My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Thursday, April 12, 2018

Thoroughly Poetic Pictorial Thursday

Today we join Two  SPOILED CAT 
Angel Sammy and Teddy for their poetic pictorial poem.

Today's photo prompt is a beautiful produce market.
When Mom saw it, she immediately thought of a funny story. 

Strange things happen at Markets

When sis was a just a wee little miss,
a few months shy of year two
Plans were in the making with our crew...
Mom, Dad, sis, *Papa and Loula too.
Off to CA they would go.
Sissy wanted to visit Mickey Mouse.
Several days were planned at that mouse's house.
Then they were on their way to the S.F. Bay.
To the the famous Farmer's Market they went the first day.
The big peeps were hungry.
There was so much to see, and smell no one could say
exactly what they craved.
They parked sissy's stroller in the shade 'cause
she lay sleeping and dreaming of Mickey at play.
Then out of no where there was a splat...
mom said what the WORLD was that?
Lo and behold a burd with atrocious manners 
Was perched above their table.
Sissy was too pooped to know the burd had pooped upon her shoulder!
Back then Mom was not an old gray mare!
She was quick as greased lightning and quite able!
She had an arsenal of wipes, extra clothes and such 
she cleaned up sissy lickety split.

*Papa and Loula were Mom's parents.
Before sissy was born, Mom's mama said she hoped the baby would call her something
unusual.  Mom's, Mom's given name was Lou...just Lou not Louise.
The peeps are pretty sure Sissy heard mom's dad call her Lou.
As soon as Sissy started talking Lou became Loula.
From that day forward nearly everyone who knew Mom's Mom called her Loula
even at work and Loula LOVED IT!!


  1. We have too many seagull with similarly atrocious manners in Aberdeen!
    My maternal grandmother, Lucy, was always known by her five sister as 'Lou'.

  2. That's a great story - burds do such horrible things when they see a human walking by don't they?! Thanks for having fun with us on Poetic Thursdays!

    Love, Teddy

  3. OMD, those birdies have no manners whatsoever! Shame on him!

  4. hari OM
    Yikes - and I know seagull splats... they resemble plops... all very messy! Nicely told!!! Hugs and whiskeries, YAM-aunty xxx

  5. Those birdies needed a good scolding! So far me and mine have escaped that! I love Grammie name of Loula. And that it even went to work with her...really neat!

  6. And thanky for the information on the heart sisters. I could gift a dear friend of mine with a similar one. XX I haven't seen it as yet.

  7. oh nooooooooo poop on a baby... what a trip to take before she was 2 years old. i love the name Loula, my grandmothers were Mommy and Ganny..good job on the prompted poem/story.... i got a plop right in my sightline on the windshield a couple weeks ago

  8. You've gotta watch out fur those Seagulls!!!!
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx
    PeeS I LUFFS markets!!!!

  9. We think Loula is a great name.That sure is a good looking market. Lots of good looking fresh foods. Yummy. You all have a wonderful day.

  10. Cool market poem and a cool name too sweet Madi!

  11. Love that sis named your Mom. Awful bird.

  12. I love it, too! If I would have been a grandma I would have wanted to be a Loula. The Mama, CH's Mom, the grands called her GiGi... :) Poor Sissy, but lucky Sissy that Madi Mom was always prepared!!!

  13. BOL! At least Sis didn't realize what had happened!

  14. madi......see.....even bak in de day burdz waz bass terdz.....N pleez ta tell yur mom her momz name ROCKED !! :) ♥♥

  15. My sisters middle name is Louise, and as a baby I could not say her first name AT ALL (Maxine) so she was Lulu, and I still like to slip it in once in awhile!

  16. OMD! That is a story! Dang birds!!
    Hazel & Mabel

  17. That was a gross and great poem. It's interesting how just a picture can bring back certain memories even if the picture isn't from your trip.

  18. It is good luck for a bird to poop on you :) Great poem and cute story about how your sister called her Grandma Loula. My great-niece calls my mom, Gee. It was too hard to say great grandma so that is what she ended up as :)XO

  19. Shows you even peeps have pet names! I like it and I loved your poetry. You should move to Paris and have a suite above the Paris Deli. Just a view of Paree will start the words aflowin' Madi.


  20. How rude!! What a wonderful nickname your sissy had for her grandmother!
    Jakey, Arty & Rosy

  21. Oh, those burdies have NO manners at ALL!!!! If I were to poop on you, I would surely gives you a 'heads up' heheheheee (unless your a vettie tech tryin' to cut my nails, then you gets what you deserve...☺)
    Ruby ♥


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi