My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Thursday, September 3, 2020

Thankful and Thoroughly Poetic Thursday #36

My Ginger Nephew Rocky says


Rocky here! I want to thank you, and all our wonderful blog furiends for the heart-warming comments about my incredible news. The past 4 months have been stressful, and your encouraging, kind comments have been greatly appreciated. 
I went back to vet Tuesday for my last round of vaccinations, including Feline Leukemia. I was a good boy.

I’m so happy to be FeLV negative, I can’t contain my excitement. 😹
Check out this quick video

Rocky Jumpin' catfish that cube is crazy!!
Hugs Auntie HiC
Kat and I are still getting to know each other, but I know he likes me. He gently washed 👅 my face this morning while Mom was holding me. 😻
Tomorrow on Feline and Nature Friday Auntie will share a very funny video 
Starring Pup and ME....

❤️ Rocky Your Orange Nephew 
Dearest sweet Ginger nephew!
 OMC Kat has claimed you as his.  I know for a fact he only washes the faces of those he loves.  I expect once you two fall into a routine and you are comfy you will be washing his face!  

Lovingly your auntie HiC❤️💋🥰👏🏻‼️

Today we join Two  SPOILED CATS 
Angel Sammy and Teddy for their poetic pictorial poem.

Here is today's inspiration
Everlasting love and friendship
Very comforting
Only you know the true me
Through thick and thin, highs and lows...
I have your support and you have mine
Our love is deeper than the ocean
Near you is where I want to be...always


  1. well said!!! love is much much deeper than the ocean and it is for ever... Rocky we are so happy to hear the good news, hugs to you and your fabulous furmily ;o)

  2. Beautifully expressed poem. And we are so thankful to be able to read all about how Rocky in thriving, and to watch his hilarious videos.

  3. That is a great video of Rocky rocking the cube! That is a lovely poem

  4. Hari OM
    OMC... yay for Rocky!!! And Miss C - that poem is divine... YAM xx

  5. So happy about Rocky....wonderful news. Also happy about this poem because it's perfect and goes so well with the photo. Love knows no boundaries or age limits - it's a forever kind of thing!

    Hugs, Pam

  6. Love your poem and that beautiful photo♥
    What a fun time you are having in your cube, Rocky!

  7. I love your words for the inspirational photo. Beautiful.

    Rocky, you and Kat are desined to be BFFF's. Best Fur Friends Furever.

  8. Rocky's video made me smile BIG! I am so tickled and thankful that he is FeLV negative. Let him continue to enjoy his life in his new home... so wonderful this big happy family! He is such a handsome Ginger Boy♥
    Your poem is sweet and true, Cecilia! Deeper than the ocean.. lovely!

  9. Negative can be a grreat word sometimes!

  10. I loved the video and it made me laugh what a cute little Cube! I love seeing and hearing about your life together and I can't wait to see what's going on with you and pup. Keep the words and the pics and the videos coming I look forward to every single one. Great job on the love thing mom

  11. What a great poem to go with that sweet picture. Rocky sure was having fun in that cube. It was rolling all over the place.

  12. Huzzah! This is terrific news, Rocky!
    Kat, time to open your paws wide to welcome your wee brofur.
    This image and your poem make me want to walk on the beach with The Hubby...wonder how I'm going to arrange that, but trust me, I WILL!

  13. Hooray for that good health report! Glad you have a happy family too!

  14. What a wonderful thankful day for you and your peeps. We're doing the happy dance right along with you.

    Have a purrfect Thankful Thursday. My best to your Auntie C. Hugs. ♥

  15. DOOD !!! we gived ewe a pawz UP at de moovee place; yur vid ee oh total lee rocked !!! actshun packed, and fun filled :) 984 pawz UP ☺☺♥♥

  16. Beautiful poem today C...and
    WAHOO for cute, silly and "no more vets for a year" Rocky!!!

  17. Oh yes, that is a lovely poem - that photo oozes devotion!!

    Rocky, you are really rocking that cube!!! We know that Kat will be your best buddy soon.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  18. That poem is just the very best! And truth in every word for those who have their loves still by their sides.
    Rocky, you and C\Kat...just the best news. AND I love no more Vet visits. XXX

  19. Rocky we are so happy for your news and to see you so happy !

  20. Oh Rocky! Yipee!!!! And Kat loves you too. What great news all around. (and you are SO handsome!).

    I love the poem - so very true.

  21. Rocky, we are happy to read that. You are proof that prayers work.

  22. What a wonderful Post! ROCKY Yous Rocks!
    And wes loved the poem too!!
    Sending Purrs and Love
    Marv, Jo Jo, Kozmo, Cinnamon and Angel Nellie

  23. WoooooHoooooooo!!!! OMD, Rocky that is FABulous news my furiend!!! I am gonna do some happy zoomies now.......k, I'm back ~ let's talk abouts that cube of yours ~ WOWSA! That looks like it's tons of funs! I wonder if they make that in an extra large size for doggies.....
    I can't waits to see your video! and I, too, thinks you will be lickin' Kat's face in no time! (that must be a kitteh thing....I don't thinks that would be too tasty....)
    Ruby ♥

  24. We're all so happy Rocky is FELV neg. Maybe after this, he can get titers to assure he is still protected instead of yearly vaccines, especially the FELV one. It's almost time for my first titers! XOX Lucy

  25. I am so happy for Rocky. Beautiful poem. XO

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Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi