arty and Jakey say they will sing back up vocals...and I could learn to play the bass guitar!!
    Your adorable niece,
    Rosy Posy SP

  24. We are soooo excited to hear your new band! Bentley and Pierre have some mad guitar skills. You can see them in action on this post:

  25. I can be a most excellent Body Guard for you and the Princess! And all I want is the pleasure of hearing you both.

  26. We’ll definitely be groupies! What fun!

  27. Wow! this is gonna be great!
    Hazel & Mabel

  28. I know I am late...BUT I could be a great Roadie!
    And I LOVE the band names...I could not think of anything last week..except The Ticklodian Princesses...
    We can't wait to hear the band!


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi