My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Tuesday, August 7, 2018

National Lighthouse Day

Little bit of bizness here.  I'll share my vet visit results on Thankful Thursday..
let me just say we were quite gleeful...


Thank you for joining us today to celebrate
We thank Rosy SassyPants, Arty, Jakey and their mom for setting up the hop.
We thank everyone who pawticipates too by posting and visiting 'cause w/o you it would be lonely.

Madi pictured with 2 of my collectible lighthouses.

North Carolina is famous for her lighthouses

My peeps have visited and climbed (when allowed) 7 of them.

Oak Island the peeps have been to it but have not climbed it. It is by appointment only.
131 steps up a series of ship ladders.  I don't allow the peeps on ladders taller than 5'

Cape Hatteras is Mom's favorite...check out the close up its RED base

Cape Hatteras 208' tall, 250 steps...
We climbed all the way to the top
Officially completed and lit in 1870
It is the 2nd of 3 that have been constructed in Buxton, NC
In 1803 the first Cape Hatteras light house was built it was sandstone it was 90'
the light from the Argand lamps and reflectors were not sufficient.  
It was modified to a new height of 150' in 1854 and first order Fresnel lens were installed
they were the most powerful of that time. In 1861, during the Civil War, the Fresnel was removed by retreating Confederate soldiers to keep it out of Union hands. Shell damage during the war and structural deterioration prompted construction of a replacement lighthouse in 1870.  In 1871 the original light house  was demolished
In 1999 Cape Hatteras lighthouse was moved 1/2 mile to save it from the encroaching Atlantic Ocean. The lighthouse was cut from it original base, hydraulically lifted onto steel beams and traveled along
railroad tracks to is present location this took 23 days.  
In the picture below in the upper right hand corner you can see approximately where it sat before it was moved.  This photo was taken from the top looking down into the parking lot
Cape Hatteras Lighthouse is my favorite!! Who knows why?

Currituck Beach Light house stands 158'  ~ 220 steps depending on who you asked.  It is located in Corolla, NC
It has a first order Fresnel lens which began flashing on December 1, 1875.
It is visible for 18 miles
Her beautiful natural bare brick makes her most unique...
The 'crazy peeps' climbed to the top of this beauty too
Mom likes this photo looking up through the trees

Bodie (pronounced body) Island Light Station
150', 214 steps
Located just south of Nags Head, NC
Built in 1847 on the south side of the Oregon Inlet known today as Pea Island.
Due to a poor foundation it was rebuilt in 1859 in the same location.
However, it was blown up in 1861 by retreating Confederate troops who feared the Union would use it to their advantage for navigation.

Today's Bodie Island Lighthouse was completed in 1872 this time on the north side of the Oregon Inlet.  It isn't far from Cape Hatteras National Seashore.  It has a first order Fresnel lens that flashes its 160,000 candlepower beacon 19 miles.  It is an architectural twin to Currituck Lighthouse except for being painted with black and white horizontal stripes

Bald Head Island Lighthouse aka Old Baldy

 It was the first lighthouse structure in North Carolina and was completed and lit in 1795.  It was built too close to the Cape Fear River which caused erosion issues. The new octagonal tower was completed and first illuminated in 1817.  The cost of the new tower was $16,000.00.  The base is 36' wide, it is 109' tall and is made of brick and coated with cement.

Cape Lookout the peeps have visited this one but have not climbed it
It is only open for climbing 207 steps May-September.
It is on it's own island which is accessible only by private boat or by Ferry.

You have a 360 degree view of pristine beaches and gorgeous ocean
 Cape Lookout at night

My peeps have been inside all of the above lighthouses except Oak Island.

Here is a list of all the lighthouses or beacons in NC

Bald Head Island (Climbed)
Bodie Island (Climbed)
Cape Fear structure like a TV station antenna cannot climb

Cape Hatteras (Climbed)
Cape Lookout (visited)
Croatan Shoal*
Currituck (Climbed)
Diamond Shoal*

Frying Pan Shoal*

Laurel Point*
Hatteras Beacon*
Neuse River*
Pamlico Point Shoal*
Price Creek(below) is in partial ruin but you can walk up to it.

Roanoke Marshes (you can walk it pictured directly above list)
Oak Island (visited)
Oracoke (Climbed)
Wade Point*
*all of these are either out a bit into a sound or the Atlantic

We end this tour with a most beautiful poster of
Nine Lighthouses which are some unusual designs.

This is a Lighthouses around the World Blog hop on below


  1. I'm looking forward to hearing your test results, Madi! I love the lighthouses. My human is a big city and West Coast girl, so her exposure to lighthouses has been pretty limited. She didn't even know there were collectible miniatures. I think you've just given her ideas.

  2. oooh that was interesting Madi! we read about cape hatteras and the graveyard of the atlantic and the museum ... oooh to be there and to visit all this historic place with our own eyes once...

  3. Wow, your NC lighthouses are spectacular!
    But we do find it ironic that so much effort went into moving the Cape Hatteras one AWAY from the ocean!
    Thank you so much for organising this blog hop - we love lighthouses too.
    Toodle pip!

  4. That was very interesting, Madi. So many different designs. Here they tend to be all white, brickwork or red and white horizontal stripes. Being so varied makes yours much more interesting.

  5. Your lighthouses are so beautiful. We really like the Currituck Beach lighthouse. That is so neat that you have visited so many. We only have admired ours from a distance, because they are scary.

  6. Hari OM
    OMC what a selection you have given us today and with such good info!!! I give two hands and two feet up for good work - and many thanks for co-hosting this event for all of us who are a bit light-house mad!!! Hugs and wgas, YAM-aunty xxx

  7. Wow - NC has beautiful lighthouses! Mom has never been inside a lighthouse before.
    Happy National Lighthouse Day!

  8. Hello, beautiful collection of lighthouses. I have seen a few of these but I would like to see them all. Enjoy your day and week ahead!

  9. ladders and steps are definitely not my thing these days :(

  10. Wow, this is a wonderful and informative post. I used to collect lighthouses when I worked at a small gift shop. I went on a trip organinized by Harbour Lights with another employee of the gift shop to San Diego, California. It was a wonderful time. I can't believe your peeps climbed the steps... they tend to be narrow and steep. I climbed the steps of one. Love all your pictures. My favorite lighthouse here is Cape Lookout. Cape Hatteras is your favorite because of the RED base? Because there is a Duplin wine named after it???? I am so happy you are gleeful over your vet visit!!!!!!!!!

  11. wow wow wow, I had not idea the different types and sizes and designs even existed.. I have only seen 3 in my lifetime and they are all alike. I love the night shot of the lookout. looks like a court jester lighthouse... they are all amazing and I was blown away at the ones in the UK on Yam's post today. I really had no idea how many

  12. I did not know that there were lighthouses that sit off-shore. That's really fun! I remember those Outer Banks lighthouses. I believe that we visited most of them! You are amazing with how many you've visited and climbed!

  13. Ooh, pretty! The big spiral striped one is my favorite.

  14. Those lighthouses sure are pretty and so are you sweet Madi!

  15. Wow! They're all so beautiful! Our mom and dad have been to the Cape Hatteras Lighthouse and the others on the Outer Banks. Mom loves that area!

    1. We thought you might find this interesting - there is a replica of the Hatteras Lighthouse in a small town in KS!

  16. That sounds like good news on the test results. You sure have lots of lighthouses that your pawrents have been to. We know your mom's favorite is the red one.

  17. O...M...D...!!!!!! What a visual show, we bet you could hear Mama oooo-ing and aaaahhhh-ing and SQUEEE-ING all the way on the east coast!! What a beautiful collection of lighthouses. Mama thinks it would be cool to see one of those oil rig type lighthouses!

    Thanks for coming up with such a fun, summertime Blog Hop idea!!!
    Rosy, Jakey & Arty
    Pee Ess - we can't WAIT to hear your gleeful test results!

  18. I am happy that you got some good news :) I know why it is your favorite-because it has a RED base :) Excellent post on lighthouses, I learned a lot. XO

  19. Wow! That's an amazing number of spectacular lighthouses! Thanks for showing us all of them!

  20. madi.....ewe iz veree for chew net ta livez sew close ta thiz manee lite houz !! ☺☺☺ we could sew livez in one R selvez....we reeeeeeel lee like de nite time fotoz oh cap look out; we guess sum onez live in de houz...and de houz on roanoke ??!!! thanx for sharin two day~~~~~~~ awesum post ☺☺♥♥

  21. Lighthouses must make excellent places for cats to live! Just the stairs alone would keep them happy...and exercised...

  22. Thanks for sharing all the wonderful photos of all these lighthouses. The Bodie Island Lighthouse is are favorite. It's great your mom and dad got to climb so many of them. Most be really fun to look out that high up. Love the photo of you with the lighthouses. Your face is so adorable. Have a great day.
    World of Animals

  23. My goodness Madi, you have some really beautiful lighthouses in NC. thanks so much for sharing and telling us their history. We are excited to hear your news
    Hazel & Mabel

  24. Wow! What a beautiful collection of lighthouses your state has! It is hard to pick a favorite because they are all so unique. Thanks for sharing them.

  25. Pretty cool - and certainly not boring. I can't say I've ever seen a lighthouse on the coast of an ocean - but I have seen several along the Great Lakes. I love the stories that surround them.

  26. Those are some cool lighthouses, Madi. NC has a lot of them. We have one on our island, though it isn’t used anymore.

  27. WOWSA GURL!!! Lookie at all those lighthouses!!! So pawsome! I likes the Cape Lookout one! I've never seen one painted that way befores! I thinks I could set up my margarita truck and make a fortune! BOL
    Ruby ♥
    pees: can't waits to hear the results of your tests!!!

  28. I have always loved lighthouses, too! We took a road trip earlier in the summer and brought Ruby. We stay a few days out on Cape Cod so Ruby (and Miss M) saw their very first lighthouses. I don't think they were as impressed as I was. LOL

  29. Those are some of the best lighthouses! The ones on the west coast are almost all under 125 years old. They are out little modern things that don't look like story book lighthouses, yours do! Now my Mom wants to go on a lighthouse tour!

  30. Sorry we are so late to the hop.
    We really like the Cape Lookout Lighthouse.
    Who knew that some lighthouses are on what is a platform
    in the ocean, never seen that before.
    Now we have seen something new.
    Thanks for the hop and the views.
    ♥ Astro and Mitzie


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi