My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Friday, January 4, 2019

Nature and Feline Friday

Hosted by my Niece Rosy, and her 2 brudders Arty and Jakey HERE

Nature from my back yard.

The next two pictures are of the same tree at night
I obviously changed the camera setting.
The file was dated 11/22/18. 
The blizzard of early December blew the remainder of the leaves away
 but I have no idea what setting I used for this one.  No pizap or photo shop just camera setting
I think I might need to buy a head lamp if I continue to take night time photos.
I really like this one.

The Japanese Maple appears to have ice or silver on clue how I did that

Kat, my handsome feline nephew, had a very nice first Christmas in his new home.
Hu-Mum ordered him  his very own water 'faucet'.
He loves it.  Since he was FORMERLY a stray, and he has K9 siblings
Hu-Mum ordered him a harness so he could go on supervised walkabouts when
his sibs are out. BUT he lives INDOORS.

Kat asked his HU-Mum to send me an email with the below photo
He dictated this:
Aunty HiC, Who is the coolest Dude in the Woods? ME he says.
he took right to his harness and is loving he walks
The other day he saw four deer. Not sure what he was seeing here.  In the bottom right photo his expression makes it look like he might have smelled something or somebuddy yummy.


  1. Kat really does look comfortable in his harness!

  2. Kat is a handsome boy and obviously likes his photo taken. A natural for selfies!

  3. I think that Kat wants to be a dog.
    Toodle pip!

  4. Kat looks so pleased with his handsome new harness! Love the leaves!

  5. Hari OM
    OOoooh Kat...puuuuuurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss... (Angel Jasper walked on leash with his sibdog Jade for his first few years, then he decided walking was for ... dogs... )

    HiC, your images of the trees are lovely! I particularly love the second one. You can always check the settings by going into your photo editor and selecting 'image data' (or similar) In fact, even in even from within the computer file, if you right click and select 'properties', then select 'details', you will see the listing of tech about the image. This page has a very clear description of the basics to help understand the results you are getting. Even if you don't have a DSLR, the photography part is the same regardless! (And even point and shoots these days allow for operator control...) You are better than you think you are gal!!! YAM xx

  6. Oh Kat, you are so very handsome and what a good boy to go on a leash. Looks like you found a fantastic home, what with your own water fountain. The pictures are terrific. Have a great day.

  7. Love the second tree picture.
    Kat, you are going to need bigger choppers if you are going to try out some deer.
    I love your fountain and harness.

    Happy weekend.

  8. oh my, Kat is so beautiful and looks wonderful in the new harness. I have known one cat that walked on harness, my friend and her hubby are truck drivers, they trained their cat to walk on harness because he goes in the big truck with them and needs the excerise… I love the photos in the dark, and part of my fun with photos is seeing what the lighting looks like when it comes up in the computer. have you noticed what we see in the tiny camera screen or cell screen does not always look the same in the computer. I have trouble choosing what light to use

  9. Interesting photos!! Kat sure is handsome!!

    The Florida Furkids

  10. Kat sure does look happy enjoying those out n' abouts!

  11. I LOVE those expressions. They look imperial to me. What a mancat! Is it warm in here?

  12. We are always happy when the leaves are all down. We only have one tree, but it has a lot of leaves.

    Aw on the kitty. He's a handsome one. Very photogenic too.

    Thanks for joining the Feline Friday Blog Hop.

    Have a purrfect Feline Friday and weekend. My best to Cecilia. ♥

  13. Kat sure is lucky to have a mom who will teach him to walk on leash. He sure looks like he is enjoying it.

  14. What a nice kitty cat! Oh, and the maples look very pretty. Around here, they've dropped all their leaves.

  15. Oh my goodness - Kit is SO cute!!!!! I love his GREEN eyes and his very fluffy fur!!!! What a wonderful cool dude nephew!!!

    Your night shots are beautiful. I actually like the first one most of all - the red is really pretty!

  16. He is a very PROUD cat!

    Love your night shots, sometimes the cameras just do interesting things and you get a fantastic surprise! (Not quite 6 a.m. here and already 84+°F....Uuuggghhh)

  17. C; your photos turned out really well, I like two; looks very Halloween like

    kat, waves two ewe dood, itz nice ta meet ewe; due ewe think may bee yur peepulz wood let ewe start a blog !!! ewe could post all bout yur adventurez N stuff. meet lotz of friendz...itz awesum !!! ☺☺♥♥

  18. What a cutie Kat is in his new harness!

    Looks like the flash might have gone off in your second shot..I actually kinda like the colors in the first shot too!

  19. We are so happy for Kat that he is doing so well and loving his furever home. Mom wishes she knew how to use setting for nighttime pictures.
    Hazel & Mabel

  20. Beautiful photos. Kat is a cutie. XO

  21. Your tree pictures are awesome! I love Kat and the harness is great.

  22. We love your photos, especially the red maple. And Kat is so handsome!!! We love his water fountain. Mom needs something like that for us, but some of us (M & T) like playing in the water too much.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  23. Kitty looks like there ready for photo shoot.
    Coffee is on

  24. Kat IS the Koolest! He looks great with that RED harness. Z flopped over and became paralyzed when I put a harness on her. When I took it off, she walked about three feet and threw up!!!! I enjoy your night pictures, the first one is very pretty!

  25. I tried using a harness on a cat once. You notice I said once. Your nephew does seem to know he is the Kool Kat of the neighborhood. And yes, it sure does look like you edited those tree pics. Maybe make a not of what settings you use so you can repeat them in the future?


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi