My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Wednesday, August 4, 2021

In Purrsuit of Flavors: Tea time and Wordless Wednesday

 I thank Das Nelly and Phenny and Canadian Cats FOR HOSTING

Our hosts asked us to

 tea-se you with TEA… all about tea, what’s your favorite tea recipe in summer? Do you have a special recipe to beat the heat with iced tea? or do you prefer hot tea for hot weather? Show us your  recipes with da motto TEA 4 TWO

Simple to make Southern Drink of Choice 

Place two family size Lipton Decaf tea bags in a large pitcher
Pour  four cups of almost boiling water over tea bags
Let tea bags seep in hot water. Add  1/2 to 3/4 cup sugar to
tea (while it is still warm so the sugar dissolves).  
Place pitcher in fridge at least an hour before serving.
Serve over ice, add lime and mint. This amount is Tea 4 two.
I never make more tea than I plan to use at one time. We don't like left over
Tea 4 Two

I'm garden nanny to our neighbor's flowers while they  are on vacation.
She sent me this gorgeous photo of her view from their vacation rental on the Crystal Coast of North Carolina.


  1. That tea drink does sound refreshing. Tea in my part of the world is almost always served hot, and so when we ask for 'tea', the 'hot' is implicit. It apparently took an American friend of mine a while to work out why his requests for "hot tea" in London tended to raise eyebrows!
    Cheers, Gail.

    1. In the SE USA, I find I must ask for "Hot tea," or I get (no to my taste) sweet, cold tea!

  2. That sounds like tea we could guzzle down and feel refreshed! Good old fashioned Iced Tea!

  3. I love tea. Use decaf and a couple of regular tea bags. That way I don't get so much caffeine. That looks like a beautiful place. A garden nanny. That's a new one on me.

  4. I never think to drink tea iced and this does sound refreshing! What a beautiful view!

  5. A Tast-TEA recipe! I love tea with mint.........and lemon..........delish!

    Hugs, Pam

  6. Hari OM
    Oh yes, in OZ I used to love an iced tea - lychee syrup was my fave to add for flavouring. Sometimes peach. It's never been quite the weather for it here in the Bonny Land... YAM xx

  7. We are making tea like you are making it just not quite as sweet. Tea is a flavor of summer and it's kind of a comfort thing!

  8. I would rather be there with Crystal than caring for her garden back home, and she would rather that, since I have a black thumb. Southern Sweet Tea is what I was raised on. pure sugar iced tea. every home we visited and our home always had a gallon jug of sweet tea to offer. we had sweet tea with all meals except breakfast. I still love it, but gave it up about 15 years ago and went to sweet tea made with sweet n low, but that is only in resturants. at home we drink water or milk and when we have a burger or pizza we have diet 7 up...

  9. Your tea sounds very refreshing and the view from the rental looks refreshing too.

  10. We're tea fans here too and we also love water views any old time!

  11. I drank the tea. Yummy.

    I love that vacation rental view. I would like that very much.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. Big hug my friend. ♥

  12. I love iced tea...but not the traditional Southern Sweet. I am a fan of tea mixed with fruit juice and fruit, right now it's peach tea. Lots of fresh peaches and a bit of Cranberry/Peach juice!

    I'd love to be drinking a glass of it on your neighbor's vacation home's porch! How beautiful is that view!

  13. tea bye cee 4 thee soundz great...and speaking of great...that view IS ~~~~~ !!!! ☺☺♥♥

  14. Thank you for the recipe, it sounds most refreshing. XO

  15. Terrific recipe! I make mine pretty much the same way. My Dad is English and COLD Tea was something he would NOT drink! Its only been since he turned 70 that he drinks it. But he still prefers a soft drink to iced tea.

  16. That sounds like something you sip on the porch on a hot day.

  17. We have had some cool but it is warming up again so just in time to try that creation. Bet it is delicious


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Cecilia and Angel Madi