My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Sunday, October 17, 2021

Early Morning Sighting

Another sighting on my EMWs.  This mailbox post cap caught my attention.
Why would you have a pyramid mirror on your mailbox?
So many thoughts ran thru my mind's eye.
We have a doomed cap on our post.  The birds  perch they think it is their loo.
Maybe to keep  birds from  using it as their loo.
Maybe the most logic answer is so they can see traffic as the back out?
But I think the shape of it would distort the view. 
Any idea?

Beautiful Magnolia I often see on one of my walking routes. 
Mid way up on the left see the white bloom?  It might be the last bloom of the season
Bottom right one is already brown



  1. Maybe they're just ancient Egypt fans, MOL.

  2. Maybe so they can tell people who are trying to find their house for the first time "it's the one with the pyramid on the mailbox post"?

  3. Here comes the question from the Dutch girl: why not have a slot in the door like everybody else?


  4. Strange mailbox topper.
    I saw some late blooming magnolias here too.

  5. Well, it's certainly different. Sending signals to UFOs? So you can check your hair? To make us ask questions?

  6. We are getting a little chuckle from reading the "whys" of that pyramid mirror (especially from Pix Under the Palm Fronds). In our yard we have a viburnum that is putting a little late summer show of flowers. Normally it's one of the first things to bloom but with our unusually warm weather it seems to have woken some of the buds early.

  7. The magnolia bloom is just gorgeous! The mirror pyramid is pretty different for a mailbox topper.

  8. i think I know, I enjoyed all the comments about why and any of them could be true. i think they were in a store and saw fence toppers and liked it and brought it home because people in USA will buy anything to decorate anything. there is no practical use, it is Mail Box Bling

  9. Not a clue, but it is pretty. Around here, we keep the mailbox simple or it will get whacked with a baseball bat.

  10. After working evening shift for the past several years, and driving home at night, it's good to be able to see things like that from a distance with the headlights. Or maybe the owners simply liked the look of it.

  11. There is a place up by the entrance to the highway that has pyramids in their yard right by the road. I asked the lady of the house one day why and she said "because". That was it. And that was the only reason she has ever given to anyone. So maybe it is just because. I gotta love people like that. Terrific to still see magnolias at this time of year. Have a marvellously happy day!

  12. That's a communicator antenna for aliens!

  13. What an interest cap. Your cartoon from yesterday is why my dogs begrudging deal with pill down the throat!

  14. Maybe it is to serve as a reflector so a vehicle doesn't plow into it. We don't have our own mailbox. Our mail comes in a big box with lots of compartments across the street. The peeps have to use a key to open it.

    We have a couple of single blooms on our Rose of Sharon shrubs. Mom isn't looking forward to winter at all.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  15. Interesting conundrum - I bet it is a nice "reflector" at night with headlights on it but I'm sure it discourages birds from taking a rest on the mailbox too! We love magnolias.....neighbor has one but we don't.

    Hugs, Teddy and Mom Pam

  16. Interesting mail box topper. LOve the photos. Thank you for being here.


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi