My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Thursday, January 12, 2023

Thoroughly Poetic Thursday #101

 Today is Poetic Thursday hosted by our pals Teddy and Angel Sammy 

at Two Spoiled Cats

Here is today's inspiration

I can roller skate
forwards, backwards, in a line,
in a circle or holding hands.
If I concentrate,
I can do a figure eight.

Once I tried ice skating.
It required balance and nerves of steel
I quickly learned I was not made
to skate on a 

I will be MIA for a while today.  My Photo Journalist, Janice and I
are meeting to celebrate our Birthdays.  Her is January 15.
Yep the celebrations continue


  1. Hari OM
    Oh I remember those roller dancers and always wanted to be one (at the ripe old age of six and seven eigths)... so I was given roller skates for my seventh birthday. I was getting quite good on them. Until I wasn't. Nothing broken by my pride, but those skates got passed along... YAM xx

  2. I loved the soller skates... they were much better than the inline skates from today....

  3. I did roller skate ⛸️ a lot!! Fun times!! But I also remember the knee and elbow scabs from falling!!! 😁

  4. can't skate on rollers or blades, can't ride a bike with 2 wheels. each time I tried I fell down or over or under. never could walk a balance beam, the kind 2 inches off the floor because I knew I would fall. must be a lack of balance, not sure. Bob can do all that I mentioned and still can at his age. I used to be able to kick my legs up but not now. LOL.. i enjoyed looking at the clothing they have on compared to what dancers where now

  5. I'm average at best on both roller and ice skates and a pond is much easier to ice skate on than a rink. Loved your poem!

  6. I loved to roller skate. Never tried Ice skating because not available when I was a kid here in Mississippi. I'm way too old to try any of it any more.

  7. Enjoyed your poem, C! I truly enjoyed roller and ice skating years ago. The last time I ice skated I was in my thirties and I could barely walk for week! I hadn't skated since college. I roller skated in a unique place called Caveland for years. It was in a cave! It was the thing to do when I was in grade school and high school. I liked ice skating more than roller skating. We skated all the farm ponds and I have great memories of bonfires and skating after dark.

  8. That's a great poem. Our mom used to skate both on rollers (she says they had roller skating parties in middle school) and on ice in the winter outside until she couldn't feel her toes any longer. BOL!

  9. I used to so both...but was always much better on roller skates than ice skates! Have a great time today....I think you should celebrate all month!!

  10. That line of skaters reminds Mom of many times she got to go to the Ice Capades as a child.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  11. That was a cute poem and I'm glad to hear that the celebration continues!!!

  12. Great poem. I can't ice skate either. Glad you keep celebrating, XO

  13. Great poem! I didn't realize those Rockettes were on skates though. Glad you're having an endless birthday celebration!!

    Hugs, Pam

  14. OH my gosh roller skating. I could not WAIT to get there Saturday! If I was very very lucky I got to go Friday night too. In 9th grade, the English teacher gave the winner of the weekly spelling bee a ticket to the rink for a prize. I won it every week!

  15. I used to go roller skating and ice skating when I was growing up. I'd probably break a hip if I tried to do either of them today.

  16. I love that the celebrations continue! Happy Birthday Celebration for the win!

  17. mmm (me is bad girl) and now me will go back-n-forth through the posts here to find out when/where me missed a birthday ... oh my, oh dear, oh no ...


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi