I unintentionally deleted the post for today and cannot retrieve it.
Including my Poem for today... I was able to about 99% rewrite it.
Thankful Thursday was for this lovely photo from Murphy and Stanley's Mom
My Nephew Kat sent you a lovely thank you email for all your
kind comments while he was dealing with Pancreatitis
It is 100% back to being his frisky feline self
He and Pup were out for a walk
Today we join Two SPOLED CATS
Angel Sammy and Teddy for their poetic pictorial poem.
Here is today's inspiration
Take my hand I'll guide
Together we will ride
Alone no longer
Together we are stronger
I am also very Thankful that each of you visit each day and take the time to
leave a comment. When I lost the original post I thought I lost the
comments but I found them and have pasted below.
Beautiful photo. I am glad Kat is better. XO
I'm sorry about that, honey. I hate when I do this. Have a fabulous Thankful Thursday. Hugs. ♥
We are SO happy to hear Kat is feeling better!! Lovely poem and beautiful NB picture!!
That is definitely a different type of sculpture. Did it fall over?
kat we iz BUZZED, beyond that yur dooin better and de pan cree azz waz catched soon N sorree ewe all had ta listin ta noizee nayborz :( stanley and murphy oh em cod how AWESUM iz that foto !! thanx for sharin ♥♥☺☺
We're very glad to hear that everyone is doing all right now. It's fun to poke around in the crunchy leaves, isn't it? Hooray for the wheelchair racers! And thanks for the beautiful picture of Utah! Pleas say hello to Murphy and Stanley and their peeps for us!

Sandee commented on "Thoroughly Thankful Poetic Thursday #45"
6 hours ago
I'm glad you're feeling better, Kat. I'm sorry that all that target practicing scared you. Love the poem and that is a beautiful shot of Utah. Wow. Have a fabulous Thankful Thursday, honey. Big hug. ♥
I just love good news, yay Kat! Beautiful photos today, I'm sorry for the loud noises, I'll never understand why someone wants to ruin a perfectly peaceful day - but I guess some hobbies are not for everyone.
We're glad to hear Kat if feeling better. Our house is in an area where you can shoot guns too (a bit in the sticks) and we don't like it when the neighbors start target practice while we're playing outside too. Your poem was great too.
We are so glad that Kat is feeling better and yes, that target practice thing is scary, that's why they have shooting ranges. WOW, that mountain view is amazing. Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!
That is very good news that Kat has recovered from his pancreatitis. I am sorry the thoughtless neighbours scared you, Pup. Lovely poem for the picture too.
Pix Under the Palm Fronds replied to a comment on "Thoroughly Thankful Poetic Thursday #45"
10 hours ago
I got so worked up over the gunfire I didn't comment on your poem. Wonderful words for the picture of smiling competitors!
In Response to a comment by Pix Under the Palm Fronds
I am thrilled you are feeling better Kat! Target practice, hunting and endless fireworks... three of many reasons we left the Tiny Ten. I'm good with hunting season, at least you know the time frame. Target practice on rural property does not make sense to me. There are plenty of shooting ranges where people can practice. I am so sorry Pup was scared and Kat nervous on a quiet walk on their own property.
Love your inspirational poem and the picture! We are so happy that you are feeling fine and frisky, Kat! I"m with you, Pup - I wish these scary noises never existed.
I know people have the right in some areas to do target practice but it frightens me and I'm glad it's not allowed in our County - there are places out and away from people where people may shoot guns. Just hearing the sound frightens many people (including me). You really wrote a magnificent poem for the photo this week too - it's exactly what WE saw when we found the photo online. <3 Love, Pam
oh wow oh wow on the last photo. goregous. i am so sorry Kat and Pup were frightened, it is against the law in our neighborhoods to discharge a gun, but we don't have beautiful woods to see. just house and houses.. we still sometimes get the nutty neighbors shooting bow and arrows and bb guns.. and the idiots who put out rat poison and killed my owl. so very happy that kat made a quick recovery and Kat you look wonderful, tell Pup he is looking so handsome.. C. love your short and to the point perfect poem for that photo. we are fine, ETA came and left, leaving lots of debri and a downed tree, and tons of water but we are safe
yes together you are stronge and you can stand even da neighbors with da loud noises ;O)
So pleased that Kat is frisky again. But that's too bad about Pup's noisy neighbours. What a lovely inspiring poem. And always nice to see a picture from the Doodz neck of the woods. Toodle pip! Bertie.
Hari OM Good news and fine views with inspiring verses all bring a sigh and a smile... YAM xx
Kat that is excellent news. I'm so glad that you are feeling frisky and better. Sorry you were scared Pup. Good poem for the inspiration picture. What a beautiful view.
I'm sorry about that, honey. I hate when I do this.
ReplyDeleteHave a fabulous Thankful Thursday. Hugs. ♥
Beautiful photo. I am glad Kat is better. XO
ReplyDeleteWe actually saw your other post in our Feedly reader so we got the bonus of two posts. Love the poem - ain't friendship grand???
ReplyDeleteWoos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber
I admire folks who take an obstacle in live, and make it into a stepping stone!
ReplyDeleteThat is great news about Kat.
ReplyDeleteOops! On the deleted post I have only done that once before and it just about killed me. And I did not put mine back. But I have a couple of times since we changed the new format deleted one while it was not published in dress and then couldn't remember what I had done to it.
ReplyDeleteWe love that poem and were so happy to see Kat doing well and out and about with Pup
ReplyDeleteKat, we're so happy you're ok! And yikes! Mommy better not ever lose one of MY posts! XOX Xena oh, and Lucy, too.