My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Saturday, October 16, 2021

Saturday Symmetry and snicker

This new construction is just about a 1/2 block for Logan's and Seaboard.
We heard rumblings of multistory multi use.  The traffic will be
multi madness when it is completed.  

New high rise apartments in downtown 

I'm sure most of you have tried to pill your pet at one time or another.
Angel Madi was quite talented. 
I put hers in a pill pocket..she could eat the entire pill pocket leaving the pill
 all slobbery and slippery.


  1. Thank goodness Bertie is not a reluctant pill swallower. In fact he thoroughly enjoys his thrice daily treat of little tablets squeezed into a small ball of grated cheese. And I haven't yet found any pills down the back of the sofa!

  2. HAHAHA...those instructions from the cat doctor on how to handle pills - TEE HEE! We sure hope that the new construction by Logan's and Seaboard doesn't ruin the fabulous atmosphere you all enjoy there......time will tell!

    Hugs, Pam

  3. I received some of my worst cat related injuries trying to give a pill to one. That fellow almost killed me and then I didn't get that dang expensive pill in him.

  4. Hari OM
    Well, let's hope your new city building is a more appealing to the eye than the thing that has arising in Edinburgh... YAM xx

  5. 1) All in the name of "progress", I guess, right?
    2) Yeah, good luck on the pill pocket thing. Some of us aren't fooled.

  6. I was able to get 1 pill so far into Katie with a pocket. Dad Pete gave me excellent pointers. Hope I can get it past her another time.

  7. We're pretty good about taking pills. Our pawrents just put the pill in peanut butter and we slurp it right up.

  8. We've got way too much construction going on down here. Three outta four here are super good at taking pills.

  9. Open wide, then as deep as possible, close mouth and blow on nose. Immediate swallow.

  10. I could tell you stories about getting pills into people from my 40 years as a nurse!

  11. Jake was our worst of the pill takers, the others did well if it was hidden in cheese or peanut butter. Jake could tell when a pill was in anything, he requires the ramming down the throat with daddy's strong fingers while I held his head. lucky he did no need them very often... Beau obediently swallows whatever we hand him. I read Step comment and my mother bless her heart had a horrid time swallowing pills.

  12. Mom drops supplements on top of my foodables and I eat them along with the rest of my breakfast or dinner. I'm pretty easypeasy, thank goodness.

  13. Great shots! I love the pumpkin head scarecrow, it would be cool to see one leaning over the balcony of the apartment building! Ahhh...the joys of pilling a cat! Let me show you the scars....

  14. Ugh with the multi-everything building being built so close to Logan's and Seaboard. Could not pill the Z Cat. I thought I popped it in and she would go running down the steps to the finished basement and jettison it right out. Even our vet couldn't get a pill down her. If the med came in shot form I did it that way.

  15. MOL, momma knows that struggle! I'm actually pretty good - other kitties, not so much.

  16. Crush and put pill in wet food?? I'm only used to pilling dogs, and even the worst of them are easier than cats. Riley is currently taking pills, and I just cover them in cream cheese and he gobbles it up.

  17. We know too well the fun of pilling:) Mom says the best trick for her is Easy Cheese in a can:)

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi