My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Tuesday Tale with Kat and his Siblings

First of all, my apologies  to my early bird readers.
Thank you all for your sweet comments.  Kat is for sure a super Brudder. 

Lone Star, Da Phenny and Da Nelly, Bouncing Bertie,
Molly and Marg, Eric and Flynn

The rumblin' and rantin'you heard yesterday morning was, Angel Madi having a hissin' fit OTRB.
She always gave me grief when I made mistakes!!
YIKES I had two post scheduled (by mistake)

Hosted by Comedy Plus


Dearest Aunty HiC
As you know, my sweet Golden Dakota and  Lab, Bubba Buddy, both are in their teens, both have challenging health issues.   I’ve noticed they’re both getting weaker, more fragile,  and require lots of extra attention from Mom. She says it’s her honor to keep them as comfortable and happy as possible. 
I like to snuggle, and show my love. I think it makes them feel better. Mom says I’m a special kitty. 💕
❤️ Kat Your Feline Nephew

Kat I'm not sure but it certainly looks like you are making
kitty biscuits/massaging Buddy in the last photo.

Dearest are an angel on Earth, of that I am 100% sure.  You were surely sent to your Hill to shower those very special K9s with extra love. 
I have been wondering about Dakota and Buddy.  I didn't want to bug your sweet Mom too much about how they were doing. As with Angel Madi, each day is precious and we want to live in the moment with our seniors.  Quality of life is most important and L O V  E to the nth degree.  Please whisper to them that Aunty loves them dearly.
Tell them Angel Madi will be there for them down the road. I say a prayer for them every night and for your peeps who love them so very much. 

Thank you for these beautiful photos. I'm so glad you mom is taking the photos.  I used to be embarrassed by all the photos I took of Angel Madi. Now they make me smile with found memories of my Diva.  They are very comforting, too.  

Lovingly your Aunty HiC 


  1. LOL that happened to me too so many times that I pressed publish instead of save... idk why but the publish button is always mine :O) we love the photos a lot and to take care for siblings and friends ist something every special of course...

  2. I think we heard dat rumbling all da way here!

  3. Yes, I am sure Madi was making her feelings known!
    Kat is a very kind and caring brother to his woofy family.

  4. Hari OM
    ...well now I get to see Kat... I had ether trubs here yesterday and everytime I tried to reach blogs it shut them off from me and by the time it got going again, there he was gone!!! This reminds me so much of when Jade dog was in her last month - Jasper cat never left her side. Well done that Kat. YAM xx

  5. So sweet that the kitties try to comfort the woofies....I do think animals sense when their humans OR their animal companions are I need of extra hugs and attention and it's one of my favorite things about them - that sensitivity. No doubt Madi is helping them provide that comfort. SWEET photos.

    Hugs, Pam and Teddy too

  6. Kat, you are a good furriend to your beloved woofies.

  7. Some very sweet photos. Kat is a good kitty brother. I think snuggling your pupper brothers is a real comfort for them!

  8. Kat are all you stripy kitties luv bugs. My old girl Scooter sure is. And so is Bob the neighbors cat who now lives with us.

  9. We've made that oopsie before too so no hissing, angel Madi. You are just the bestest, Kat♥

  10. Kat is purrrfect for those senior pups... i know they love her and she is a comfort to them... it is so hard when our pets become seniors.. i can't count the times i have made the oops and posted 2 on one day...

  11. Kat is such a sweetie and we know Angel Madi created a disturbance in the force.

  12. Kat you sure are a sweetie to keep your senior siblings comforted by your love. We are sure they appreciate it especially the massages.

  13. It takes a special person to have the love of a senior pup! <3

  14. Kat, you've taken a cue from your human mom!

  15. It's hard to see our babies get old and start to fail. We just love them and care for them as best we can. Just being with them is ever so important. It appears that you're doing your part KAT in making sure they know you love them too. Keep up the great work.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday. My best to your wonderful Auntie. ♥

  16. What a wonderful brofur Kat is, being right there in case his pups need anything!
    Arty, Jakey & Rosy

  17. A precious dear blog that made mommy and me have the beginnings of eye leaks. How sweet to take such loving care of your fur siblings and it shows that each one of you were raised with ample abiding love.

  18. kat...dood....ewe iz a grate brother....N may st francis help with sum blessingz
    for dakota N francis iz one awesum pal ta haz bye yur side.


  19. Kat sure takes good care of his brothers. Purrs for Dakota and Buddy.

  20. Sweet Kat taking such good care of his sibling
    Mabel & Hilda

  21. Oh Kat - you are an angel on earth. No doubt about it. Keep lavishing your siblings with love, okay?

  22. Oh Kat, you are the bestest kitteh EVERS!!! I knows your sibs looooove your cuddles, and really appreciate the extra love and sweetness. {{{hugs}}} to your pack
    Ruby ♥

  23. What a good Kat you are! Woofs, Lucy and Xena

  24. What a kind kitty brother you are! Hope your doggies are resting well under your TLC!

  25. It is so nice for you to be the comfort kitty to your brothers. It is hard growing old without a good friend like you.


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi