My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

MyMe: #3 of 3 Nala and Simba

Last week I told you about Jackson the Retriever

This week I'd like to tell you about 

Nala and Simba the heroes.

Nala and Simba, 5 year old litter mates, I was their nanny too.  
They came to N C State with their
human B who was from Oregon but had just completed his B.S, at UNC.
UNC and NCSU are huge rivals.  I always told B he came to NCSU to get his REAL education.
B was also a graduate student in Physics working toward his PhD.
 During fall break of B's first year at NCSU, he went home to visit his family in Oregon.
His mom was concerned about his weight loss and lack of energy.  B had attributed it to the demands of Grad School.  Mom wasn't buying that.  She made him an appointment with his local doctor.
B was immediately put through a barrage of tests.  At 23 he was diagnosed with Diabetes.
He stayed in Oregon a week longer so they could get his diet and meds under control, which was daily finger pricks and  insulin shots.  Needless to say, I was shocked when he told me about this.
He regained his stamina and continued on with the daily routine of classes and research. He was an excellent student.   Most of the grad students worked into the night so it was not unusual for them to show up after lunch.  One day I was a little surprised when his adviser/professor came to me to ask if I had heard from him.  I had not, he asked me to call B.  Which I did (mind you this was way before the technology of today).  I did not get an answer so I just 'assumed' B was on his way to campus.
Later that day I rec'd a call from B.  He had a medical emergency.
Sometime during the night, his blood sugar got out of sync.  He was awakened by Nala and Simba alternately  jumping on him like he was a trampoline.  They were meowing to the top of their lungs.  He could not quite understand what was going on with them.  Their food bowls were left full at night and they had water. He knew he felt funny but thought it was from a busy day. Those two precious kitties had awakened him out of a semi diabetic coma.  No one could explain it but somehow they knew.  They had been with him for 5+ years THEY knew him and his routine..  Maybe it was is body chemistry putting off a particular smell they didn't like.
No matter, they saved his life. He awoke took his meds and ate and called his doctor.
I told him from that day forward,if he was not at work by 9 am, I was calling him or coming to his home to check on him.
Within a few weeks, insurance approved him for a insulin pump.  Nala and Simba returned to their
life as care free cats.  Down the road B met his lady love too. He very successfully defended his
PhD thesis, they got married, he was offered a Post Doc fellowship in Germany.  Today he is a tenured professor at University College in Dublin, Ireland. They have two beautiful sons.


  1. Kitties can perform certain tasks as well as any service dog... and this is one of them.

  2. thanks to Nala and Simba and how good that his mom sent him to a doctor that time...

  3. Animals can sense when something is wrong. Thank goodness for Nala and Simba.

  4. Hari OM
    Cecilia, another wonderfurs story from real life!!! I love that you have been able to keep connected to these delightful young ones. YAM xx

  5. Cats are AWESOME! I keep telling Mara that...

    Purrrrr, Miss Oswin from NL

  6. Those sure were two great kitties. Animals are such good creatures. They take good care of their humans. Great story.

  7. Did the cats go with him? They are amazing and life savers. I've had Admiral wake me by doing that same thing when I was in the throes of a whopper of a nightmare and I was grateful. But knowing those cats knew to wake him is indeed intelligent and a work of note!

  8. I do love a story with a happy ending. wow! who knew humans could be saved by cats. if he had lived alone this story might have ended in another way.... I have heard stories of dogs doing this but not cats. now we know

  9. WOW what a story! I hope the cats went to Ireland too!

    Hugs, Teddy

  10. What a wonderful story! Bravo, Nala and Simba!

  11. Nala and Simba saved the day! What smart kitties!

  12. Nala and Simba are heros! That student sure was lucky to have them when he needed them most.

  13. Those were wonderful kitty heroes, they knew!

  14. That is a wonderful story about Nala and Simba and their human. We hope he is doing well today. The grandtwins have a scheduled day off today, and Mom is taking them to Main Event, a fun place for kids. The twins have friends going with them, and the girl going with Ms. C. has diabetes. She has a monitor that is tied in to her phone and her parents' phones via an app. Amazing what technology can do these day.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  15. Those two kitties did a wonderful thing. What a lovely post, honey. It made me smile.

    Have a fabulous day, my friend. Big hugs. ♥

  16. What an amazing story!!!

    The Florida Furkids

  17. What wonderful kitties. A great story.

  18. Nala and Simba 984 pawz UP two ewe both timez two....ya saved yur dad for sure

    great story today C; I'm glad everything worked out in the end; a true happy ending { and jealous but in the good way; he's living in Ireland ♣♣♣♣♣

  19. What an awesome story of a very lucky guy! How wonderful to stay in touch with so many of the students and professionals you worked with!

  20. What a wonderful story! And scary too. My father had a similar medical emergency - but he didn't have cats to help. He was lucky that he managed to call 911 - even if he didn't have the strength to communicate. Cats are amazing, amazing creatures. We'll never understand how they know ... but it's a beautiful thing.

  21. What a beautiful story that didn't end in tragedy thanks to his two cats in sympatico with him.

  22. Oh, I loves that story! Kittehs sure are amazin'!!!! (as long as they don't go through with their plan for World Domination.....)
    Ruby ♥

  23. Wow! What an amazing story! Our pets are so much more than we give them credit for sometimes.


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi