My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Thursday, June 4, 2020

Thoroughly Poetic and Thankful Thursday #23

Today we join Two  SPOILED CATS 
Angel Sammy and Teddy for their poetic pictorial poem.

Here is today's inspiration

Imaginary or real 
I do not know
The glow, the sparkle
puffy clouds..
The warm yellow light on 
 crescent shape sail.
All give me a feeling quite surreal.

Today I'm joining Brian's House for 2Thankful Thursday.
Hosted by Brian 
I am so very happy and thankful to announce we were able to Dine on the Patio  at our very very favorite Saturday lunch spot last week, Seaboard Cafe.  Seaboard is a small, intimate cafe.  Combination of about 25  2 and 4 set tables inside.
And at least  the same number outside.
  It was the first time we have actually eaten in away from home since late March.  We were so very worried about Rick and Staff during the closure.
Happy to see them back.  

These 2 pictures from 3 or 4 years ago.  
However just wanted to see where
their patio dining.  Only about 1/2 of the tables were set up 
on Saturday.
Saturday there were no napkins or condiments on the table.
All staff were masks and gloves but their joy to be back 
serving the loyal customers was obvious.

Garfield Carton below is in honor of
our Hosts today
Teddy King of Baconia  and Angel Sammy two Ginger-men

Garfield Comic Strip for May 29, 2020


  1. we love your poem!!! and sometimes to remember the things what were common once is a little surreal too... but we are glad that we find our normal life back... step by step...

  2. Fifty pound of bacon sounds like poetry to me.
    Toodle pip!
    PS We love the crescent sail picture and you poem too.

  3. Love your poem and the beautiful photo and we're so happy that you finally got to go out for lunch!

  4. Hari OM
    That is indeed an ethereal image and your 'out loud thinking' created a wonderful poem. There was news here of a lot of places closing down due to the lost income from lockdown. Means they were on the edge anyway, with no buffer, but still, sad to see. YAM xx

  5. That is one terrific poem. It is so sad that some places have had to close. Hope you all have a great day.

  6. I am just as happy as you were that you got to dine at Seaboard and I am so happy for Rick and Staff! It was a wonderful thing you and other customers did for them! The picture is surreal and I like your words for the poem! Imaginary or real??? Whatever we want it to be! We are eating at the Breakfast Cottage later this morning after my appt at the derma. They have been open 11 days... we can hardly wait! Good Morning!

  7. I love that boat image.
    Glad you had a good meal at your favorite place.
    Garfield reminds me of some of my kitties.

  8. Love the poem and such great news about your favorite eatery opening up. Ours aren't open yet, but soon. Mid month is what we're hearing.

    I laughed out loud with Garfield. Sounds about right.

    Have a fabulous Thankful Thursday, honey. Big hug. ♥

  9. Such a terrific poem and a wonderful dining thankful! Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  10. We enjoyed your poem. It's good to hear things are opening up. We just hope it really is safe to do so and that we don't see a spike in Covid-19 cases.

  11. How exciting that you could dine at a restaurant. 🎉

  12. Happy Thankful Thursday!! We just love the beautiful poem that you shared with us. That is great that you were able to enjoy a dinner outside after such a long time. Thanks for sharing. Have a fantastic day.
    World of Animals

  13. Your poem really captured the mood of that photo!!! The peeps haven't done any dining out yet, but Mom is slowly making her way at very early hours and at warp speed to some of the grocery stores. And of course, rapid pickup at Panera:)

    Woos, Lightning and Timber

  14. The poem is wonderful but what's MORE wonderful is that you got to eat at your favorite restaurant again! YAY! I know you and your husband have missed that place like crazy. Glad they are doing OK....we worry about our favorites!

    Hugs, Pam

  15. Wahoo for eating out!!!!! I agree, that picture looks so very surreal!
    Rosy, Jakey & Arty

  16. Great poem. Glad you got to eat out. XO

  17. Lovely poem. The boat looks very romantic.
    No restaurants open here, so if we want to eat out we will have to take a picnic.

  18. Oh, Ma hasn't eaten out since March eithers! We, too, are allowed outside dining, butts our favs don't really have it, so it's gonna have to wait some more. So glads your fav restaurant is seein' customers, and hopefully will be back to full speed soon!
    Waits....50lbs of bacon??? yes please!
    Ruby ♥

  19. Today's picture is magical and surreal. I can't help but wonder, where is the person (or being) who must have been in it? Restaurants opening has become extremely controversial around here. I haven't gone, mostly because my husband can't eat what is served at most of them (food allergies). Have a good weekend.


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi