My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Friday, June 25, 2021

Final Fiction, Feline, Nature and Friend on Friday

Final (non) Fiction Friday.

Click here to visit YAM-s FFF

 This craft table is at least 25+ years old.  It served me well all those years too.  Over the last  year or so I have  a very sore back after I stand over it for too long.  It is bulky and awkward.  Made entirely of particle board, which I'm sure is another name for cement.   It is 34" high which apparently is not a good height for a Senior Citizen.  In spite of the back ache, the top is a perfect size!

I did a search on GiGi Google for a craft table.  I found this one 36" high,
light weight, on rollers.  The top is the same size as the old one.  Of course it came with 'assembly needed'.  The box weighed 40lbs. Which is too heavy to take up 15 stairs.  My husband took it out of the box so we could take it up on parts.   There are only 3 pieces of particle board
the remainder is sturdy yet lightweight metal.  It took about
2 hours to assemble.  It came with its an Allen wrench and a standard wrench. 
There are 48 screws  in the leaf hinges, bolts and screws in the legs.
We only had one itty bitty assembly mistake that was easily corrected on the crossbars on the legs.
I have to remind myself it is lightweight and does not require brute force to move it about.  

Happy to say I have started a new (ambitious) project.  I found a free quilt pattern on line called Cats & Scraps HERE.  The pattern is 60"x70", which includes 20 cat head squares.  I have limited space on the table made for my sewing machine so this it to be determined..  

It is full of squares with adorable Cat heads, which by the way are such fun to make. Next step is to sew two rows around the cat heads.  I'll practice that a few times.  LOL

Nature Friday host LLB Gang  and Feline Friday  host Comedy Plus

From this point on, I'll let My Mind's Eye take over.
If I am to be honest, I must tell you all white is my absolute least
favorite color.  Whatever I do, rest assured, there will be lots of 
color added. Stay tuned.

Saturday, June 19 we were very happy to see the NC Chapter of the 
 American Wildlife Refuge at our favorite garden shop.
The large photo is a red tailed hawk he lost a wing due to an injury
I didn't hear what type of Hawk the one on bottom left was.
Both Hawks have a permanent home at the Refuge.

Great Horned Owl
The eye color of an owl helps birders identify their species and indicates the time of day they prefer to hunt. Owls with yellow eyes, such as the Burrowing Owl and the Snowy Owl, indicate that they are diurnal and prefer to hunt during the daytime.

 Barred Owls have dark brown or black eyes are nocturnal, meaning they prefer to hunt at night. It's an evolutionary trait to help them to camouflage in the darkness. 

Angel Eric and Flynn's Mom always post flashbacks on Friday, which I looked forward to reading.  Eric and Flynn were two of Angel Madi's first kitty friends. Yesterday we learned that Jackie is in the hospital.  Jackie I hope very soon you are back home looking for more flashbacks for us.  Healing Hugs

Always so positive
Cats R HER
Everyone's friend


  1. the owl is so beautiful... the mama awwed and ohed... we love your craft table... da dad said he would love such a thing for his diy projects, but the mama said buy one where a trash can is included... seems we are in da perfect weekend mode now ;O)))))

  2. Always good to hear about a new project! The cats head quilt is going to be stunning. And thanks for those lovely photos of the hawk and owls. Owls are such fascinating creatures and I didn't know that about their eye colour.
    Cheers! Gail.

  3. Hari Om
    First - I love your true story today - I totally understand that height versus back-ache thing and applaued the new arrival!
    Second - I too anticipate a wonderful quilt based on felines...
    Third - isn't it great to be up close and personal with such fine birds? I did know about the eye colour and hunting behaviour- though it wasn't foremost in memory and am glad of being reminded!

    Fabulous post. YAM xx

  4. That quilt you're going to make looks fantastic. I can't wait to see the result. And those birds of prey really look the part. I never knew that about their eyes though. I thought all owls were night hunters, so I learnt something new today.

    Happy crafting

  5. Loved this "mixed media" post! When I moved last year to my "studio" apt (downsizing) needed a fair amount of new stuff (smaller) ... much bought online, much needing assembly! I am now the proud owner of a large box of Allen wrenches in every size available!!!

  6. We have no idea about how to make quilts, but we think this cat one will be super cute when you finish it! Such a fun idea. Mom sews but has never done quilts.

  7. Love the cat head quilt! I am sure you will make it colorful and beautiful. Happy you found a craft table that will work better for your back. Bending over to work on a long project usually turns into a pain in the back... PIB.. Hahaha!I love owls and miss the one that was on the Tiny Ten but we have one here! He/She is large and zooms down through the bird highway that runs behind the houses and the Preserve. Good Morning!

  8. LOVE that quilt!!! Really! I can't wait to see it finished and the Refuge! I love love visiting such things.

  9. i am laughing at easy remark, while trying to type. white is also my least favorite and that is what i thought when I saw the cats. waiting to see how you add color. i like the old table a lot and the new one to. maybe hubby can use the old in his train room. it sure looks good for as old as it is.

  10. I love your new project, can't wait to see it along the way. The new table sounds perfect, and so nice to be up close and personal with the beautiful birds!

  11. We can't wait to see how your cat quilt comes out. That sure is a nice craft table, too. Thanks for sharing all those bird pictures too. We have only had glimpses of the owls that live around our house as all of them are night hunters.

  12. Love the cats' heads! I have a quilt Carol made with cats on it but the whole cat including head (haha). I'll be anxious to see your finished quilt. We are sending hugs and love to Miss Jackie too - at least now she's home where she can rest. Hospitals are not "sleep friendly" places! We have owls around here - some are day hunters and some are night hunters. I love them but we keep an eye on Ted when he's outside - between owls, hawks, and foxes, we have to keep close watch!!

    Hugs, Pam

  13. Hooray for the new craft table, our Dad would still be trying to put it together. We love those cat heads too. How cool to see the owls!!!

  14. I'm glad you have a table that works for you. Good for you. We still have some heavy furniture that we could move years ago and can't now. Oh well.

    Oh the owls. I would love to see that in person. I love owls.

    Jackie is home. She linked to Feline Friday if you want an update that she posted on her blog.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend, honey. Big hug. ♥

    1. Thank you for joining the Feline Friday Blog Hop.

      Have a purrfect Feline Friday and weekend. Love and hugs. ♥

  15. Great new craft table.
    Luv the wild birds. Beautiful creatures.
    Hope Jackie gets well soon.
    Happy weekend.

  16. What a treat to get to see these birds of prey up close! Your new craft table is wonderful and you've already put it to good use. We're anxious to see if you sash your cat head blocks in red!

  17. the quilt will be amazing once finished C !!! I am guessing you had to cut the heads out of your won fabric??

    the hawk looks like "lamar" the name we gave to the hawk a co worker and me "rescued" here on the grounds a few years back ....

    happy weekend; glad you like the article ;) ☺☺♥♥

  18. That is a nice new table and I love the quilt. You are very ambitious. XO

  19. Wow C, this is a fun filled post!! So glad you found a table to fit your needs...and can't wait to see the finished feline quilt!!

    How wonderful to be able to see these beautiful birds up close! I see red tailed hawks while walking sometimes...but they are no where near as majestic as these beauties!

  20. The owls and hawks are beautiful. The cats heads quilt will look lovely.
    Thank you for the good wishes for me.

  21. First, I LOVE your letter poem for Jackie! EVERY Letter is purrfect for her! The owls and hawks are wonderful birds. And that quilt is going to be magnificent! I LOVE your table. Wow. I wish I had somewhere to put something like that. My 43 year old son's tools and toys have overtaken the entirety of the basement and the garage and his bedroom!

  22. Your work looks terrific. I guess you need to be a craftsman to put together a craft table.

  23. Yay for a much lighter table. Your kittie heads are so pretty, I can't wait to see the finished quilt.


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi