My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Happy Tuesday Trek: Pumpkins R US part 2


Hosted by Comedy Plus   

Pumpkins make us happy!!

Recently we attended the annual Cedar Creek Gallery glass pumpkin exhibit.  We always buy at least one for us and one for our daughter and SIL (son-in-law).

The collage below shows our recent purchases.  Top photo is one we bought for our daughter and SIL,  bottom photo are our two new ones.  I especially like the red and green.  

Here in the house of pumpkins we are all about stems.  The curlier the better.

Our pumpkin on the right is #97 of 100 limited edition by renowned glass blower and potter Lisa Oakley.  We were thrilled to arrive in time to buy one of these.

This collage is of some of the other glass pumpkins and friendship houses.

I'm seeing  many very entertaining Halloween Decorations.  I'll be sharing them throughout the month.

Cedar Creek has all kinds of fun and happy art...
This one is for my friend Pix!!

 Scary is my business



  1. I love the new pumpkins you chose. So pretty. What an interesting place.

  2. that are so beautiful pumpkins!!!! we would love to see that place...

  3. You do have a big collection of pumpkins and they are lovely.Well done on getting one of the limited edition.

  4. Love the handblown pumpkins and I love your choices! Can anyone ever have too many pumpkins?!☺

  5. OhMyGosh, the sea turtle! He is gorgeous! Thank you for sharing him! I love your red and green pumpkin... A Christmas pumpkin?? M's and G's is a beautiful purple! Your glass pumpkin trip makes me HAPPY! Scary is my business... Hahaha!!!
    Oh MY, Good Morning!

  6. Hari OM
    Miss C, I look forward each year to seeing what you add to your pumpkin glass collection - and these are joyous! YAM xx

  7. They are all beautiful and I do love me some blown glass.

  8. I love the turtle. So would my DIL! They call James, my grandson, Turtle!
    Beautiful seeing all the decorations.

  9. We love all those pumpkins and would have difficulty picking one out.

  10. Love them all and wish I was with you when you went shopping. Beautiful.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday. Big hug. ♥

  11. Awesome Autumn header photo and great Tues post and photos too and great glass items! Xo

    Living in the moment,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  12. My kids would die for that tortoise on the wall.

  13. Wow! You have a big collection! Beautiful!

  14. What a beautiful selection who have C, and the stems sure are curly!!

  15. I love the pumpkins, they are all so pretty. I would be afraid to break them. I delivered your hug to Pam. We had a nice time. XO

  16. these are awesome....blown glass is almost a lost art; lisa is very talented....congrats on gettin
    one of the "numbered" !! ☺☺♥♥

  17. Oh my - I love that turtle! have a fun Pumpkin Season!

  18. WOW, those pumpkins are super gorgeous and how cool you got one!

  19. Those are all so very pretty, it was impossible to pick a favorite. I'm with pilch92. They would surely get broken in my house.

  20. Your choices are beautiful. We too like that red and green one. Mom loves the second one from the right in the photo with your choice for Marlu. You must have a lovely collection by now.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber


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Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi