My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Sunday, October 11, 2020

Sunday Raindrops

Remnants of Delta passed over Casa da Angel Madi on
Saturday, October 10.  The weather geeks us it would be scattered showers over the weekend.
Which is fine.  Recently the lawn was aerated and seeded. Gentle rain
is what is needed.   I actually like a rainy day....well not so much when I was
working and having to traipse all over NC State Campus tiptoeing through puddles.

Scattered rain...I could hear the grass growing.



  1. Hari OM
    I don't mind the sound of rain either... something cleansing about it. YAM xx

  2. Rain sounds lovely. We had a brief shower last night and should start raining this morning. I love a rainy day... unless Jerry has just waxed Olive and we have to go out. Good Morning!

  3. I love a gentle rainy day too.

  4. We had rain and drizzle all day yesterday, but we had high winds with it.
    Glad we decided to pack out from our sale on Friday afternoon.

  5. It poured here all night and there were tornado warnings around this morning, now the sun is out bright.

  6. I always like the world after a good rain when you look out like looking out your driveway in that first photo and everything is washed and look so beautiful. You can wash it off with a hose but it never looks like it does after the rain. Thank you for all your comments and emails and for the love that you poured out to me in the past few days

  7. Gentle rain can be very peaceful. We were supposed to get thunder storms here yesterday and it barely amounted to a few sprinkles.

  8. We like the sound of rain too. We were supposed to get thunderstorms last night. But we either didn't get them, or else we didn't hear them. The weather has been very fickle around here lately!

  9. I don't mind rain either. I do not enjoy downpours when I have to walk or drive in them. Stay dry.

  10. The grass growing is not usually the problem. It's the grass mowing that is, especially when the weather won't cooperate.


  11. Here too, Angel Madi. I have to have the mowers back.

  12. We just had a week of rain one minute, clear the next, rain the next, clear the next. The weather kept changing so rapidly it was exhausting!

  13. We had a reasonable day today, but a very wet summer. I agree though, after a dry spell light rain is welcome.

  14. A little rain is always good for the grass and plants. :)

  15. That is good. A green lawn is more difficult than it looks

  16. Oh, that is PAWSOME! We were supposed to gets some showers this weekend, butts it didn't happen. Was it a cold rain? I only likes cold rain...okays, MA only likes cold rain, I don't likes any rain that gets my furs wet! BOL!!!
    Nows it's gonna be 90 degrees all week....sigh. can I stay with you....I can keeps those nasty tree rats away from your decorations! ☺
    Ruby ♥

  17. We have rain from Delta too and like you, had our aeration and re-seeding done a couple of weeks ago - the rain is making it POP!

    Hugs, Pam

  18. We had a lot of rain over the weekend too. But today is sunny and gorgeous out.


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi