My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Sunday, September 11, 2022

Serene Sunday

We took a short local road trip last Tuesday.  

Church seen on the way.

Horses looking outstanding...out standing in their pasture.

Falls Lake

I forgot my camera?!! 😱😕and obviously my brain.

Photos taken with my new iPhone from the car.

This is my first iPhone not the latest version but one that I am quickly becoming very fond of my versatile sidekick.  Phone, step counter, camera and even better it is sync to my iPad so the photos I took automatically went to the iPad for easy download. 😄

 In Memory of Victims of September 11, 2001

and their Family and Friends
We'll never forget you!!!
Taken on a beautiful August day in 1987.
Celebrating our Daughter's birthday in New York City 
Taken from Staten Island Ferry


  1. We'll also be remembering the 9/11 victims as we watch the Queen's coffin being driven past Duthie Park at about 11:40 this morning.
    Enjoy your Serene Sunday (and your new iPhone!)
    Cheers, Gail.

  2. Hari OM
    Very good shots for drive-by phone bizz!!! I still resist such tech and have the good old flip fone... YAM xx

  3. All good pictures. All I use is my iphone now.

  4. Excellent 9/11 memorial, Cecilia. I believe we'd been to Falls Lake Park some years ago, though the brain fog seems thicker these days. Thankfully, Cleo's mom is super-organized and keeps photos and records of all our wanderings. I hope you're doing well these days. We stopped over at Brother Wolf Animal Rescue here in Asheville yesterday with some donations and didn't want to leave after visiting with the many feline residents of all ages, sizes and coat colors! It was actually a joy to let them out of their cages and hold and play with them, but so hard to leave there. Take care.

  5. It looks like your new phone does a great job taking pictures. We will never forget what happened on this date over 20 years ago.

  6. Pretty photos..............of course we will never forget 9/11......the world changed forever.

    Hugs, Pam

  7. What a beautiful short trip with lovely photos! I can remember the horrifying events of 9/11 like it was yesterday.

  8. Thank you for sharing, memories new and old.

  9. You have a new iPhone.... I can send you photos now in a blink! I'm not kidding you, I knew there was something different about the first photo and on down. It is true, we will never forget that day. Such a memorable photo to have of the Towers.

  10. Love that lake view! You'll like that phone the more you use it. We'll always remember the heartbreak of that horrible 9/11 day.

  11. LOVED your photos! And I was just writing on Friends Forever what I was doing that horrific day/


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi