My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Friday, November 6, 2020

Feline and Nature Friday : Kat has a question

We thank our Host LLB Gang and Comedy Plus

Dearest Auntie HiC.
Wednesday, Nov. 4, I diagnosed with pancreatitis.  😿
Vet gave me fluids and 2 injections, and instructed Mom to return in 48 hours if I’ve not improved.
Pup checked out every inch of me when I returned from vet.

I rested well last night,

and plan on taking it easy the next few days.

Mom has had experience with pancreatitis in dogs, but not cats.
Any info from Furiends who have,  would be greatly appreciated. 
Please ask them to leave info in your comments.
As you can imagine, she’s in quite a “tizzy”. 😻

❤️ Kat Your Feline Nephew
This week we are having Indian Summer in Dixie.  We taken several walks at 

Shelley Lake

Did I mention it was a glorious day?


  1. we hope efurrything is ok with you and a lot of cat friends have an idea how to help you to feel better...

  2. I am sure someone out here has experience with pancreatitis in kitties - we hope Kat is feeling better VERY SOON!

    Hugs, Pam and Teddy

  3. Bertie and I can only offer Kat is our very best wishes and hope he is better soon
    We had a Indian summer day in Aberdeen yesterday, but with clear skies overnight there was frost on the grass first thing this morning.
    Cheers, Gail.

  4. We don't know much about pancreatitis as we have thankfully never had it in a cat or a dog. Hope you feel better and get over it quickly.

  5. Kat, hope you are on the mend. Between your vet and your momma, you will get great care.

    Beautiful place to walk Cecilia.

  6. I hate to hear that you are not feeling well, Kat. I am sending feel better wishes and all kinds of positive thoughts that the pancreatitis responds well the the meds. I know nothing about pancreatitis in cats. I know your Mom and Dad will take the very best care of you. Get in your naps and hopefully they will help speed the healing.

  7. Hari OM
    Ouch, Kat, that is no fun... and not to be made fun of. Mum will need to watch you very closely and be prepared to listen to the vetman... sending lots of POTP. Hugs and whiskeries, YAM-aunty xxx

  8. Purrs and prayers for Kat. We hope he can get things under control quickly.

    The Florida Furkids

  9. Oh Kat, that's a tough one, it is very difficult to get rid of and is easy to come back. Finish all of those meds and have your Mom watch you closely, anything that doesn't seem right go back to the Vet again.

  10. We have our paws crossed for Kat and hope he makes a quick and full recovery.

  11. I figured Brian would know all about this and sure enough he did. Got my fingers and toes crossed that it doesn't come back.

    Thank you for joining the Feline Friday Blog Hop.

    Have a purrfect Feline Friday and weekend. Healing hugs for Kat and a big hug for Auntie C. ♥

  12. Shelley Lake is just gorgeous!
    We hope that you get lots of good info, Kat, but unfortunately, we can't help you out other than to send you lots and lots of AireZen and healing vibes!

  13. I am so very sorry to hear that Kat has pancreatitis! Paws & prayers and lots of hugs and kisses coming your way that cat will soon feel better and that it will not come back

  14. Sorry, haven't had any experience with pancreatitis, however has, and I know the mom is happy to give information.

  15. We know about pancreatitis all too well. Wally had it, and Zoey is just recovering from a flare-up. Treatment is pretty much supportive...anti nausea meds, pain meds, fluids, appetite stimulant if not eating. Please feel free to email the mom...she can pass on any wisdom she has. theislandcats at

  16. Poor Kat. I will add you to my prayer list. XO

  17. Oh Kat, I am so sorry . I am glad you are back from the Vet..thoroughly checked! and on your way to recovery. XXXXX
    Cecelia, those pictures are wonderful. How beautiful. I may use Katie's tunnel and come over there~

  18. kat; dood; we iz sorree buddy N hope thiz waz catched in time. while no one in TT haz ever had this; we due noe foodz help play a roll in maintainin grate health. heerz a link that mite help sum

    purrhaps thiz site, long with wally's momz add vise will help ewe maintain a happee healthee life for yeerz ta come ~~~

    st francis' blessings ♥♥

  19. Oh gee whiz...we hope everything goes well and you recover 100%. Loads of get well wishes and hugs from all of us! xoxoxo

  20. OH no! We hope you feel better soon. We didn't know cats or dogs could get pancreatitis. 💕

  21. I am sorry Kat has pancreatitis and hope the vet gets him feeling better very soon. The lake is beaurtiful.

  22. Our Angel Phantom had pancreatitis but when he had a flareup he did well with meds. We hope Kat will be feeling so much better very soon.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  23. We are sending purrayers and POTP to dear Kat ! Looks like Pup is doing his part !

  24. Ham (and other things)causes that in dogs. Don't know about cats. POTP for Kat to recover soon.

  25. Oh Kat, we sure hope you are feeling better soon.

    What lovely reflections on your lake pictures!!

  26. Our Angel Buddy Budd had some pancreatitis when he was 17 and then got better and was with us for another 3 years. Many times this can be from an inflammation of the common bile duct from infection so when it is over it is over. Hope Kat is feeling better and stays better

  27. We're sorry to hear that Kat isn't feeling well. Hope he gets better soon! Sending lots of POTP.

    Those pictures of the lake are beautiful!

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Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi