My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Tuesday Turf Tale

We were unexpectedly MIA a bit yesterday due to...................

The Painters were supposed to start painting the exterior of the house yesterday; however, due to 2" of rain over the weekend it was tooooooooooooo wet so
they painted the master bathroom.  It was painted in 2016 but the peeps were not 
happy with the color so today it is being painted *Minute Mauve....aka light lavender.
*Crazy name for lavender paint.
They are putting a moisture preventive on the ceiling in the master bath.

I made sure the set up everything properly 
and covered the floors

Good job covering things up Mr. M!!  Mom was most impressed that Mr. M
is using CLEAN drop clothes.  The last time there was painting in here the clothes were
musky and not clean.  Mr. M is a new painter.

I smell essence of something quite yummy maybe the clothes are scented with lavender?!

That beige wormy thing is a draft stopper.  It goes in front of the door

 Snoopervision makes a Diva HUNGRY!!

Mom here: while they were at lunch look where I found Madi
Needless to say I closed the bedroom door.
 Normally Madi sleeps lots during the day.  I think she enjoyed this change of pace
and all the new smells.  


  1. We all love when workers come over to our house! Binga and I love to supervise. Boodie... she just sort of hangs around.

  2. I know why you disliked that rug... it has the wrong color... for a catwalk for a Diva it must be red, right? madi please don't do with the paint what we would do... we like your black&white fur ;O))))

  3. Hari Om
    Hi from the Hutch - its wet here too!!! Hugs and whiskeries ,YAM-aunty xxx

  4. Ummmmm...shouldn't that be Madi Mauve paint colour??????
    Don't furget the all impawtant paw print on the won't look finished without it!
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

  5. Oh Madi, what fun to have all that excitement around your house. Lots of different smells. You all have a great day.

  6. Send that painter man here! I like how you pick the good guys. I am impressed that Madi is following the drop cloth road! Our Z Cat would have been hiding some place I am sure. Hope they finished up yesterday! Fresh new paint... love it as long as I don't have to do it!

  7. You make sure they are doing everything correct Madi. A snoopervisor's job is soooooooooooo very impawtant.

  8. I bet your nose would look pretty in mauve, Madi!

  9. be sure to get a snapshot of mauve nose if it happens. MOL... looks like Madi has her own interstate through the house or maybe a white drop cloth road, not a yellow brick road. Madi you sure did a lot of roaming, have fun today

  10. Boy, they're sure lucky you were there to snoopervise!

  11. It looks like you had a fun time snoopervising those painters.

  12. Isn't it cool exploring all the stuff they leave around?!?!? ...until you get caught, of course.
    Our bathroom is going to be Arctic Cotton. Cam and I really like the name!
    Yours sincerely,
    Margaret Thatcher

  13. Am betting that Chili Bruce and Manny would have crawled under the tarps!

  14. Looks like you had a very busy day. Good job supervising!

  15. Madi dearest we missed you. Next, that new rug is like 87 feets long
    Lily & Edward

  16. My gal is great at snoopervising!!

    yur guy Raz and The Florida Furkids

  17. It's hard work snoopervising. Dat might be da longest napping run efur ;)

    Matilda (& Matt)

  18. We think a few extra treats should be in order for doing such a great job snoopervising those painters, Madi!!
    Arty, Rosy & Jakey

  19. So no tiny paw prints in your hallway then? Such a shame, I bet Madi would have loved that!

    Mara from NI

  20. Mr. M. with Minute Mauve for Magnificent Madi!!! we hope all the work goes smoothly. Bet that room is going to look Majestic when it is done:)

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  21. Hey Madi, we had a lot of rain here also this past weekend. We can see you were doing the best at your job, making sure everything was in order. We think that color will be beautiful for the bedroom. Thanks for sharing the lovely photos. Have a great day.
    World of Animals

  22. Oh Madi how exciting! Introoders! Stay away from that paint though - you are pretty in your au natural colors!

    Hugs, Teddy

  23. Hee! Hee! I must say you are the purrfect snoopervisor!
    And when you got to actually see what they are doing, were they doing purrfectly?

  24. madi....itz nice ya made sure de paint dood waz doin a grate job N itz nice ya made
    sure him bringed de rite colorz oh paintz !!! hope heez done prette quik tho ~~ ☺☺♥♥

  25. I don't know how they would manage without your snoopervision, Madi.

  26. You are a great snoopervisor, Madi. We need to take lessons from you because we hear there are gonna be painters at our house too in the near future.

  27. Seems a few of our friends are doing some remodel or painting! Always nice to refresh things
    Hazel & Mabel

  28. Good job snoopervising. I am surprised you didn't insist the bedroom be painted red :) XO

  29. A cat's job is never done, right, Madi?! You're a pro. I bet the painter didn't even THINK of any funny business.

  30. It is impossible to catch a cat nap when there are renovations going on! Do you like the smell of fresh paint? I love it.

  31. Madi,
    I am surprised you didn't get shut out from
    the painting area. We would be covered in paint
    because Mitzie is so noisy.
    xo Astro and Mitzie


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi