My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Friday, February 18, 2022

Nature, Feline Friday and Art at Shelley Lake

Today I thank

LLB friends

Jakey, Rosy and Sunny for hosting

First this most amazing photo of a Male Mallard Duck at Shelley Lake

The Mallard ducks or also known as
 Anatinae are a subfamily of the family Anatidae (swansgeese and ducks). Its surviving members are the dabbling ducks, which feed mainly at the surface rather than by diving

Recently there was a joint project with Sertoma  Arts Center at Shelley Lake and Poe Magnet Elementary student.
The student artist's name is in the lower left corner.
We saw these three on our trek along one of the many trials at Shelley Lake

Volume up please, thank you!
The close up of my furry tabby nephew Kat is off the charts wonderful.  Kat decided to try his paw at TikToc too!!

Auntie HiC did you know that squirrels are cheeky?
Love Rocky and Kat
Dearest Nephews I 100% agree about squirrels
I can see from the tip of your noses to the tip of your tails
you were excited!!  Uncle and I loved the music!!

The squirrels chatter at the cats! 😹
I know 2 kitties who will sleep well tonight and have squirrel dreams!
Proud feline Mom, Kit


  1. oh we love the videos! and we agree for da music.... the signs are great and we hope all peeps will help da turtles to cross da streets...

  2. Great videos, excellent art work. A purrfect Friday post.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. The cat and squirrel video is so precious. Well done Kat and Rocky (and their mom).
    Birthday Boy Bertie wants to know if you've seen turtles at Shelley Lake?
    Cheers, Gail.

  5. The signs with the kids' artwork are awesome, and both videos were a silly treat, especially the squirrel-watching. Mom and dad were on their way back from a hike at Dupont State Forest last weekend when they caught a glimpse of what was either an albino or white squirrel skittering off the side of the road.

  6. Those squirrels sure do have your undivided attention, Rocky and Kat! The male mallards are so beautiful.

  7. How wonderful when students have their art shared with the public for all to enjoy ... and wonderful art it is!

  8. Hari OM
    OH bless... fabulous vid shorts and the wildlife art is delightful - lovely photos Miss C!!! YAM xx

  9. We see the mallards all the time around here. They are very handsome. Canadian Geese should go back to Canada where they belong. They may look nice but they are terrible birds and are very destructive not to mention mean and will injure people and animals.

  10. Beautiful photo of the Mallard... love your border! The school kids' artwork is clever and cool! HAHAHA, videeoh one... plotting my demise! Rocky and Kat... too funny! Perfect music.

  11. I smiled and laughed and felt so good watching the cheeky squirrel and the beautiful face of Kat. excellent vidos
    the art work is beautiful and actually made me feel a little teary for some reason. it is so important we know these things about our world and the kids are super talented

  12. Thank you for the videos!!! LOVED them. And I love all the posters too. People are told here to not feed the Canada Geese. Signs ask you not to. And the turtles I always try to help those fellows get across the road...

  13. We love those nature drawings from the school children. Kat and Rocky sure were entertained by those squirrels. We can't believe they were so close to the house. It's a good thing for them there was a door between them and the cats.

  14. We got to see ducks yesterday when we got to the boat. A beaver too. I love watching wildlife. We don't feed them though.

    Love the videos and especially the last one. Squirrels are evil tree rats, but the kitties loved watching them. Our Angel Little Bit loved them too.

    Thank you for joining the Feline Friday Blog Hop.

    Have a purrfect Feline Friday and weekend. Big hug, honey. ♥

  15. Those squirrels sure are cheeky! Too bad the kitties couldn't go out and remind them who's the boss!

  16. TeeHeeHee...We love watching you watch the squirrels!!! In fact, Sunny and I are doing the same thing with the birdies this morning!

  17. Those rats with furry tails just don't realize how lucky they are that your Mom kept you inside.
    Happy weekend to all.

  18. Those were fun videos and I love those signs the kids did!

  19. Those were great videos!! Love those sweet kitties!

  20. Purrfect signs- especially the last one helping turtles get across the road safely! The cats watching the squittels was hysterically funny! Thanks!

  21. Beautiful photo of the Mallard! Love the idea of the art program, and they did such a great job. Love the videos too, and the music was perfect! Have a great weekend! :)

  22. Love the video!
    I used to have two pet mallards. I found a deserted nest and the magpies had started eating the eggs. Four were still intact so I took them and put them under a broody hen. Two hatched out, a male and a female. When people asked about them I said I had them since they were eggs! Mrs Mallard got taken by a fox after a couple of years even though we shut them in at night. Mr Mallard hung around a bit longer but started flying off for longer periods every day until one day he didn't come back. Hopefully he found another Mrs Mallard.

  23. Wonderful post, videos and photos ~ Favorite is the sweet kitty getting patted ~ such peace and contentment ~ Xo

    Wishing you lots of laughter and love in your days,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

    hugs and woofs for Angel Madi ~ Xo


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi