My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Sunday, August 30, 2020

Serious Sunday Cat-i-TUDE

Felines expect Purrfection from their staff...

Garfield by Jim Davis
Garfield Comic Strip for August 25, 2020

Oh Angel Madi was all about presentation...her Fancy Feast had to 
be purrfectly distributed on the an orderly appearance

Pickles Comic Strip for August 25, 2020

My apologies if I missed visiting yesterday.
Between Friday night and 6am Saturday morning
aliens invaded our WiFi.  Thank goodness Valerie, the best Geek at Geek Squad, figured out
what was up.  Some how our WiFi went MIA
Then I checked my cell phone to find it had been invaded by aliens who wiped out all my
contacts. Cell provider could not find them so I had to rebuild contact list.
This type of thing is what scares me about the world's growing dependency on technology


  1. "I give so much and ask so little".
    My motto exactly.
    Toodle pip!
    PS On the subject of technology, Bertie was thrilled to hear on the radio this week that 'Alexa' now recognises and understands the phrase "Toodle pip!"

  2. Oh my, there would be only two numbers I know by heart: my parents and a couple of friends. Other than that I would be completely lost as well!
    Your telephone wasn't hacked though? They didn't just steal the lot?


  3. Bowie is a lil picky - he can't stand food near the edges. Me? I'll eat it anywhere, anytime.

  4. I love Garfield!
    I am glad you have your wifi back. At the end of last year Ivor smashed his phone beyond repair. A lot of his phone numbers were saved to the phone instead of the sim card so he lost them. I made a list on the computer of both our contacts list and also printed it off. Even now 10 months later he is realising he still hasn't replaced all his contacts.

  5. that is horrible on the contacts. that is the good thing about gmail, the contacts live in all devices and can't disapear. my shangey email is like yours and could disapear at any moment. hope you did not have a lot of contacts to enter. that would make me crazy. I love Garfield also.. i know people who are picky about presentation but did not know cats could be. dogs just gobble and care not what it looks like

  6. We can all be picky here too! Yes, that's some techie awful you had going on and I hope it stops for good!

  7. Technology can be sooooooooooo frustrating and make us waste so much time!

  8. When it works technology is the best but when it doesn't . . . . Nothing is more frustrating,

  9. Nothing worse than computer problems! Hope things get better.

  10. That stinks about the contacts. That's why I still have a typed out list of my phone numbers because I don't trust the phone to not lose them.

  11. Those are great cartoons. There isn't much worse these days than having your wifi go out and aliens invading your phone. Glad you are back online.

  12. Those were terrific catoons! We agree with you on being so dependent on tech today.

  13. BOl - that's one thing Mom says we are great about. We don't care one hoot about presentation, she can mix it all together and even dump it on the floor - we would still eat it:)

    Sorry about the wi-fi aliens - that is just crazy.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  14. That's REALLY bad. The missing wifi and the contacts just gone! LOVED the cartoons and Pickles is about my most favorite.

  15. We’re all about the presentation too.

  16. OMD!!!! That is SO me too! I WILL NOT eats my kibble outta the bowl! I insist that they be dumped out so I can inspect each kibble befores I eats it! I have always done this, and always will. hehehe
    Sorry abouts the squirrels in your wifi! Nothin' worse than puter probs! I am super glads the geeky peeps figured it out and you can visit once again! ♥
    Ruby ♥

  17. That is awful that you had that happen. Glad you are back. Dad keeps his contacts in several places just in case

  18. I lost all my contacts kept electronically many years ago, so I went to paper and swore to never depend on electronics for that again. I have become slack. Shouldn't your cell provider have that all "in the cloud?"

  19. Ah Yes! Even Barb the geek gets flummoxed! THe interweb has disappeared here a couple of times and I have had a difficult time getting it back! And I inadvertently wiped my entire telephone a couple of weeks ago, its a good thing I back it up once a month!


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi