My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Friday, November 12, 2021

Feline and Nature Friday

Nature Friday host LLB Gang  and Feline Friday  host Comedy Plus

The below feline funny came from Kit, 

Mom of Kat, Rocky and Pup

My roving photo journalist and gal pal, Janice sent this gorgeous photo to me.  Below is the email that came with it.  Al is her husband.

 Al walked out to get mail and this hawk was on our driveway- he let Al walk right by him and then flew onto the mailbox post and watched Al as he walked to mailbox.  Didn’t fly away until Al opened the box!!!!  He must be a “hawk whisperer” 😂

The fall colors in Raleigh have been spectacular this year.
Each time I walk up the stairs, this is my view.  Angel Madi's Loo, with a view,  was right under this skylight too. 


  1. we love the leaves... and we LOVE the box trick.... that is just fab!!! thanks!

  2. How wonderful to see a hawk close up on the mailbox.
    We had a giggle about the Amazon parcel too!

  3. 1) The Amazon box thing gave us a chuckle. 2) That hawk is awesome. Dad's seen one or two up in the field above our house. Yesterday, dad was driving the 4 wheeler he has for work and came upon a doe a mere 30 or so feet from him. He was shocked that she didn't flinch or run, which gave him an awesome photo op. she then turned and trotted away into one of the trails he cut in the woods. 3) "Angel Madi's Loo, with a view, was right under this skylight, too."- a most excellent poet! Happy leaf-covered weekend!!

  4. 1. Funny and a great idea.
    2. Awesome!
    3. Beautiful.

  5. Hari OM
    ...ditto all the above comments! YAM xx

  6. That's amazing he got that close to the hawk.
    What a beautiful view of those leaves.

  7. That is a lovely photo of the hawk. We have two peregrine falcons here, but unfortunately they are taking so many of the small birds. Great idea for the Amazon thieves!

  8. With our luck someone would deliver us that Amazon box MOL! Those leaves are sure pretty and getting that close to the hawk is amazing, I hope it is okay.

  9. What a cool picture of the hawk and how great that Al got an up close encounter with it. We love the funny and think that would be great fun in a neighborhood with a lot of porch pirates. What a beautiful view you have of all those colorful leaves.

  10. Love the Amazon box idea. I laughed out loud.

    Oh the hawk. What a treat. We had one on our street light for a long time a couple weeks ago.

    What beautiful fall colors. So pretty.

    Thank you for joining the Feline Friday Blog Hop.

    Have a purrfect Feline Friday and weekend. Big hug, my friend. ♥

  11. Wow! That must be a relative of our local Cooper's hawk, Mr. Cool Beans Cooper!

  12. hahahah great recycling idea using an Amazon box! Cool hawk photo and what an experience!

  13. They'd best leave that Amazon box alone☺ Love the autumn leaves in your skylight!

  14. Nice view from the loo. And I love the Amazon idea. :) XO

  15. We loved the Amazon box meme! And the Hawk Whisperer. THe color of the trees in Madi's window rock. It is the deer mating season. THis morning a large young buck walked up the street ahead of us totally unconcerned with all the barking of the village dogs.

  16. What a beautiful collection of nature...the leaves here are a lot more colorful than usual.

  17. Our leaves have been weird and have been turning color over a really long period of time. Now we are moving to snow instead. The Amazon box is funny!

  18. HA! Great idea on ridding the house of litter....! We are lucky to have a house VERY far from the street - the delivery trucks often don't try to come up our driveway as it's difficult to turn around - we are safe from those pirates! Mom and Dad have to take care of my litter in the old fashioned way I'm afraid.

    Hugs, Teddy

  19. Here as well. We have all been fortunate with the trees beautiful colors. I love seeing the hawk. Raptors are a fave of my whole family.

  20. The Amazon box meme is funny as well as sad that we have that many thieves in neighborhoods.
    The story about the hawk is amazing. Wondering if it was a "tame" bird who lives with someone.


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi