My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Wordy Wednesday

Dearest Aunty HiC

Woe is Me-Ow! Mom took me to the vet last Friday morning for my annual exam and vaccinations. The good news is I was a good boy while at the vet. Bad news; one of us came home with a bandaid and it wasn’t Me-Ow!
I was extremely stressed out in the car. I rode in crate on Mom’s lap, while Dad drove, and voiced my displeasure the ENTIRE trip.  Mom has ordered a soft-sided crate for me, hoping that will help with my anxiety. 

Not sure why Mom stuck her fingers in my crate, but that was a big mistake!  

Vet tech provided first aid to Mom’s finger, while I got shots. 😹

I had some yummy treat when we got home, so I guess Mom forgives me. 😻 (Notice bandaid on Mom’s finger).

❤️ Kat Your Feline Nephew

Oh dear me my sweet nephew....sounds like you had a solo performance of the Song of your People in first soprano. I sure do wish you could 'tell' us what what you like least about riding.  I'm beginning to think you might have had a very bad experience riding or being confined in your past life. Angel Madi was on the fence about car rides.  She would sing the Song of her People too...but it was a short ride. I wonder how you would do in your PTU with Pup sitting with you?  I'm so glad Mom forgave you she knows 99.9999% of the time you are are so sweet.
Sending healing thoughts to Mom's finger and many purrs for you to overcome the issue with riding. I think the soft-sided crate is an excellent Idea!! 

Lovingly your Aunty HiC

The Rest of the Story on Feline Friday


  1. What is it with kitties and car journeys? Travel is great fun!

  2. Hari OM
    Never mind Kat - mums are very forgiving at times like these. Though it is a little surprising that she was so unwary!!! Hugs and whiskeries, YAM-aunty xxx

  3. We're sure you're forgiven. How about a box? Cats love boxes...MOL! (Our aunty once used a pillow case. A wildly moving, yowling, spitting pillow case. However, everyone was so alarmed that she was ushered into the examination room without waiting!) (Oh, don't eat Christmas tree may not need a pillow case.)

  4. Crate the human next time ... provides safety and protection.

  5. Moms are great at forgiveness, Kat.

  6. Ow, sorry Kat's Mom. Kat please don't hurt Mom again. I'm glad she forgave you for the bobo you gave her.

  7. Yikes... no bites! Hard when you are afraid. All our kitties did well in the car because we moved a lot and they just settled in BUT the last kitty she was a wild one in the car and she didn't want any part of the ride or the carrier. I finally found a vet that came to us.

  8. hope a new soft side crate will help, me thinks this does not bode well for riding in the RV... most cats do not like riding but i know of two who love it. sorry about the finger

  9. I remember those rides to the vet. They were never welcome here either. We do what we do to make you as comfortable as we can. I'm glad mom forgave you. I would have too.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. My best to your mom and Auntie. ♥

  10. We find that a dark colored soft-sided crate with black mesh (like the Frisco one on Chewy) calms Hachi incredibly when he's stressed. I think that it really might help Kat. (although I am not so experienced with Kats!). I love your stories of Kat.

  11. My kitty cat cousin Maddie cat would turn into a wild tiger when she knew she had to go into a crate for any reason. Her human has the scars to prove it. Hopefully the vet visit went well and you won't have to go again until next year.

  12. Oh my! Such a pretty guy!! I'm sure he did not mean it... poor fella. poor mom, too.

  13. Interesting thought about the crate. We are thinking just the opposite since Noelle freaked out in that one.

    The Florida Furkids

  14. I dangle my fingers in the crate too, when a yowling cat is unhappy with the car ride. Maybe I need to rethink that activity...

  15. dood....we will bee singin songz ina few ...we both R goin in at de same time... we dunno if de food servizz gurl iz brave......ore stoooopid ;) ☺☺♥♥

  16. Of course your mom forgives you, Kat. She knows you didn't mean it.

  17. We're sure Kat's mom wasn't too up set with her finger being bitten. She knew you were stressed and you weren't yourself Kat.

  18. I am sure your mom understands. I hope the soft sided crate works for you.

  19. We hurt our moms unintentionally sometimes, but they know we didn't mean it, even though it hurts.

  20. Glad you are healthy, but sorry about your mom needing a bandaid.XO

  21. Poor Kat, I understand, I sing the whole way to the Vet too and ours is a 35 minute ride.

  22. Kat, we know you didn’t mean to do that. I get scared when I go to the vet too. ~Ernie

  23. Mom makes me ride in a crate for car rides too Kat and I cry and whine most of the time

  24. Hey, I whine and bark most of the way too, butts I am harnessed and tethered to the seat belt, so no nippin' the Ma's fingers....not that I would do it even if I could...heheheheee
    Nows, I won't even bring up the time I pooped on the vet tech ~ not that I'm giving you any ideas or anythings.....
    Ruby ♥

  25. Oh nose da dreaded vet..I heard Mama talking to Daddy last night about how mine is coming up and I will be singing the song of my people too!! Fingers crossed I don't bite anyone buts I can't pawmise anyfing ;) It's hard to behave when your soo stressed out.

    Matilda & Matt

  26. Bless your heart! If mom wants to try some Treatibles CBD for cats, I have a discount code. It works miracles on Bentley’s anxiety.


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi