My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Friday, October 9, 2020

Nature and Feline Friday

Thanks LLB Gang for Hosting Nature Friday
Thanks Comedy Plus for hosting Feline Friday

Last walk I saw a gorgeous plant/tree/bush.  We looked all around the area where it was growing for an ID tag. We found nothings so I sent an email to Walter and Millie's humans aka Bird Brains and Dog Tales we all enjoy their gardens and learning about all the plants and flowers they have.

Cindy, I have no clue what this plant is.  Pic is attached.  Wondering if you or Charlie can identify it. The leaves are giants (2nd photo is a close up) and the stem is burgundy about 2" in diameter

Well as I figured I showed the pictures to Charlie and his crazy encyclopedic mind knew right away that it was a castor bean plant.  

He also informed me (and the wiki link backs it up) that the beans of this plant are very poisonous.

I went way back to Friday,

October 9, 2009 for this Flashback Angel Madi was in her Prime at Age 7 1/2 years

Friday, October 9, 2009

Madi: How I spend my free time

Mom, here I am up here.
No I'm busy reading I can't come play with you now

Ok now Mom is gone I can do what I really want to do, take a nap. 
The book will keep my head at just the right angle to see Mom when
 she comes around the corner again.


  1. that's amrt to sleep ona book so all that wisdom goes in our head while we sleep ;O) we first thought it is a plant you can smoke hahahahaha

  2. We're so glad to see Angel Madi! We truly miss her.
    I had no idea castor beans are poisonous.

  3. That Madi was one smart lady cat!

  4. What a huge plant! Hi sweet Madi♥

  5. I like the shape of the leaves on that one.
    Madi... she was so smart. We miss you so much.

  6. Aww, what a sweet, silly Angel Madi flashback. We're now coming to you from almost the complete other end of our beautiful state.

  7. Sweet post with Angel Madi♥ That plant has awesome leaves! Not good about the poisonous beans. Good Morning!

  8. Be still my heart...Madi, sweet, sweet Madi...I've seen these plants before.

  9. The Dad says castor oil is yucky too. That was sure a fun and sweet flashback!

  10. We're glad we could help identify that huge plant. It was nice seeing Angel Madi in this flash back.

  11. I've never seen one of these plants before, but if I do I'll know what it is.

    Madi was such a smart and pretty cat.

    Thank you for joining the Feline Friday Blog Hop.

    Have a purrfect Feline Friday and weekend. Big hug, honey. ♥

  12. Angel Madi, what were you doing with a book on the floor?

  13. wavez two ewe gorgeouz madi; pleez ta tell everee one we said HI ♥♥♥♥♥

  14. Isn't it wonderful how you can always rely on someone in Blogville to know the answer to almost any question? Beautiful plant...and I always love seeing Angel Madi!

  15. That is a sweet flashback of Angel Madi. I think I have seen those plants in the Eden Project biodomes.

  16. Those leaves sure are HUGE. We knew Cindy and Charlie would be able to help. They have the most beautiful yard we have ever seen. And so well-maintained too.

    We all like to position ourselves in a spot where we can keep an eye on what Mom is doing, especially if it involves food:)

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  17. Now we know who to send pictures to when Mom can't ID a plant (which is most of the time, BOL!).

  18. This is the first time we have seen the pretty plant.

  19. Yes that plant is very dangerous so not to have in a cat yard. We really love seeing that flashback of Angel Madi. What a gal she was


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi