My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Tuesday Tale on Mom

OMCs do I have a Bawhahahahahahahahaha for you. It involves farm implements  (at the end of this post we attached  a post from 2015 regarding the invention of farm implements for household task)**!!
First this true story happened on a Wednesday, Dad's train brain day so he was not home.

June 13,  while Mom was backing down our veryyyyyyyyyyyyy looooooooooooooong drive.
she saw something odd at the bottom of the driveway. (Gracie Highlander has a backup camera). She backed down slowly. She parked the car in front of the house and cautiously walked toward said oddity. OMCS in heaven above it was a vole...dead as a door nail. It was not grossly ooozzzzing blood so she was purrty sure she didn't hit it. Trudy the traveling Tortie cat aka T4  was the prime suspect. Mom saw T4 stalking something in our back yard earlier. Getting up deaded animals is a DAD was gonna leave it for dad; however, the more she thought about it she started worrying T4 would be back for a meal. Worst case scenario T4 might eat it on our driveway making it look like a Crime Scene.

Mom goes to the garden shed to get a shovel, goes in the house for a trash bag, AND ARE YOU SITTING DOWN!  She also got a can of Lysol that kills 99.9% of bacteria. She cautiously, in case the vole had any life left in it, gets the vole in the shovel.
She drops it in the trash bag then...................she sprayed Dad's edging shovel with 1/2 can of Lysol....she wanted to be sure he didn't get any vole bacteria should he touch it. Then she put it back into the shed....and guess what the shed smells like Lysol. She did remember to tell Dad about the Lysol(he hates the smell of Lysol) at which time after he finished LOLing he said thanks for being sure the shovel was 99.9% free of bacteria.
The end
I didn't witness this fiasco but this is what my cat's eye saw when I heard about it


Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Tuesday Tale: They say Necessity is the .....

Mother of invention 
FYI this TRUE TALE is proof positive.
I promise it is the last post I'll show of snow
BUT trust me it is gonna tickle your funny bone.
Often when the peeps leave I take up my sentry post from the guest bed this window
 looks out onto the driveway.

 During the last few weeks of February we had sleet, snow,
ice and freezing temperatures all with in a few days of each other. All this made our 
driveway and front yard nearly impassable!!!
That is unless you are very clever...and my peeps are.
This picture shows very little white stuff but what you see is
ice and it is solid.  Mom and Dad needed to go to buy groceries...
they had to get to Gracie at the bottom of the driveway.
But they can't ice skate so they did the next best thing
they used their noggins to think of a safe way down
Dad had already fallen on the ice earlier.
They used a pitch fork and a golf umbrella as their anchors to walk down 
through the ice to the grass. Before they left
Mom thought to herself... how will we get the groceries back up to the

Easy peasy...they took to laundry baskets and two bungee cords
to the car when they left.  
 When they got back home with the groceries they loaded the
groceries in the baskets and pulled them up the hill with the 
bungee cords in one hand and the pitchfork and the golf umbrella in the 
other hand
Nobody fell...they got the groceries in the house


We are not posting tomorrow, hopefully this Tuesday Tale
 will keep you entertained until our Thoroughly Poetic Pictorial Thursday Post. 
We will be visiting everyone.
Have a safe 4th and all your 4 leggers stay inside.
Madi your bfff and her crazy pants Mom


  1. MOL! My human is pretty squeamish about dead things... but not quite THAT much!

  2. Well Madi these two stories prove that your parents are true adventurers - your Mom with the deaded vole and your parents in the winter pulling laundry baskets full of groceries through the snow. Humans can be clever - they'll NEVER be as clever as WE are but they're doing a pretty good job don't you think? HAPPY 4th OF JULY!

    Love, Teddy

  3. Your mom is very creative! And smart. Sometimes ya gotta do stuff...

  4. Oh Boy, would I have loved to see the laundry basket day! T4... cracking me up! I did not know you had a Traveling Trudy that visited you... learn something new every day! Voles do have a way of coming up deaded.

    Happy 4th of July... eat good FOOD!

  5. Well done getting those groceries up the icey drive. And for taking care of the vole. No ice today. Have a great day.

  6. hahaha, I didn't give the Redneck any Lysol yesterday when he had to get the road kill up out of the yard. Either one of the cats got the dead squirrel from in front of the house. Or a flock (murder) of juvenile crows carried it to the yard when they were borrowing (stealing) cat food from the porch.

    I did hand him a paper towel. He picked the squirrel up and started to come to the shed to put it in a garbage bag. I said did you pick up the yucky parts. He said "no, why do I gotta do everything". I started to drop kick him into the pasture....

    But, shudda said "start doing the dishes, laundry, picking up your big messes and the 1000 other things I do...........then you will be doing everything" :)

  7. Ice and dead things are never any fun sweet Madi!

  8. Hari OM
    Heheheeh, you got me grinning with my mind's eye seeing all the fun (aided by the images provided!) Hugs and whiskeries, YAM-aunty xxx

  9. Your Mom is creative Madi. :) Have a great 4th! XO

  10. Your mom is a bit silly with all that Lysol. Doesn't she think a shovel will get yucky stuff on it when your dad uses it to dig in the dirt? A quick rinse with the garden hose was all that was needed. Your pawrents sure are clever with getting their groceries into the house over a sheet of ice. We always love how you paint the picture so we can see it ourselves.

  11. You totally made my day better with that recitation about the vole, lysol and shovel! I love the illustration too. Oh man, that could have gone in the newspaper and been funny. Suggestion: try submitting to Reader's Digest, Life in These United States. XXXXX And good deal on the baskets and bungee cords. Innovative...worthy of a cat, actually. Katie Isabella and Mommy

  12. Your mum was funny with the vole! If Eric and Flynn had lived with her, she would have needed an industrial storage tank full of Lysol.

  13. It's a toss up for mom about which one is worse - deaded stuffs or ice. Both are scary and awful! Have a happy 4th!

  14. Your peeps are very clever to have figured all that out. It's a good thing no one fell on the ice that day. My Dad has a big box that he keeps the empty plastic soda bottles in. When it's full, he takes the whole thing to the store to get get the refund on them. Problem is, that particular box was from his Dad's garage and says "high explosives" on it. His Dad was a mining engineer and kept empty dynamite boxes because they were sturdy and just the right size for storing things! I'm surprised no one has called the cops and the FBI on Dad with the dynamite boxes!

    (About the dead vole, I know my humans would have just picked it up with a paper towel and tossed it in the garbage can without a second thought. BOL!)

  15. Um, yeah...I wouldn't have Lysol'd the shovel either. I've had to pick up only a few deaded things, and one live mouse (The PO'M didn't finish it off!) and often use a snow shovel because it's so wide.

  16. post bee hill larry uz...{ de vole part...knot yur dad fallen on hiz buttz part } may bee ewe can send a text ta T4 and ask her ta pleez take her carry out ~~~ home :) ♥♥♥☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺

  17. Just imagine what our Mom went through the day a few years ago when Lightning deaded a bunny and brought it inside early in the morning when it was too dark for Mom to see that he had it in his mouth. He and Angel Ciara plotted to drop it on one of our dog beds. Mom freaked when she saw it. She quickly dragged the whole bed to the garage to get it away from L and C, then got very squeamish as she had to use a triple layer of plastic bags to pick up the poor victim and deposit him in another bigger bag. She says it was the most horrible feeling to have to touch that still-warm bunny.

    Good thinking on the grocery dilemma. Mom has to face that problem when the newspapers are left at the bottom of our slightly sloped driveway. She uses those grippers on her shoes, but still does her best to go most of the way down through the grass.

    Happy Fourth!!!

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  18. Oh what fun it must be to live in your house!
    Happy 4th July from Gail and me.
    Toodle pip!

  19. Oh My Gosh!! That is a great story! OUr mom would have freaked out at a dead vole!
    Hazel & Mabel

  20. Nothing gets by your Mom! Well, except for that pesky .1%. This sounds like something I would do ... if I had the nerve to clean up a dead animal.

  21. What a great story!!!
    Yours sincerely,
    Margaret Thatcher

  22. Lysol fixes everything! You should've heard Momma's squeals when she had to clean up the dead bunny Jessie brought into the house once.


  23. We think your Mom and Dad are very creative. We had a rat in the pool the other day and Mom had to toss it out and add a ton of cholorine!
    your guy Raz and The Florida Furkids

  24. What great stories, Madi. I LOLed too, when I read about your Mom spraying the shovel with Lysol. Wouldn't want to spread the plague now, would we? And getting the groceries up the hill in that icy weather was so inventive of them! Have a good 4th of July, and stop by to see Lucy's salute to America.

  25. The lysol fiasco was hilarious. Your poor dad... but, at least, he knows how well loved he is (your mom was protecting him from the bacteria). And thank goodness that your mom prevented T4 from having a feast on your driveway! Hilarious - thank you!

  26. Deceased and murdered animals is Dad's job around here too! i have had to pick up a squirrel before and it creeped me out! LOL! That is a GENIUS way to get the groceries inside!

  27. Well, that was a funny story, Madi. But we kinda feel sorry for the poor vole. ;)

  28. TEEHEEHEE...Mamas can be so very silly!!

    Enjoy your day off..We are actually at camp while Mama and Daddy are in Ohio.
    Happy Independence Day!!
    Arty, Jakey and Rosy

  29. BOL!! That is hilarious!! We don't pick up dead stuff either...that's Dad's job! We just cover it up until he gets home and disposes of it! Happy Fourth of July!

  30. two wonderful, hilarious posts about how to MAKE DO... both excellent... bob would have picked the vole up by the tale, I would have used a shovel, but would not have sprayed with that I typed Make Do I want make do biscuits. made with cream and flour only.... see what you did... I love the basket pulled up the hill. still laughing at my mental minds eye view of the two of you

  31. Just stopping by to wish you:

    Happy 4th of July

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  32. Happy Independence Day! And from your perch...did you get to watch the vole being bagged? AN|D Mom says the best thing for loads of ice is a garden fork...She wishes she had one here in Vancouver after the last 2 winters.

  33. OMD, Ma had to do that with a deaded rat once! Usually, she calls Gpa to come overs and gets the deaded animals, butts he wasn't available, so she had to do it herself...eeewwwwwww! Oh, and Ma used the Lysol AFTER she picked up the rat! BOL!
    It's scary that our Moms thinks alike....
    Ruby ♥


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi