My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Thursday, August 9, 2018

Thoroughly Poetic Pictorial Thankful Thursday

Today we join Two  SPOILED CAT 
Angel Sammy and Teddy for their poetic pictorial poem.

Here is today's photo prompt
We thank Mom Pam for all the effort she puts into finding 
these lovely photos for us.

Memories of Stephen*
this title will be explained at the end.
by Madi and Mom

 No matter their size, be it small or tall 
Girls and boys of today
have toys galore to spark their imaginations.
Some can even be played with the on the floor.
Just when they think they need more,
they hear a slight pitter patter on door.
They run with mach speed to see who it could be.
Mother Nature has come calling!
With glee and speed
to the closet  they rush for their slickers
and boots that come up the their knees.
Out into the rain they must go.
Calling their name are the puddles.
Their techie toys and space shuttles
are set aside.
This day their imaginations take hold
as they splash and dance with their
upside down friend until the day's end.

Mom here:  This picture reminded me of a young boy we knew back in 1970, when we moved into our first home as husband and wife.
After settling in, we began to meet the neighbors.  We still speak of the Mackie family.  They had 2 young children Stephanie about 7 and Stephen about 4.
Stephen's mom told us he was fascinated with water and tires. She said not to be surprised
if we saw Stephen washing tires in the parking lot. She asked it it was okay he he washed ours.
We said it was fine. Evidently he was only allowed to wash times on certain cars and he could not go past the 1st speed bump in the parking lot. The tools of Stephen's obsession with water were and endless supply of rags and a squirt bottle full of water.  Stephen was quite meticulous too.  He even washed tires in the rain and wore a yellow slicker.  I often wonder what profession he chose, car washer, tire salesman or maybe a fireman.
Today we join handsome Brian....

I am full of thankfulness X 2
1. For my wonderful devoted Vet and my peeps who follow his instructions to the letter!!
2. I am also very very thankful that mom FINALLY learned out to download photos from her Smartphone so that I could share my vet photos with you.



  1. oh yes, I'm so with you... I wonder what stephen did or does as an adult, but we think it probably is something what fits to his passion. The doofus who beheaded my rocking horse once is a surgeon today... ;O)))))

  2. So pleased to read the vet report Madi. (And Gail is pleased to report that she can read the small print of the report without zooming in or the need for glasses!)
    We love your poem too.
    Toodle pip!

  3. That is GREAT news about your vet report, Madi! Paws up!

  4. YAY MADI! A wonderful vet report with improvements and what a nice compliment from your vet about how he'd NEVER guess you were 16 or had kidney problems. That's because he's taking such good care of you and so are your Mom and Dad who adore you like all of us do!!! YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYYAAAAAAA!

    Hugs, Teddy

  5. That is such great news Madi, that you are doing so well.Good for Mom and Dad to follow the instructions so well. Keep up the good work everyone.

  6. Hehe, I am STILL laffings at the fractions Madi, I haf no idea how you work out the 1/8ths of stuffs!
    Great poem, and now I'm wondering what Stephen's chosen career was?
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

  7. It's a good thing you are not relying on me to give you your meds. i can barely handle giving me my own meds Madi.

    I'm so glad all your blood work was great.

  8. We enjoyed that poem but we really, really enjoyed reading your terrific Vet report sweet Madi, way to go girl! Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  9. We compliment u on a great vet report. Our human likes taking pix at the vets too...makes that turrible waiting time go a little faster. But ust a little!

  10. Madi! You don't look a day over ... 1 (says Gracie) Now take your meds like a good kitty and stay forever young :-)

  11. What a cute poem and memory of your neighbor from so long ago. We are so happy to hear such a good report from the vet Madi. Keep up the good work.

  12. That's a funny story about that boy. I knew a pastor's son who was obsessed with sprinklers. His parents said he even slept with them when he was young.

    Madi, we're very happy with this vet report, and we know your mom and dad is too. How we wish there was a true cats-only vet to go to! Not a separate entrance, which is useless, but a separate, quiet building.

  13. Madi, that's good news about your vet visit! And tell you mom that I'm quite challenged in the fraction department too. Wonder why your old neighbor kid was so obsessed with making sure car tires were clean? At least they let him go with it; holding him back would have made everyone upset.

  14. Awesome report from your vet, Madi, and what a great poem! It would be nice to know what profession Stephen chose.

  15. Very cute story about your neighbor -- and we are so happy with the report from your vet!

  16. OH, we like that boy Stephen. We both love the water and puddles are amazing, especially if they have mud at the bottom:)

    Great report, Madi - we are so happy for you and Mom.

    Woos - Misty and Timber (and Lightning, who usually avoids the mud)

  17. that photos of the child in the rain is just amazing and I love your story. perfect in every way. I spent many happy years stoomping in mud puddles, but in the south we had no slickers or umbrellas, just went out in our clothes and sometimes a bathing suit and always barefoot. I am so happy the vet visit went well and that Mom over came the fraction malfunction. I fully understand that because I am to...

  18. YAY for getting the phone pics in computer

  19. What a wonderful poem your Mom wrote this week Madi...and YAYAYAYAYAYAY for such great numbers(and that your assistant can down move her phone pics to the pooter!)!
    Rosy, Jakey & Arty

  20. We really like that poem! We super duper REALLY like your vet visit report.
    Hugs, your guy Raz and The Florida Furkids

  21. madi...yur poem two day iz total lee awesum; momz memoreez total lee awesum N whatz even mor awesum iz yur vet ree port.....we iz BUZZED happee for ewe but that math stuff........uh......we dunno bout that !!! ☺☺☺♥♥♥♥

  22. What a lovely poem and what a lovely story about Stephen as well. Now I do wonder what he went on to become!

    Good to hear you're doing okay Madi! Even with the maths!!

    Mara from NI

  23. That was a great poem and loved the story. We love even more that you had such a great vet visit!!!
    Hazel & Mabel

  24. Congratulations on your great medical report ! I'm sure you and Mom are both delighted ! Purrs.

  25. Nice poem and funny story. I am so happy that you are doing so well with the phosphorous binder.. XO

  26. So glad your health is improving Madi! ☀️

  27. Oh my goodness, I almost missed the fabulous news about your health, Madi. Time to celebrate!!!

  28. Madi, we’re so glad you got a good report from the vet. And that was a fun poem...and a great story about Stephen. We wonder what he’s doing these days too....hopefully washing something!

  29. I love your Ode to Stephen. He sounds like quite the little entrepreneur! I'm glad the vet said you are doing well. Medicine amounts can be so confusing!

  30. Great news Madi with your vet appointment! Because you and your Mom and Dad have been very serious about doing what the Vet Man says you are doing very well. Maybe your nose wasn't as pink as it should be because all the dag barking at the vet scared the pink right out of it!!!! Sweet poem,especially since it was inspired by a little boy you knew!


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi