My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Thursday, June 27, 2019

Thoroughly Thankful Throwback Poetic Thursday

  Today we join Two  SPOILED CATS 
Angel Sammy and Teddy for their poetic pictorial poem.
Here is our photo challenge

Penguin Love
is way better than Muskrat Love)
sang by Cap'n and Tennille 

Just as their day was about to begin,
Papa Penguin said to Petey Penquin,
 My love for you makes my head spin.
Petey Penguin was vertically challenged!
He was not close enough to hear.
Papa decided to show Petey instead.
Petey, he said, I love you from the top of my
Emperor head all the way down to my giant web feet.
My love for you is as deep as the snow.
Most of all I want you to know
I love you *2 hours and a bunch*,
which is more than
I love my fishes at LUNCH.

*This phrase was invented by my daughter.
 When she was a toddler, SHE hated to take naps.
Every day at nap time, she would ask the same question.
 How long do I have to nap?
My reply was about 2 hours, which was an eternity to a busy little girl.
Then one day she spread her arms just like Papa Penguin
while saying, I love you 2 hours and a bunch.
2 hours and a bunch became our affection phrase.

Today I'm so very thankful for each you who have made 
my 10 years of blogging such fun.
Most of all I'm thankful for my sweet Angel Madi.
Simply said:
Without Madi, I would not have had all these amazing experiences which gave me the opportunity to meet each of you and your furries.
That itty bitty kitty is for sure the
Reason for my Being here!!  
She was my Soul and Inspiration.

Happy 10th Blogaversary to us.
my very first post featuring my side kick Madi.
She was the soul and inspiration behind this blog!!!!

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Sun Bathing beauty.....

Mom....please rub a little SPF 30 
on my pink nose....and adjust the 
bike seat...I'll need a little exercise 
after the sun moves....
Thanks Madi


  1. wow that is sweet.... love as deep as the snow and more than fishies... that's a lot we bet!

  2. Cute poem!
    And we luved da throwback pic of Angel Madi.

  3. TBT here: Happy blogoversary. My youngest sister was born when I was almost 16. As the eldest, I took care of her a lot. Diapers, then bee stings, etc. I was not the penguin parent, but close...

  4. Hari OM
    wonderful poem, Miss C!!! I think I too luv ya 2 hours and a bunch! Happy bloggyversary. YAM xx

  5. Happy Blogaversary dear friend.....we've loved every blog you have given us with all the fun, photos, stories, sweet Madi, beautiful flowers and LOVE you've spread with your sense of humor and love of life. I mean that from the bottom of my heart! Your poem this week is spectacular - and very sweet. That's a great story too about "two hours and a bunch".....!

    Love, Pam

  6. Love your daughter's phrase and your poem! Happy Blogaversary, Miss Cecilia and angel Madi!

  7. Happy Blogoversary, Angel Madi and Mom! We miss reading about you regularly, Madi. We hope you are happy on the other side.

  8. Happy Blogoversary to you. We so enjoy your blog every day. You all have a super duper day.

  9. Happy 10 years! I'm so glad you are still blogging. I miss Diva Angel Madi so much. Sissy was a mess when she was growing up. Penguins are so cute.

  10. Happy 10th Blogoversary! It was so nice to see Angel Madi today.

    Your poem is adorable!

    The Florida Furkids

  11. Happy 10th Blogaversary! Happy for you and happy for all of us who read here! I miss Madi but I know she is in your heart always and forever and she is looking down checking on you with love. Some very sweet memories you have with your daughter and she is a delight to hear about. That phrase made me teary in all the best ways!

  12. Happy Blogoversary from all of us, we're thankful you are a part of our lives and thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  13. We love your poem with that special phrase. Happy Blogaversary! We're glad you and Madi decided to start blogging so long ago or we wouldn't have met you either.

  14. BOL, 2 hours and a bunch!! Well, we loves your blog 2 hours and a bunch. Happy blogaversary!

  15. Happy Blogoversary! Angel Madi is watching always; love never disappears, the way that our bodies have to. Hugs and purrs.

  16. I love the poem and I love the 2 hours and a bunch. Such a sweet thing.

    Happy 10th Blogoversary. I'm so happy I met you.

    Have a fabulous Thankful Thursday. Big hug. ♥

  17. Love the poem. Happy Blogaversary! 10 years is quite an accomplishment and we are so happy we found you through blogging!
    Mabel, Hilda & Mom

  18. Happy Blogoversary! Thanks for sharing sweet Madi with us all.

  19. Such a sweet poem today!

    I was just thinking about how it's been ten years...and how many friends I made with the help of Dory.

    Thinking of both of our Angels today!
    So glad they brought us together!

  20. Children come up with some amazing phrases. 2 hours and a quotable.

  21. Congratulations on your blogoversary - may you celebrate many more !

  22. Very cute poem and I love the story behind the phrase. Happy Blogoversary!!! XO

  23. Happy Blogoversary! Your Madi was lovely and sweet, with just the right amount of spice. And I love that penguin poem.

  24. Happy 10th blogiversary! We are grateful Madi brought you into our lives.

  25. Ooooooooooh! HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY BLOGOVERSARY!!!!! How FABulous! I don't knows what we would do without you guys too! It would be SUPER DUPER BORING!!! Plus, where else are you gonna see a kitteh twerkin'?????
    Ruby ♥

  26. Happy 10th blogoversary! That is incredible. I think "I love you two hours and a bunch" is one of the cutest phrases ever. My granddaughter is 3 and not a big nap fan either. It's cool now because they have monitors where you can watch what they are doing in their room. #Technology


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi