My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Friday, November 8, 2019

Nature and Feline Friday

Hosted by Comedy Plus

Two  creepy 8-legged Nature Friday stories

First from Kat and crew in New Mexico

You will NOT believe what happened on Monday! 
Mom and Pup went for a walk around the campground...

When suddenly Pup barked, “Stop!”

Mom was about to step on a beautiful, fuzzy tarantula!

Pup and Mom said he sure did have some fantastic camouflage
Aunty is giving you some pointers....

She would have been terribly upset if she had harmed the big, creepy crawly. Ha!

I’m happy to report I was inside, and out of harm’s way during the entire ordeal.  😹

❤️ Kat Your Feline Nephew

Dearest Nephews
Ohhhhhhhhhhhh if creepy crawlers aren’t enough ......they are hairy too. 
Pup you are a great Desert dog w a fine sniffer.  Mom owes you a gazillion belly rubs for keeping her safe! 
  P. S. Kat
Lovingly your Aunty HiC


Second from right down the street a few miles from our house
This beautiful work of art was spotted at the WRAL-TV
Azalea Gardens early October

Now after seeing these creepy, hair critters of nature..
How man of you are standing on top of a table?


  1. omg omg omg.... the mama ran away... hope she is back till lunch...

  2. After all that, I feel itchy! I think I could live without spiders that are larger than a quarter. The only reason I'm so level-headed about them? I HATE MOSQUITOES and they are prime dining for spiders.

  3. Thank goodness you were watching out for your mom, Pup!

  4. Excellent job, Pup! Just as a dog should do.

  5. Now that is pretty darn scary. Good dog for watching out. You all have a fantastic day.

  6. That tarantula would give me the creeps. I do not like spiders. I leave them alone if they make a web out in the yard, but in the barn.......nope, have to knock em down because they go across the hall. No worse feeling than walking thru a web.

    happy weekend and Veteran's day

  7. Hari Om
    Well, of course, I am one of those weird peeps who likes to see things like spiders and bugs - well-spotted Pup! It would have been a darn shame to have squishified that beauty. And Miss C - that B&W of the spider web is a gorgeous photograph!!! YAM xx

  8. We lived with the tarantulas when we lived in Oklahoma and we lived with scorpions when we lived in Missouri. I will take a tarantula any day but I'd keep my distance! Good work Pup! I love those webs that garden spiders create... works of art for sure!

  9. Holy Carp...that guy was BIG!!!! Thank COD Pup was on high alert!

    The Florida Furkids

  10. That would have scared me to pieces. No, just no.

    Kat is doing so well on his adventure. I'm so happy about that.

    Thank you for joining the Feline Friday Blog Hop.

    Have a purrfect Feline Friday and weekend, Kat. My best to Pup and your Auntie. ♥

  11. How cool that they found a tarantula! It's good that Pup stopped his mom from stepping on it.

  12. I much rather see your work of art than see that hariy THING on the ground. before I read the story, I thought when I saw the photo and the words New Mexico, hope they are careful of rattlers and then when I read it I remembered Linda who lives in New Mexico talking about these hairy spiders and scorpions.... I am glad no pup or mom was harmed in the telling of this story. YOWSA! I would have ran faster than Pup could if I saw that.

  13. I'm not standing on the table, but I've got my face all scrunched up!
    I don't like spiders, not big ones not small ones. I try capture one's that I find inside of the house and release them outdoors, but my skin crawls.

  14. Yikes, the Dad here might not sleep at all tonight after seeing that!

  15. That tarantula will eat thousands of harmful insects, they are our friends.

  16. pup N kat....we dunno.....we wood like ta may bee.. we wood prob ablee.. most shirley... freek out ....if we came up on a ta ran choola.....WHOA....they iz az big az dinner platez !!!!!!! yeoowzzzz


  17. Gosh, we are quite relieved there are several thousand miles and a wide ocean between Scotland and New Mexico....

  18. WOW...what a hairy little guy!! We have lots of spiders in our corner of Blogville...but none so very hairy!!!
    Rosy, Jakey & Arty

  19. Omg...I think I'd still be running away. Creepy critter! (As for, I haven't watched much orleans not at all. But, I do know about LaSalle. He was my favorite)

  20. Nope Nope Nope! can't even look at the pictures of that tarantula
    Mabel & Hilda

  21. Oh boy, I thinks you broke Ma!!!! She is flailing her arms and said she gots something called heeby jeebies! I don't knows what that is, butts it doesn't look pleasant. I thinks I need to pre-screen all of the bloggie post before she sees them from now on! BOL!!! Anyhu, FABulous trip guys! I thinks you have the right idea Kat ~ stay in the wheelie house!
    Ruby ♥

  22. Oh those tarantulas are scary and can really make for BAD problems so good thing you saw it before it saw you! I think I'd prefer being inside the wheelie house instead of out where the BAD stuff can bite me........I do think that spider web is amazing though. WOWZERS!

    Hugs, Teddy

  23. We like spiders here, and wish there were more of them. We didn't see a single orb weaver web like the one in your picture this summer! We think people use too much pesticides on their lawns. Were glad to see they're surviving elsewhere.

  24. I think spider webs are the most amazing artwork ever! I love seeing them but not running into the webs or their residents. Hahah!


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi