My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Happy Tuesday Trail Tale

I completed the front of my latest project 2 weeks ago.
I'm still debating on whether it will be a wall hanging or a pillow.
Probably a wall hanging but either way I don't have any backing fabric.
I think want navy fabric or maybe an ecru..or a blend.  
Not sure when I'll have any either.  Being older than dirt, but thankfully in good health,
I'm being very careful.  Our only outings are to the grocery store
or to walk in our neighborhood or on one the numerous trails around home.  
All the top fabric is from several other projects.
When I get back to JoAnn's, I'm going to look for some more Route 66 fabric.
I really like it.

We are continue our morning walks...just in a different location.
Just ~10 minutes from home there is a beautiful City trail around
Shelley Lake.  Thus far we have taken two  of the numerous trails...YES THERE are
PHOTOS which will be posted in no particular order.  
Friday, April 3, 2020 we took Ironwood Trail 

The lazy creek meanders along often switching sides with the trail

and lo and behold came upon Butterfly ART
Ironically the art is on sewer access stations...
no smell mail here just eye candy


  1. Oooh, that trail looks so beautiful. And we like the Route 66 fabric. One can imagine one is travelling even while stuck at home!

  2. we love the idea with the butterflies, that is fab!!!... and now da nat king cole song is in our head...Get your kicks on Route sixty-six...

  3. The butterfly art is a lovely surprise to discover on your walks.

  4. All our parks and trails are closed - which seems a bit cruel now that the weather is finally nice enough to spend time outside! Do I see a butterfly quilt in your future?!

  5. What a beautiful spot for a walk and we love all of the butterflies! Love your latest project!

  6. Most parks/trails are closed here but you sure have some beautiful spots to hike around how they decorated those sewer access stations with beautiful butterflies! Also love your latest quilting project - did I ever tell you we live right off Rt. 66?? We do......

    Love, Pam

  7. Those butterflys are just gorgous. What a fun place to go. You all have a fine day.

  8. what a super duper idea. the butterflies make me happy just seeing them in your photos. the trails are gorgeous. looks like a better place to walk than the mall the little creek

  9. Grocery store and the post office is about the only places we go too. It's been raining like the devil so going out for a walk hasn't happened. Pretty soon I hope. We are older than dirt too.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday. Big hug. ♥

  10. I enjoyed the trail shots...but wanted to say I LOVE that Route 66 fabric!

  11. Your Route 66 material brings back memories. We used to drive Route 66 to my Aunt's when we lived in St. Louis. There were some little stone cabins that made up a motor inn motel that had quite the reputation. We have a Cloudless Sulphur that has been flutterbying our lanai the last week or so. I am infatuated with the Sulphur and the Luna Moth. The creek looks cool and peaceful.

  12. The quilt is gorgeous.

    I love where you are walking now.

  13. Your latest quilt project looks great. You might want to try ordering from Joanns online for the fabric. We want to support as many stores as we can during all the shut downs. That looks like a perfect place for a walk. We love the butterfly art too.

  14. Nice job!
    I love walking trails and through the woods. We don't have as much color as you...yet!

  15. Your quilt sure is pretty!!! Hey, that trail sure looks like a nice walking place!

  16. Hari OM
    Love the art - easy and fun way to decorate the invasion of civilisation! YAM xx

  17. I love walking these type of trails. Love you all's. The hanging is very pretty. If it were I, it would be a hanging and I would use ecru for backing. Heeee.

  18. What a lovely place to walk. Hope it remains open. Many such places have had to close here because people didn't get social distancing.

  19. That came out great! You can order online and have fabric shipped, but they make you get at least 2 yards. COol butterflies. XO

  20. I really like your pillow/hanging, the Route 66 Fabric is soooo classic!

    What a beautiful trail to walk. As K-10 mentioned, many trails like this are closing(including a few in our area). I sure am looking forward to the day I can get out and wander again!!

  21. Great way to decorate the access stations!!!

  22. I love that. Personally I admire wall hangings.

  23. Thanks for sharing your walk with us since we aren't able to take any until Mom's arm is better.

    We bet you could order some fabric online too - that project is going to be very nice whichever way you decide to go.

    Woos, Lightning and Timber

  24. What a pretty trail. The Female Human has promised to get us a cat stroller so we can do a few rounds around the neighborhood!
    Purrs & Head Bonks,
    Alberto & The Tribe

  25. Pretty, pretty, and more pretty! Both your handiwork fabric & park area!

  26. Wow, the mom wishes there were places like that where she could walk. We have some trails but not many.

  27. I love how you worked the maps into it. Outstanding.

  28. FABulous quilt project! I don't knows, I thinks it would make a wonderful pillow! I would sleeps on it! BOL!!! Oh, those trails are so serene! You are so lucky to have those near your house! I bets there are some amazin' sniffs in there!
    Keeps safe and well my furiends!
    Ruby ♥

  29. Your city (or parks and recreation) certainly does some extra special things. Thanks for sharing.

  30. That’s a wonderful trail! Isn’t it funny how we miss the simple act of shopping when we need something. I hate not being able to run to the store on a whim.


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi