My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Sunday, November 4, 2018

Grills, parking lots and Plates

We walk 5 days a week at Crabtree Valley Mall for 45 minutes to an hour.
This time of year we walk outside all around the parking lots and decks enjoying
the crisp fall air and sun.  I saw this darling little jeep with a customized  grill of lime green
I wonder if it is glow in the dark green?
 The leaves were glorious last week as was the cloudless blue October skies

While we are talking about parking lots...and decks they are always void of cars and we are the only folks walking.  Thursday, November 1, 2018 just as I came around the corner what did I see smack in the middle of an empty parking place?  A $10.00 dollar bill.  It was still damp from the over night dew.  Yay me...walking is good for your heart and your wallet.
Ironically on October 1, 2018 same time of day same general location
my husband found a $5.00 dollar bill!  We are eagerly awaiting December 1st?  Maybe we'll find a $20.00 bill.


1. 10ASHS*
3. USGNANA, Something to do with a grandma
5. TINTPRO, Professional Painter
6. 1TRUELUV, one true love💖
8. TINYBOX, on a Cube car
9.WDLRAV4, Wild Rav4 ?
10. SIGMAX2*
11. BUY$MART, Buy Smart 
12. WIREWAYS, Maybe a techie
13. PKUP, on a North Carolina plate promoting litter pick up
14. CHERYLEE, Shirley
15. 0GASME, on a Leaf by Nissan, electric car

16. SUPERWGN, on a Cadillac station wagon
17. NOJO*
18. AGADWAG, A Georgia Bulldog fan

TWO GUEST spotters
K10 mom of Phod and Lee
she was amused too because the guy driving the car was speeding and weaving
20. YA2SABES, 
 my friend Janice sent this  one asking do you know what it means?
I said no but I bet YAM-aunty will know!😃


  1. In Sweden they have a plan to abolish cash and switch over to using just cards for everything. I had already compiled a mental list reasons why I think this is a very bad idea, and after reading this post, I have added another item to the list.
    Cheers! Gail.

  2. I once found 200 euros in a cash machine! Somebody felt it took too long to wait for it to come out. I went back to the bank the next day and handed it in again so they could trace who it belonged to.

  3. There is nothing better than a beautiful autumn walk! The red trees are stunning!

  4. well phooey, Yam is always here before me. want to know if she knows what that last one is. yay on found money.... I am thinking you should go there first and early and late, people getting in and out of cars, pull their keys out of a pocket and the dollars drop. bob found a 20 at Walmart. max our dog found a 20 when we were at a preserve, he pulled me towards a fire pit and went on point and there it was, a 20 folded in a tiny square, someone sat around the fire and it fell out. I wish I was there to walk with you, I am still looking for a walking partner, bob walks BB and I go with them, but they walk to slow for me and not long enough... walking keeps the pounds off and gives me energy

  5. I am surprised at fall throwing itself all around in your little bit of the country. I had no idea fall put on such a show there. I guess I was thinking it was a bit like here. I didn't know you got that chilly. We have had a couple of cool days and one night it was 58! Nothing cool and crisp here, dang. Enjoyed the plates... want to know about 20. At first I thought it had to do with a Subaru, but Suburu peeps call their vehicles Subies. The money thing is very interesting... :) We walked for 46 minutes yesterday, it was a very nice walk.

    1. *SubAru not SubUru. We found no money on our nice walk!

  6. Hari Om
    I think that green may well be fluorescent - wouldn't that be something to see coming towards you at night?! As for the bills... I wonder if someone is doing a 'pass it on' thing???

    Now to business (Sorry Sandra - had my sister here to distract me earlier!)...
    #1 - this is surprisingly ubiquitous a 'tag'; may be Pokemon, may be Roblox, is a code for a certain type of flute and may also be used by a teacher of English 10a (high school grade) plus the teacher's initials?
    #2 - there are endless property developments in USA and globally which use the name Bluebay and the "1" is commonly used also; but there are also a few folk who use this as their ID on different platforms.
    #3 - is she grandmother to someone of THE USG FAMILY?
    The University System of Georgia is comprised of Georgia's public colleges and universities, Georgia Archives and the Georgia Public Library Service.
    If not, USG is also urban languange for United States Ghettoes...
    #5 - "TintPro is a comprehensive window film software management tool that administers every aspect of your tinting business."
    #9 - more likely to be the owner initials and their car of choice!
    #10 - Lots of pointers to financial markets via Goldman Sachs - "The new dark pool, called Sigma X2 - or “Sigma X-squared” - will ramp up gradually, with two stock symbols trading on the first day"...
    #12 - could be a manufacturer of wireways, a prefabricated, enclosed passage for electrical wiring, as in a building.
    #14 - or just Cheryl Lee...
    #15 - hahahahah brilliant, zero gas me!!!
    #17 - could be... A) New Orleans Jazz Orchestra... B) urban usage for 'The feeling of being p***** off, stressed out, alienated, or just going through the motions to be on the payroll.".. or C) related to the company of baby goods provision
    #20 - all I can tell you is it is a widely used hashtag on twitter and instagram and a couple of folk use it as their ID on social media also... but it is also urban usage ""Ya tu sabes" means "you already know" and is often used in mostly spanish songs which means as much as "ya'll know how I do" in this context."

    'Sall folks!!! YAM xx

  7. Walking is such good exercise. Good for you for to do that.And what fun to find money too. Your good luck day.

  8. You sure had a fun walk and those plates are fun, even though I don't know what some of them mean.

  9. We always enjoy your plates and Aunty Yam's interpretation - she is one very wise lady!!!

    Congrats on the $$$ find, and good luck with the $20 one:)

    We try to walk everyday here. Mom does two walks, one longer one with Misty and Timber, and a shorter one with Lightning (when he is cleared for more than just potty breaks). We are hoping the rain stops soon so we can get out there this afternoon.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  10. Way to go on finding the 10 bucks. That's always a nice thing.

    It's too early to figure out these plates. I'm still on my first cup of coffee.

    Have a fabulous day and week. Hugs. ♥

  11. We always get a kick out of the license plate lists. And good luck with Dec. 1.

  12. If I thought I could find money, I would be tempted to walk :)XO

  13. We have our paws crossed that you find a $20 next time on the first of the month. Just imagine how much you might find on New Year's day!

  14. Those are fun plates. Good luck with your next $$$find! I did find a quarter token left in a slot machine last week on our cruise, so no chance of getting rich like that!

  15. The most we've found is $2. But we have found a beanie, gloves, fish holder, knife, dog lead, sunglasses and a Blinkie Bill toy. Good luck with the $20.

  16. You do have beautiful leaves. Most of the tree leafs around here went straight to brown and down.

  17. Oh, this time of year is the bestest for walkies!!! Nothin' like cool crisp aire! Butts, the most I've ever found was a FABulous dirty tenny ball that Ma said I couldn't keep...sigh. Yay on the 10 spot!!! That would buy lots of cookies and margaritas! BOL!
    Yam Auntie is just too smart!
    Ruby ♥

  18. Congrats on your lucky finds!

    Great plates this week...I always love seeing Yamini's answers too!!

    I love the Jeep...not just because of the green, but because the headlights look like eyes...with little green eyelids :-)

  19. WOWZERS....I think that parking lot is a magic place where money appears out of nowhere and if I were you, I'd spend MORE TIME THERE!!! It's like your own personal ATM parking lot!

    Hugs, Teddy

  20. We might need to start walking in order to lose some fat and gain a fat wallet! LOL!

  21. I've found paper money on the ground several times, and it always feels like a gift from the gods!


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Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi