My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Happy Tuesday

I walked in the neighborhood yesterday, March 30.  Saw lots of fun chalk art and messages on the
side walks.  

This is one of my favorite 'hood dogs
Cody is a rescue.  His human's think he is a mix of Great Pyrenees/ Black Lab and/or Newfoundland.
No matter his DNAs he has a gentle soul and a happy heart....he greets everyone.
His owner told me he never barks.

Last Friday we walked outside too.  Cody was in this very spot except he was napping on the side walk.
Yesterday I walked at about 8 am...Cody was probably sleeping in.  This photo was taken a few years ago.

 March 29, was Cody's Dad's Birthday.

This is Cody's house

His kids or maybe his mom had fun helping Dad celebrate in spite of the social distancing

Quarantini Corner Cracked me up!!
Even a glass with an olive in it.

Other driveway art seen on my walk.


  1. love it!!! and we love the DNA of cody... ours says: 100% devil LOL

  2. We love the driveway art, and what a handsome fellow Cody is.

  3. It is fun to see the driveway art and a good way of keeping people's spirits up.

  4. We love the chalk art. It always brings smiles to our faces! We love your new header and background, Miss Cecilia!

  5. Hari OM
    I love the inventiveness of this celebration - and am also in love with Cody! Oh - and adoring the spring makeover for the bloggy!!! YAM xx

  6. I love what people are doing to just generate a smile.....chalk art - teddy bears and hearts in windows - there is a strong spirit that nothing - even a virus - can't stifle. We aren't invincible but we're staying hopeful. Stay safe !

    Love, Pam and Teddy too

  7. Such a handsome woofie! We hope Chris had a very nice birthday!

  8. Cody looks like a big ol sweetie.

    Well the chalk painter's were making the best of it.

  9. Cody is a cutie, and Happy Birthday to his human.
    We have kids drawing in chalk all over the neighborhood sidewalks, with positive words and pretty drawings. It really lifts the spirit!

  10. Cody looks like a real sweetie. How fun that people are getting out and decorating the walks and driveways.

  11. Sidewalk and driveway art is so sweet. Finding all kinds of great ways to communicate and keep distance. I finally get to see Cody.. hahaha! He is handsome. Love your spring collage header!

  12. We're seeing some fun sidewalk drawings on our walks. And some people have started putting stuffed animals in windows so we can have a bear hunt!

  13. That's a great way to keep busy and to keep everybody's hopes up!

  14. this is a proper Corona Birthday, way to go Chris and kids. love it and love Cody

  15. How fun and Cody is most handsome. You have to have a sense of humor during these trying times.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday. Big hug. ♥

  16. Cody is a cutie. My sister's birthday is the 29th too, she turned 59.

  17. What a fun neighborhood making for a very smiley walk!!
    Rosy, Jakey & Arty

  18. Occasionally we see chalk art on our walks.

  19. Cody is so handsome, and he sure does look like a very gentle soul. We have lots and lots of those cool chalk messages around here too. Nice to see people being creative and funny despite the reality of a horrible time of life.

    Woos, Lightning and Timber

  20. I love that! And what a handsome dog.

  21. How fun! lOve that people are still finding ways to see joy in life
    Mabel & Hilda

  22. Love all the chalk art! Thanks for sharing and please stay safe and healthy.

  23. Oh Cody is adorables! Um,....I MEANS, handsome!!! I bets I can gets him to bark! hehehehe
    What cool chalk art!!!! I LOVES the Quantini! Butts, I thinks it should have been a margarita glass ~ a lime instead of an olive! BOL!
    Ruby ♥

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  25. Isn't it great how people are trying to make others smile, and keep things as light as possible during this terrible time?

  26. That is so fun! We have a bear in our window and our Easter Bunny in the garden to try and bring a smile to others. It is such a weird time. I really want some colored sidewalk chalk. I might check at the grocery store when I go for "Senior hour" next week.


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi