My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Happy Tuesday

Thank you to our 

 Hostess Sandee at Comedy Plus    

Last week everything about this photo made me Happy

Taken on the back loop of Wooten Meadow Park, there is an unpaved trial behind the trees.  Maybe when it isn't so wet I can explore more.

I expect many of you read the poem, Trees, by Joyce Kilmer in school.

If not, here it is

Many years ago, (probably mid 1990's) we hiked in Joyce Kilmer Memorial Forest which is located in the beautiful mountains of North Carolina.  My mind's eye remembers sun filtering thru the very tall trees and the aroma of evergreens covered in morning dew. 
(Golly that was almost poetic, lol)

"This forest is one of the Nation’s most impressive remnants of old-growth forest. The forest contains magnificent examples of more than 100 tree species, many over 400-years-old, and some more than 20 feet in circumference and 100 feet tall. This 3,800-acre forest was set aside in 1936 as a memorial to the author of the poem “Trees,” Joyce Kilmer, who was killed in action in France during World War I. This forest, part of the Joyce Kilmer-Slick Rock Wilderness, is maintained in its primitive state. The only way to see this forest is on foot. A 2-mile trail leads to the Joyce Kilmer Memorial and loops through giant trees. A restroom and picnic tables are located at the trailhead."

click here to read about Mr. Kilmer


  1. We love seeing the winer sun filtered through the trees, but were not familiar with Joyce Kilmer, nor with his sweet little poem.

  2. The photo is lovely, makes me long for an end to our snow and ice.

    I've read the poem, but was not familiar with any of the context or history.

  3. That is a lovely photo of the winter sun casting long shadows.

  4. it's so peaceful and a balm for the eyes who had to see so much sad things during the last day in the news...

  5. Trees are so pretty and have so many different looks depending on the weather and seasons.

  6. Hari OM
    Well, do you know, I have known this poem since school days but never really thought to research the poet. I always thought it to be a woman!!! Just goes to show a name means nothing. YAM xx

  7. Beautiful photo accompanied by an always beautiful poem ... thank you for both.

  8. A very lovely photo. Hard to beat the sun peeking between trees. Yes, familiar with Kilmer's poem... can't see and read it enough. I am glad you are enjoying Wooten Meadow Park.

  9. Beautiful and I love that poem. So true. You made me smile.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday. Big hugs. ♥

  10. Forests have so much beauty & drama...I have often wondered if they could talk what tales the trees would tell me.

  11. I can't count the times I have stood in a wooded area, or looks at photos of trees, like your photo that I did not think or say outloud, the first two lines of this poem. sad to say I thought it was a woman. Trees speak to me, the ones i see from my windows, woods of trees and palm trees make my heart sing. I can see 3 out the back door from where I sit now and if I swing my chiar I see two palms and a huge oak, 5 pines, 2 unknown from my living room. in fact we are surrounded by trees and we chose the house because it had trees... the pygmy palm that is full view 6 feet from me now, I watch it sing all day long, the wind or a gentle breeze keeps the fronds in motion. it is rarely still. it is also a windsock during a hurricane

  12. Years and years since I've seen that poem.

  13. What a great picture of trees in winter and a perfect poem to go along with it.

  14. Mom is very familiar with Mr Kilmer because she grew up in New Brunswick.

  15. thiz fotoz makez uz happee campurrz two..heerz two a grate week a head 🐟‼️❤️

  16. What a peaceful woods and we love the poem!

  17. We know the poem and the Poet, but I did not know about Joyce Kilmer Memorial Forest and that it was close to you! Wowzers! Thanks for telling us about it. I do look forward to you showing us the back loop. Purrs Marv

  18. Such a beautiful grove of trees. I can just imagine how beautiful the Kilmer Forest must be!

  19. Hugs to Angel Madi ~ beautiful tree photo and of course awesome poem ~ Xo

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  20. I remember reading that poem years ago. The first two lines almost everybody knows, but not everyone has read the entire poem.

    I think we have to move down to your area. We're so tired of winter already this year, even though it has been pretty mild so far.

  21. The trees and the shadows are amazing and that's a super cool photo!

  22. Oh thank you so much for the reminder of the tree poem! As I get older the more and more I feel the nature of the tree. I miss the Sycamores that were on my property surrounding my house in CT. They had such character, one looked like an old man peering out of the bark and the other was truly feminine in shape.


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi