My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Thursday, September 2, 2021

Thoroughly Thankful and Poetic Thursday #34

 Today we join 


I'm so very thankful for all of you my friends.  Your kind emails, healing thoughts cards.  All brightened my day and made me smile.
 I am also extremely thankful to report, one week and one day post appendectomy, I am coming along nicely my belly button is technicolor...sorry if that is TMI!!

Angel Sammy and Teddy for the inspiring photos they find for us
Here is our inspirational photo is

Oh those pesky sidewalk covers
When walking by them,
you quickly discover
It is a bad idea to wear kilt, skirt or dress.
If you do, you might want to consider wearing
Just in case your attire turns into a


  1. we agree... it is like dog walking... there a skirt, kilt or dresscan bring you in the worst situations ;O)))

  2. Love the photo and your poem. How I remember those days of gusty winds and petticoats☺ We are so happy to hear that you're feeling much better!

  3. HAHAHAHAHA - well done on the poem! That guy looks soooooo uncomfortable and no doubt he is - there's some snow piled at the curb so it's a COLD DAY and that breeze must be - er - rather uncomfortable!!!! A rainbow colored belly button is a sign of good luck (we made that up but it sounds good doesn't it...haha).

    Hugs, Pam and Teddy too

  4. I'll agree with Pam and Teddy ~ just because I love her "made up" good stuff about good luck! And your poem brought giggles this morning, a good way to start the day ...

  5. Wonderful poem, and we love the technicolor bellybutton thing! Glad to hear you're healing nicely.

  6. So glad you're doing so well and I can't believe it's already been passed a week. I do love that photo and made me laugh and smile and your poem is really good

  7. We're glad you are recovering well and even colorfully!!!

    That photo is so funny and your poem is great.

  8. lol...when we dance, I always wear shorts under my dress. Recently, I heard somebody (not dancing - sitting on the side) say "I can't believe she did that in a dress". I started to flip the him up and moon them so she could see I was wearing shorts :) hahaha, ya know I have a wicked sense of humor. I like your poem. Glad you are on the mend.

  9. Hari OM
    Super to hear your good news - rainbows are no bad things, mark you! As for the kilty kiter... great fun. For us. YAM xx

  10. We're glad to hear you are healing nicely after your surgery. That's a perfect poem for that picture, too.

  11. Glad you're doing well. Oh and the poem: LOL!

  12. I'm so glad you're doing so well after your surgery. That was a fun poem too!!! Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  13. Oh yes, Gail remembers the multi-coloured tummy thing...
    As for kilts, perhaps men only wear them in Scotland because we don't tend to have the type of sidewalk covers which blow air upwards, as few buildings have air-conditioning!

  14. That is a great poem and we are so glad you are healing up. That bruising is just a part of the process and you are on the mend Yay

  15. nice take on the photo poem C; glad you're road to recovery is a good one; st francis' blessings cauz... why not !!! ;) 3♥☺☺

  16. Glad you're doing well. I knew you would be fine and you're sure going to feel better once you're all healed.

    Love your poem. Well done.

    Have a fabulous Thankful Thursday. Big hug. ♥

  17. I still can't stop giggling at that picture...and the poem you wrote!

    So glad to hear how well you are healing!

  18. Glad your recovery is going well.
    Your poem made me chuckle.
    Enjoy the next phase of belly button colour.
    Lee and Phod

  19. We are so thankful you are healing fast! And we LOVE your poem! Mom laughed out loud! Our human brother wears a kilt (occasionally) he says he makes sure that he puts something heavy in his sporran (Man Purse) so the jewels don’t get aired…but the bum part have been shown a couple of times.

  20. Glad you feel better. Great poem. :) XO

  21. Sending you love and hugs..
    us Girls,
    KI and Mom

  22. Glad you are doing well! Missed comments yesterday... oops!
    Your poem is cute with the pantaloons!

  23. What a funny picture. Maybe even culotts (remember those?) would be better. And don't worry, not TMI (although I do keep seeing a technicolor belly button in my mind now.)


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi