My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Monday, July 2, 2018

Monday Mews and Sparks


I took the next photos with my iPad on Sunday morning.
We awoke to 78% dew point and 80 degrees F.
It was a scorcher needless to say.
The outside of our windows were covered in the 78% dew point too.
We could not see outside.
Edited with Windows 10 photo edit

Slate which I like....

then I found Sauna which is perfect


  1. Very nice artwork, Madi :) That quote is just wonderful, so glad you remembered this day. I can so relate to that problem...MOL :D Pawkisses for a wonderful week ahead :) <3

  2. Love the sauna effect. I hope today is less sauna-like and cooler for you than yesterday was, Madi!

  3. Love the Spark. That is so true. The weather is so so hot and humid. Anyway, have a good day and good week.

  4. Oh, I so hear you on the sauna like weather. It rained Friday and Saturday and our dew points were the same as yours. AND our windows looked just like yours and they look that same way this morning! Ugh. 91 today, the dew point is 76, humidity 100%. I see 96 for you today with a current dew point and humidity close to ours. I like the Spark but I am beginning to doubt myself... I have made a few decorating goofs and almost made a big appliance goof! Keep the pitcher of tea full!

  5. sauna is the perfect edit, looks great and also fits what this type of weather is, a natural sauna.... we wake to this every day and have all month, and it is about to get worse for 3 more months. now you know why summer in FL is my least favorite season

  6. Goodness, that is a lot of dew on the windows.
    I want to pinch your cute little pink tongue :)

  7. We are melting away up here in the great white north!

  8. I love that puddle picture. Some people don't act like they see the fierce tiger I see in my reflection!


  9. What a great Spark today...Mama says the one thing she doesn't miss about Texas is the heat and humidity!!
    Jakey, Arty & Rosy

  10. Those are the same dew point and temperature we woke to today. We are on our 3rd day of 90+ degrees. We love your little spark picture. We all dream that we are a big dog or kitty.

  11. Great Spark! We've got a lot of that humidity and the HOTS here.

    your guy Raz and The Florida Furkids

  12. Great thinking photos, Madi. And yes, your life is limitless if you believe in yourself.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  13. Oh yes. "Believe in yourself". Very important indeed. Personally, I, Bertie, have never been plagued with self-doubt. It strikes me as an affliction affecting humans, mostly.
    Toodle pip!

  14. Thats cool and love the puddle picture!!


  15. Great Spark, Madi. It is like living in a sauna here too.

  16. If we don't believe in ourselves, how can we expect anyone else to believe in us right Madi? Love the artsy photos!

    Hugs, Teddy

  17. Ugh we also have been in a sauna, and we hate it makes mom lazy and grouchy. It makes us and gus

  18. bee a sauna heer in de land oh fried fish on de sidewalk in 5 ...two...ewe look bee ewe tee uz two day N we total lee lovez thiz spark !!!! ☺☺☺♥♥♥♥♥

  19. A lot less clothes on the peeple during this hot stretch! Cat fur sticks to sweaty skin so easily too...

  20. Yesterday must have been awful, that is sauna weather. Hope the rest of the week isn't too bad for you guys, thanks for the share. Hope you have a nice rest of your week, and Happy 4th of July!
    World of Animals

  21. And......... we got rain yesterday, sun today.
    It's crazy here now. I hope you defogged your
    windows, can you see outside?
    xo Astro and Mitzie

  22. Wow, and we thought it was humid here. You’re living in the tropics! :)

  23. The last few nights it was very warm and humid here too. My ghostwriter was driving home from work at 11:30pm the last 3 nights, and would have liked to have the AC on in the car. But the windows kept fogging up from the humidity. So she had to turn the heat on them to keep them clear. Glad I wasn't along for those rides!

  24. HOLY MOLDY BREAD! That is GROSS! I don't knows how you guys do it!!!! It hits 65% humidity, and Ma thinks she's gonna DIE! (I'm more adaptable ☺) I hopes you guys don't start growin' moss outta your bums! heheheee Come on overs, the temps aren't bad, and the humidity is 60%! I'll smuggle some salmon for you too...
    Ruby ♥

  25. great quote and sooo true! The humidity here was crazy as well....I am shocked your windows had all of that on them though!


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi