My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Wordless Wednesday (not)

Hosted by Comedy Plus

 I am fascinated by words, names, cities,. Their meanings, origins.
I am addicted to Words with Friends, and all word puzzles.
Each Sunday, our newspaper has numerous word puzzles. The word search puzzles have a theme.
Recently it was Diner Lingo.  OMCs it is like an entirely different language.
There were no meanings so of course I asked GiGi Google for definitions of 
Diner Lingo. What amazed me were so many of the diner lingo words were 
much longer than the original word.  

For your viewing pleasure I first made a PUZZLE out of words

Here is a list of diner lingo and definitions
I ran out of space on my list so the last few are typed.

     in Atlanta
27. Wax: American Cheese
28. Whiskey: Rye Bread
29. Whiskey down: Rye toast
30. Wreck'em: Scrambled eggs.


  1. Hari om
    LOL - love this - and that you chose WORDS for Wednesday... YAM xx

  2. hahaha frog sticks? great!!!! we love love LOVE that!

  3. That is a fun list of names. We used to call tapioca frog spawn.

  4. I never did well with Wordless Wednesday either, I was always wordy! Love these... must show them to Jerry! #19.. LOL!

  5. Love the diner lingo. Belch water is so true☺

  6. Some of those are crazy. I like your puzzle.

  7. Mom likes her steak "on the hoof" but that's the only one we were familiar with.

    The Florida Furkids

  8. So many different phrases for things. How fun.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. Big hug, honey. ♥

  9. That's interesting. My GW was a waitress once (centuries ago!) but never heard most of those terms.

  10. I see you instead of going with worthless you went with words Wednesday love it! I do love me some frog sticks and I have never heard any of these or even knew that there is a diner lingo

  11. What a fun list of sayings. We wonder if diner lingo is still used these days or has computerized ordering taken over.

  12. We're always glad the diner staff knows what they are talking about!

  13. C; some of these are really funny.... then some made me think twice about ...
    "ordering" !!!!

    and I"ll never look at ketchup the same way again !!!!!!!☺☺☺

  14. Mom loves all kinds of puzzles too, both word and number. She spends way too much time on Words with Friends:) We think we are going to order a Bow Wow on a bun:)

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  15. BOL! I worked at restaurants for years and never heard half that lingo, but then again, I never worked for a diner. Thanks for the giggles!

  16. #3 & #11 is my favorites. I had fun reading these!!

  17. I have been to many a diner and never heard any of these. You ruined tapioca for me :) XO

  18. I grade school we kids always referred to tapioca as "frog eggs" - and yes, I still love it !

  19. But wouldn't it be easier for the waitress or whoever to just say the real name?? Why do they have to speak in code?? We don't get it...

  20. Diner lingo is so cool. Some of these I had heard before...but some were new to me.

  21. Hilarious! I didn't know any of those diner lingo definitions!

  22. Those are great! When we order a jalepeno sausage from our local bbq place they yell, "One whole hottie" It always makes us snicker.

  23. OMD, these are FABulous! When Ma watches movies with Diner waitresses usin' the lingo, nows she knows what they mean! BOL!
    Ruby ♥

  24. How cool! The only one I can honestly say I've heard used EVER is #1 !!

    Hugs, Pam

  25. Dad grew up in his parents diner so you really tickled him. There are some new ones here


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“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi