My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Monday, June 14, 2021

Sparks and Awww Monday with my Nephews

My roving photo journalist Janice sent me this Sparks. 

 Hosted by Comedy Plus 


My adorable nephews sent me a telepathic message some time ago asking me to make their mom a special birthday card from them. They were traveling on her bday May 17; however,  I did mail their card and my card to their house for her to have when they returned.  Last week their mom began slowly going through the stacks of mail.   

Dearest Aunty HiC
We wish you could have seen Mom’s face when she opened the birthday card you sent. 
She laughed when she saw this card...😹

and then she got a little teary-eyed when she read this...💕

They asked their mom to send me these adorable chillaxin' photos and a thank you note

Thank you for sending the beautiful, made with love, card from us❣️
Mom said it’s one of her all-time favorites, just like YOU
Happy to be home,
❤️ Kat, Pup, Rocky ( and Mom)

Dearest Nephews,
YAY YAY YAY I'm so glad mom like the "Birthday Hug Incoming"!!  It made me giggle too.
I was so happy my older than dirt brain was working good when you 3 sent me the telepathic message asking me to make a card for your Mom.  Thank goodness my mother board was working that day.  Some days it IS NOT.
Aunty HiC loves your photos today.  I'm so glad you are all chillaxin' at home.  Well mentally 'cause I know the 3H's are making it hard to be chilled.  
Loving hugs,
Aunty HiC 


  1. that was such a sweet idea!!! happy birthday to the mom of your nephews :O) I will read the spark to our neighbor, maybe he can unplug his hedge trimmer for a while too? LOL

  2. Loved the cards. She was very lucky you were able to help them out. And I think that the first thing that comes to mind when I read relax are those photos of them doing just that!


  3. Cool cards! We also love the SPARK......I'm BIG on unplugging these days - more than ever in fact.

    Hugs, Pam

  4. Hari OM
    Great spark - good reminder! And the cards are just adorable - as are the Krew, of course!!! YAM xx

  5. The cards are just too cute and the spark is spot on!

  6. Love the cards and the Spark is a motivator to do just what it says. Taking a break and unplugging sounds like a good thing to do during these hot humid days. Time to get back to reading books and hitting the treadmill! Darling pictures of the nephews!

  7. What a fun post and I know how much you love your furbabes. Great cards. I had to laugh about your motherboard. I have the same issue from time to time.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week. Big hug. ♥

  8. That's a great spark and a fantastic card. Those three sure have become great siblings to be able to snuggle so close with each other, especially the kitties.

  9. The cards are too Purrfect forwords! What a beautiful post and I'm so glad that you received the message because it is just awesome. For some reason when I got to that last photo the collage of these three sweet babies my eyes filled up with tears. They are so awesome and I just love that you share them with us

  10. that is a very adorable AWWWWWWW. Love it. Great pictures of the 3 musketeers.

  11. Great Spark and adorable card!!! Kat looks a lot like Raz in that snoozy photo.

    The Florida Furkids

  12. I love the card, so sweet. And I love your new header. XO

  13. That really is a special card from some special critters to a very special Mom!

  14. big time AAAWWWWSSSS heer doodz :) happee bee lated two yur mom :) ☺☺♥3

  15. The cards are great and the photos are adorable of course!

  16. We love those cards thanks so much for sharing them with us. Belated Happy Birthday to Mum

  17. Awww, that is a super card - we loved the photo and words. That is the same day as one of the grandboys b-days, the big J from Texas.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty. and Timber

  18. Those cards are lovely as are the photos of them relaxing. Love the Spark too!

  19. Sometime unplugging is the best medicine!!

    What a wonderful card, and an adorable set of thank you chillaxing pictures!!

  20. OH OH OH! I am enchanted with the cards...the message in them. That would make me so happy I'd have it out all year long. And the pictures gf them snuggled together...My almost came through my tunnel (but she's wider than its opening). XXXOOO

  21. I am sure they appreciate your very special card.

  22. What an awww-some person you are! And I love the Birthday Hug Incoming! And the photos!

  23. We love our Auntie HiC❣️ Kat, Pup, Rocky

  24. We love our Auntie HiC❣️ Kat, Pup, Rocky


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi