My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

With love to Buddy

You might remember a week or so ago Kat shared his concern about the declining health Dakota and Buddy.
Yesterday when we returned home from a short trip, we had an email from 
my nephew KAT.

Dearest Aunty HiC
I have very sad news to share. Yesterday, our vet helped my sweet, dear Buddy cross The Bridge. 😿Buddy let us know it was time, and Mom and Dad made the most difficult, yet compassionate, decision any pet owner will ever have to make.
Our hearts are broken, but we take comfort knowing he is no longer suffering. 
Just think of the greeting he received at The Bridge from Madi, Sassy, and Zack. 😻

❤️ Kat Your Feline Nephew

I washed Buddy’s face the night before he passed, to show my love.

When I saw this video, I was reminded of the song by Alabama, Angels Among US.
Kat wandered totally by accident in the Buddy's home, fit right in with his family of rescued Siblings.
Kat is one of those Angels walking Among Us. Yes I know Angel Madi
is doing her happy twerking dance now that she and Buddy, Sassy and Zack all have their Wings.

This is the most handsome BUD-man when he was foot loose and fancy free.
He lived his life with gusto each and every day and without any regrets.

He was rescued from a shelter literally minutes before he was to be euthanized.
His age was approximately 2 when he was rescued.
That day was the day he really started to Live!!
His life turned 360 degrees that day. 
  I've known Buddy and his family
for 13 years, my heart breaks for them.


  1. that was so nice to show your love and our tears are running for your friend Bud...together with the tears of his furmily...

  2. This is such a touching post, and my heart goes out to Buddy's family, who always gave him so much kindness and love.

  3. Hari OM
    Oh this is heart-breaking, but not more so than for the furmily themselves. Sending Love and condolence, YAM xx

  4. We never had enough time with our beloved furkids. Our hearts go out to Buddy's family and friends♥

  5. So sad and so sorry for the family. Buddy passed with love and respect from his family. All our pets should have this at the end of their life. Kat, you were a comfort to Buddy. So sweet. Sending love and hugs.

  6. Kat you are and were an amazing brudder to Bud-man. I know you are all heart broken.

  7. We're so sorry to hear about Buddy and send warm hugs to all his family. It was so nice of Kat to give him lots of kisses the night before he went to the Bridge.

  8. We are so, so sorry to hear about dear Buddy, we know it's never ever easy and he was such a special guy. Love and hugs to Kat and Buddy's very special family.

  9. I am so very sorry to hear of your loss; he was a handsome boy, certainly. Only 2 years when he was rescued! Far too young to have to leave. I'm so glad he had a loving home with his people.

    1. Buddy live a very long life full of TLC. He was ~14 years old when he made his trip OTRB this week.

  10. It is always so so sad to lose our fur friends. But it sounds like Buddy had a wonderful home and a wonderful life. Big hugs to everyone.

  11. What a sweet video. Fly free sweet Buddy.

    The Florida Furkids

  12. I can't see to type from tears in my eyes, Kat washing his face broke myheart and my heart aches for those left behind. run free sweet Buddy

  13. Oh Buddy, what a wonderful life full of love and fun you lived!! It's time to enjoy the Rainbow Bridge for a while, where you never feel old and slow and tired. <3 Much love to your family.

  14. I know how hard this is to do. It's still in the forefront of our minds. I'm so sorry for the loss of Buddy. They are so precious.

    Big healing hugs all around. ♥

  15. Oh dear, sweet Buddy! We are so sorry for Kit and family for their loss. Yes, it is the hardest thing a pet owner/lover has to do - it takes love and courage to do it. Kat, you are a very sweet boy to be so tenderly kissing Buddy. Timber and Misty do that to Lightning when he is sleeping too.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  16. Godspeed your journey to heaven Buddy; we are truly sorry. We send big hugs to mom, dad,kat and dakota. We understand how hard this decision was. with ♥♥♥♥♥ from all of us ~~~~~~~~~~

  17. We are sending lots of hugs and love to Kit and his family. We know Dory and Bilbo were also there to welcome Buddy!

  18. Hugs and purrs to Angel Buddy and his grieving family.

  19. We're so sad to hear about Buddy. Sending lots of hugs, POTP, and cocker spaniel kisses to his family.

  20. Oh noes. I am so sorry to hears this. It was very very sweet of Kat to gives Buddy lots of loves before his trip over the Bridge ~ I am sure Buddy will tells Angel Madi all abouts it. Sendin' lots of loves and {{{hugs}}} and kisses to his family ♥
    Ruby ♥

  21. It is so sad when their time comes. We know everyone is devastated. So happy he had many more years to give love and be loved than he had in the beginning. Kat was so sweet and caring.

  22. Run free, Buddy ! Purrayers to all who love you ! We know you will continue to keep an eye on your furiends !

  23. Such a sweet video of Kat giving Buddy a last bath. My condolences go to you and his family.

  24. Such a sweet video. Rest in peace Buddy. XO

  25. A touching video of Kat and Buddy. prayers for all of Buddy's family
    Mabel & Hilda

  26. Such a sweet little video of Kat washing Buddy's face - a sweet gesture - he knew/sensed it was time to say goodbye to his friend. Our prayers go to Buddy's family and to you - I'm sure Angel Madi gave Buddy a HUGE hug when he arrived at the Bridge.

    Love, Pam

  27. Our hearts ache for Buddys family. He is at peace, and Kat has started earning his wings.

  28. That video broke my heart. Our German Shepherd and Tabby were best friends for years. They went to the Rainbow Bridge two weeks from each other. Please give Kat and his family our deepest condolences and a hug for making Buddy's life so awesome.

  29. We know you're running young and free again chasing butterflies through the meadows at the Bridge. My most heartfelt sympathy to your family and to all who knew and loved you. Hugs ♥♥♥♥♥

  30. I am just seeing this post about Buddy now and my heart is just breaking. What a lucky dog he was though to be rescued just minutes before being euthanized and living his life with a family who adored him. Buddy you were one HANDSOME woofie.........we are so deeply sorry and are so sorry we are seeing this so late. Please send our heartfelt sympathy xoxo


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi