My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Come on over it is


But you all know I'm a rule breaker..comes with being a Senior..

Yesterday's Lunch sitting on the back porch with gentle breezes
and probably the last 80 degree day we'll have in the foreseeable future.  

When I was a child my Daddy and I loved Ice Cream Floats in the summer.
3 scoops of vanilla ice cream
with Pepsi or coke poured over the ice cream

However, on a hot day in Dixie this is a most refreshing lunch.
A ginger ale float made with sherbet of your choice we like Rainbow
and a pack of NABS!

 If you are from the South you know about NABS,
if not here is the scoop

In 2015 Angel Madi and I did a post about Nabs
Pictured below you will find me posing with Nabs...they are a staple in our house. They come in round and square.   I'm told Milky-Way, the one who came before me, loved to lick peanut butter residue from the Nab wrapper.

If you love Nabs, raise your paw! 
Here is what Google said:
Many snack cracker products manufactured by Lance are commonly referred to as "Nabs", a **genericized trademark name for Nabisco snack crackers. The term originated in 1924 when the National Biscuit Company (Nabisco) introduced a snack, put in a 5-cent sealed packet called "Peanut Sandwich Packet".
Please tell us in the comments what you call these delish snacks.

**generic trademark, also known as a genericized trademark or proprietary eponym, is a trademark or brand name that, due to its popularity or significance, has become the generic name for, or synonymous with, a general class of product or service, usually against the intentions of the trademark's holder.

I like that last sentence because it is a known fact Southerners love to abbreviate/shorten


  1. the mama showed your post to da dad... and now he is in coke& ice cream mode ... ;O)))))

  2. Yummers on the Nab's and on the floats. My fav was Vernon's ginger ale with vanilla ice cream!

  3. The floats sound good, but I don't like peanut butter. We get Nabs here and I do like those with the cream cheese filling.

  4. I love those Nabs but have never heard them called nabs. we just called them cheese crackers, or cheese crackers with peanut butter. I don't eat them now, I make my own with pb and saltines. but I have always loved them.. I love vanilla ice cream in root beer and sherbet in ginger ale but in my old age gingerale gives me instant heart burn, so I used diet 7up instead. of course all that stopped 2 years ago... but I would if I could... it makes the perfect lunch. when we traveled from savannah to KY we had those crackers with milk as a traveling meal

  5. Not from the South but we have sure spent a lot of time there and we love Nabs, too! I love a good root beer float! I think your float sounds very refreshing.
    We do just call them cheese crackers! I can't do wordless either!

  6. Nabs are norm, even though we're often not normal!

  7. Mom says she just knew them as cheese crackers! More chilly and rainy weather for us dang it

  8. I haven't had those peanut butter crackers is ages. Your float does look like a refreshing drink on a hot day.

  9. What a wonderful lunch. I didn't know about Nabs, but I've had them many times. Learn something new every day.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. Big hug. ♥

  10. We call them nabs too. Oh boy.......I'm adding those ingredients to the shopping list for that float.

  11. Momma is super intrigued at the thought of a sherbert and ginger ale float! She loves root beer floats and loves ginger ale!

  12. That all sounds super yummy! My ghostwriter says she liked to make vanilla milkshakes in summer. Also koolaid was poured into an ice cube tray and frozen for a cold snack on a hot day.

  13. As a youth, I'd kill for a Boston Cooler, that is a Detroit-area original, despite its name. Vernor's ginger ale, and vanilla ice cream. Oh, da BOMB! Being one of six kids, my father would NEVER order his own ice cream; he'd just eat the leftovers from those of us who couldn't finish...

  14. madi....round heer we call em

    "canna get two em coz they bee locked in de pantree" ~~~~~


  15. Never heard the term 'nabs' before, and apparently I grew up in a very literal place where we called them what was printed on the package - MOL!

  16. Mom likes a root beer float, AND she likes vanilla ice cream in ginger ale!!! Very refreshing. She also knows about Nabs - great with a cold drink.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  17. We always have NABS in the house :) XO

  18. When the kids were young and at home we pretty much always had them but we never called them Nabs. We just called them peanut butter crackers we have 2 brands here. Now I only get them if I am hungry for them....I like the ones with peanut butter and the ones with cheese. My favorite floats are root beer with vanilla ice cream.


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi