My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Friday, June 15, 2018

Its Flower Friday and Loo Answers

My niece Rosy SassyPants invites all to join her bloghop

Now everyone go take a nap in your favorite spot.

This past Tuesday (click here if you missed it
there were three rather interesting questions asked about my Loo by
my friends Princess Leah,  The Island Cats and Ruby the AireGal

  1. Oh wow, your Rest Room facilities are waaaaay better than mine Madi. I finks I might have to put in fur an upgrade!
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx
    ****PeeS Are your peeps still using their Loo in the Garage????
****Dearest Princess Leah!! I'm beyond thrilled to tell you that my peeps no longer use the Loo in the was moved back into the house; however, earlier this week they had VERY expensive visit from a plumber to repair that Loo it was singing.  Some kinda valve had to be replaced it was $178.00 plus $99.00 which was just for the plumber showing up.  Now the peeps are considering digging a Loo in the ground to avoid any more Loo

  1. You have a nice set up there, Madi. We wanna know where you keep the magazines. ;)
    Dear Zoey, Wally and Ernie...since I have no thumbs with which to hold magazines....MOM SINGS to me!!! MOLMOLMOL 
  2. Man, I would LOVES to do my buziness in that elegant setup! Much better than the mulch outside! And you gets TWO boxes??! *****So, is one for 'ones' and one for 'twos'??? Fancy schmancy!!!!
    Ruby ♥
  3. *****Dear Ruby OMCs do you have a hidden camera over or near my Loo?  Girlfriend you know me too box is for "ones" and one for "twos"......EXCEPT they are not designated for 1 or 2.  See if there is a "one" in one I won't put a "two" in it and vice a versa!! Thus far in my 16 years I have never NO never approached either box to find both 'occupied'!  If I did, the upstairs chamber maid would be kicked to the curb.


  1. What does she sing....... oh so my nose oh....... in a operatic tone

  2. that sounds loo-gical to me ;O) my mamma sings too... that#s ok, but she sings directly in my poor ears... and that is NOT ok...

  3. Hari om the flowers up top were to deoderise the post, right??? hugs and whiskeries YAM-aunty xxx

  4. A SINGING Loo, wow, you have sum fancy stuffs in your house Madi
    I bet the peeps are glad they don't have to go to the garage for potty anymore, it really isn't funs in the rain, just RUINS your Princess slippers!
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

  5. We love your flowers this week, Madi, and we can't wait till we see hydrangeas blooming in our neighborhood!

  6. You have a good litter box set up. Flynn had 3 litter boxes. That is because it was one each for him and Eric and a spare. After Eric left we kept all of the litter boxes there, and Flynn made a point of using all of them even though the greenhouse was his favourite place. I am sure I scooped the greenhouse more than the boxes!

  7. Those are such pretty flowers. Love how you showed them. Sounds like everyone is upgrading their Loo. That would be a little hard around here since we have 7 Loos. You all have a fantastic day.

  8. get dad to take a photo of mom singing to you while you are doing the loo thing and lets do the number 1 not 2 on camera. MOL MOL MOL

  9. That's a MOL LOO story pretty Madi and the flowers sure are pretty!

  10. You found some pretty flowers Madi. We are chuckling a bit at the answers to your loo questions.

  11. You might say I have two loos: one right outside the back door, and one on the north side of the yard. That way the peeps know where to look when they come out with the pooper scooper.

  12. Your flower collage with the tulip cutouts is just beautiful!!!

    We laughed at all of your answers. At least your peeps' loo wasn't in the back yard. With the costs of that repair, they could almost have gotten a new toilet!!! ANd your reply about ones and twos is just hilarious.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  13. Oh my, this post is reminding me that it's CLEAN THE LITTER BOXES Day! Looks like I'm stocking up on litter on my way home!

  14. madi...we iz crackin UP at de Queez and Aeez !!! grate quest shunz AND answerz !!! N may we thoz flowerz on yur ear haz never looked betterz :) ♥♥

  15. Well thank you so much for all the extra details on your litter box habits Madi. It is of course important that this information is broadcast across the world and we have so much to thank the internet for...
    Toodle pip!

  16. We had an expensive plumbing repair recently too. Raz says that you look bootiful with that flower in your furs!

    your guy Raz and The Florida Furkids

  17. Nice flowers. And great answers to the questions. XO

  18. You don't have to tell me twice to take a nap in my favorite spot!

  19. What a beautimous flower arrangement Madi!! We also gots some good giggles out of your Loo answers,teeheehee!
    Jakey, Arty & Rosy

  20. I love your flowers! I didn't know that Rosy was your niece. Actually, I need some education because I didn't even know that a cat and a dog could be aunt and niece!

    Your mom sings to you while you do your business? You have her very well trained! Does she retrieve too?

  21. Madi you have proved that you are a true Diva!
    Hazel & Mabel

  22. I really like your new decorative designs! it's so beautiful so much and good idea on site.


  23. BOL!!! OMD/OMC, I KNEW IT!!!! I had a feelin' that you (like MOI) don't like doin' business more than once in the same place! (I even have my patented 'walking poop', just so I don't have it in one place! pees: I don't recommend this technique to you however, your Moms might not like the clean up! BOL!!!) Butts, waits, your Moms sings to you AND your peeps pooper 'sings' too??! Wowsa! I am definitely in the house!
    Ruby ♥


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi