My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Saturday, February 9, 2019

Historic Oakwood 2019 Part 1

Last Sunday there was an extra real estate section in the paper.
One particularly caught our eye since it was in Historic Oakwood.
You might remember I had several posts up in December.

Tuesday February 5, 2019 it was 60 degrees and rising so we
hopped in Gracie, (the Highlander) to hopefully see this $2,200,000.00
I was hoping for better photos but it sits up high on a hill
so I could not get very close.  Let me just say .82 acres is a lot in the city.
It was gorgeous...there was twice as much house behind this front section.
A beautiful stone wall and front entrance.  And the detailed wood work 
all around the wrap around porch.
I wanted to walk up those gorgeous stone steps.  I expect to get a 
proper showing you would need to come with your financial portfolio.

Then we saw this house which is actually very pretty.
Gargoyles everywhere 2 upside down white trees
 hanging by the very pretty front door.  In the side yard,
 there was a red door standing with a wreath on it.
In the alley by the house there was a huge inflatable Dinosaur.
Not sure what these folks were up to but Oakwood is all about self expression so all is good.

I have more photos I'll be sharing...


  1. That is a beautiful house. The second house is......strange.

  2. Hari Om
    ...from the sublime to the ridiculous? The trees might be explained... but the dragons and gargoyles - yup, just strange! YAM xx

  3. wow, be right there to buy that house on the hill. ha ha on that one. I do like it, I assume if have the money to buy I could also have an upstairs and downstairs made and cook to use the kitchen. those old homes are amazing and beautiful. no gargoyles for me

  4. parents love driving around areas of various towns with the older homes - they have so much more CHARACTER than new houses do!

    Hugs, Teddy

  5. Wow, those are some gorgeous houses. They are huge. Can you imagine cleaning them??? Great pictures. Have a super duper day.

  6. We live those pretty himes with those grand porches!

  7. Mom says that would be a very interesting neighborhood to walk in.

  8. Maybe you should start playing the lottery so you could have enough to buy that beautiful house. We like how that other house is decorated. BOL!

  9. Such beautiful homes. hummmmmm - maybe you can see the inside of the mansion at We will have to check it out.

  10. OMD, it's stunning inside:

  11. I love looking in open houses! We went in one multi-million dollar house that made you put on protective footwear to walk through it. LOL!

  12. Glad it's in the historic section. Anywhere else, developers would probably knock it down and redevelop the land.

  13. Wow, it would be fun to see the inside of that house.
    Hazel & Mabel

    1. I would love to see the inside of that mansion/home. Hate to clean it though. LOL

  14. Beautiful, but out of my price range :)

  15. Surely you put in a bid for that two million dollar plus mansion!!! BOL.

    That second house is indeed bizarre.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  16. My human found that mansion on Zillow (one of her favorite sites!) - you can see pictures inside there:,-Raleigh,-NC-27601_rb/

  17. The first house is beautiful! The second one is a little out of the box... Ha!

  18. That first one is so very pretty. I would love to see what it looks like inside. I would also like to have a porch like that. :)

  19. We love houses with interesting architecture. Thanks for the pics, and be sure to post more if you get inside that $2.2 million one.

  20. Sounds like a beautiful home

    The second home with gargoyles is a hoot. The inflatable dragon must be to keep people out of the alley


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Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi