My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Thursday, August 16, 2018

Thoroughly Poetic Pictorial Thursday

Today we join Two  SPOILED CAT 
Angel Sammy and Teddy for their poetic pictorial poem.

Here is today's photo prompt
We thank Mom Pam for all the effort she puts into finding 
these lovely photos for us.

by Madi and Mom

Seed Spittin' 

Mellons are yummy
 juicy and fruity
They delight my tummy.
When I find a seed,I turn into a monkey. 
My manners are no longer mild.
I go crazy and wild , 
I work up a powerful oral force.
With mach speed
I spit it as far as I can.
Where it goes no one knows.

by Madi
Don't eat seeds, they will make you wheeeeeez 
If you swallow them, your tummy will sprout weeds
Spit them out far.
Just remember don't aim at heads. 

Breaking news

the painting etc going on here at Manor Madi is progressing
The worker bees didn't come on Tuesday but OMCs were they here 
They came with a huge monster that spit water (not seeds than goodness) all over our house

I watched intently for a while 

Then I decided smart kitties would seek higher ground so I joined mom


  1. yes yes yes the seeds can ruin a mellow melone session completely ;O)))

  2. Your poem made me laugh, Madi. Higher ground is the best place to be when you have intruders invading your home.

  3. Sounds like a FUNS game...who can spit the watermelon seed the furthest???
    Oh and I agree Madi...take to the hills when there are workmen around with paint brushes and stuffs
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

  4. I loved your poem, Madi! We have heard the tale of not swallowing the seeds too because baby watermelons will grow in your tummy☺

  5. Great poem Madi. That must have been scary all those big things that squirt water. You were very brave to watch them. Have a good day.

  6. Yeah, most kitties don't like to see water being squirted. They think it might be aimed for them. If I walk near the hose.....Bob Cat runs because he has been squirted a lot recently to keep him off of Black Sally.

  7. this might be my most favorite of your poems.. I like it LOTS and Lots... who ever heard of a cat spitting watermelon seeds, now we have... hope the strangers leave you alone SOON

  8. Gosh I have never tasted melon. Is it good?
    Madi, you were so wise to seek higher ground.
    Toodle pip!

  9. Oh Madi these poems are both very "giggle-worthy" !! We thought this photo would bring some fun poems and we were right. Thanks for always pawticipating....we love finding good inspirational photos for everyone to "play" with! Glad your house painting is moving along.....we had the house cleaning peeps here a few weeks ago and I found it totally fascinating too!

    Hugs, Teddy

  10. We loved both your poems. It sounds like those worker bees are making good progress on the painting.

  11. Great poems!

    My gal is really smart! I wouldn't have hung around for those worker bees either!!

    your guy Raz and The Florida Furkids

  12. madi....yur poem two day iz awesum...N we R sorree yur mom felt de knead ta hide frum de werkerz....keep her companee sew herz knot scared...her can all wayz shut de door if her getz REEL lee scared ! ☺☺♥♥

  13. OMGoodness, Madi! You look like a 6-month old kitten in that picture of you on Guard Duty!!!
    We love watermelon -- our mom and dad de-seed it for us so we don't grow watermelons in our tummies!
    Yours sincerely,
    Margaret Thatcher

  14. Madi, the water spitting monster was probably noisy too! Best that you sought higher ground, and stayed prepared to hide!

  15. I love your poem! I know at Cat Scouts they like to spit watermelon seeds :) XO

  16. That was a fun poem sweet Madi but that water spitter doesn't sound like fun!

  17. What a fun poem today, MAdi! Our Mama tells us if we swallow a wallymelon seed, we'll grow wally melons in our tummies BOL!
    Rosy, Jakey & Arty

  18. Mom usually gets the seedless wallymelon for us - she isn't a big fan - but we love it so all the more for us!!!

    That is one big spitting water machine there!!! Keep your watchful eyes on those workers, Madi.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  19. Madi, your poem was great! I see I'm going to have to come up with a poem about you sometime..*polishing star on chest* since my poems are considered pretty good!! (minus any mention of watermelons) - Tom x

  20. I'd be very scared of that water monster thing. My humans would probably send me to the kennel for a day or two if they needed a house wash like that. Oh, and the watermelon? I'd eat it seeds and all! Yummy!

  21. I would agree - Hazel turns into a monkey for watermelon - she loves it!
    Hazel & Mabel

  22. Both your poems are right-on. And Madi, you are smart to seek higher ground when you see all that water!

  23. MOL! That was a funny poem, Madi. We think those monkeys should have a seed spitting contest after they finish that watermelon.

  24. Oh, we loooooves the wallymelon here! Oh, nows I wants wallymelon, and we gots none! Time to gets Ma's arse up outta the chair and to the store!
    Oh gurl, you are one smart Diva! That water shooter looks dangerous to kittehs!
    Ruby ♥

  25. That was a great poem. You are so talented. Do you have any more watermelon?

  26. Your poem was sweet like a melon. I remember being told watermelons would grow in my tummy if I swallowed seeds. The thought terrified me! LOL!


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi