My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Monday, February 6, 2023

Awww Monday and Sparks dedicated to all beloved pets


 Thank you to our   

Host Comedy Plus

Over the years and in recent months, weeks and days many of our beloved furry friends have traveled OTRB 

 Today I dedicate this SPARK to
 each one who loved us unconditionally and to their humans who loved them.

Last week I received this email from Kit, my furry nephews Mom.


Dear Cecilia

I received this beautiful tribute from my dearest friend & Sister in Love, Susan. I knew & loved each of these precious pups. The Halligan house was always filled with happiness, love, hugs, delicious food, & doggos on the furniture. Every pup should be so fortunate.❤️
Love from Kit and Susan my heart Sister

These two message spoke to me.  May you too remember....

Purrsonallly we talk to Angel Madi every single day. 

Below is the tribute Susan shared with Kit.

"Today I moved the memory markers of nearly 57 years of loving and being loved in return by all our dogs that you knew and loved too. And as I made what for me was a huge step moving the markers from Mamma’s yard to mine yard".

Right to left:
Lady Tipton aka Tippy (our first dog, a miniature collie and Pekingese mix who lived to be 14).I see Mamma in the 60s and 70s sitting out back at the picnic table under the pine tree clipping Tippy's nails

Cricket a white chihuahua stray who shared our house with Tippy and who went OTRB at age 15.  

Brandy  aka Little Heart (my apricot poodle who lived to be nearly 19 even with being the product of a chance liaison between two related dogs and the only pup in her litter to survive parvo) prancing into the house when I would let her out of my car when we came home on Fridays. 

Cami aka Baby (my little phantom poodle who went OTRB too soon at age 
11 1/2.  Daddy said he was not training another dog.  Cami became the one who never left his side in his final days.  She patrolled the yard while Daddy watched proudly from the deck. 

Onyx my rescue black poodle who was with me for nine of her 14 or 15 years.
Onyx  kept Mamma company during her garage-sitting days and saved my sanity for a year after Mamma passed away. 

Autumn my sweet little rescue
continues to solidify her special place in my heart in this season of my life, I know they are all waiting at the Rainbow Bridge.
51% Chihuahua, 
47% Poodle (toy and Miniature)
1% Pekingese, 
1% Poodle (medium and standard)

No matter how long they live with us, it is never long enough.
Gentle hugs and understanding to you all

BREAKING NEWS Da Phenny and Da Nelly and their staff 
have some crazy internet stuff going on.  When they click on blogger or Word Press to read blogs they get a blank screen.  They are working on the problem.


  1. So much love for pets past and present. I'm recalling my childhood pet, guinea pig Arthur, 1967-75.
    Cheers, Gail.

  2. Lovely post. We never forget our loved ones. I also talk to Eric and Flynn every day. I always say good morning to them too, and always goodnight when I go to bed.

  3. Hari OM
    Footprints in our hearts... YAM xx

  4. Mom says we all leave a paw print in her heart. No two are ever the same and we each have out own special spot. We will never be forgotten. Mom even remembers her gerbils from grade school age. I guess she had a lot of them.

  5. We've had so many over the years here. I miss them all.

  6. My grief is still very close to the surface, so this makes me cry. It's a lovely post. ♥

  7. Our angels waiting at the Bridge are never forgotten.

  8. There have been so many in my life too. They never stay long enough. Beautiful.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week. Big hug, my friend. ♥

  9. That is a beautiful spark. I still talk to Emmy and Sammy all the time. XO

  10. What a wonderful post and we truly never do have them long enough.

  11. What a wonderful tribute to post to all the dear furpersons who are OTR ~ hugs to all

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  12. I so loved the Love leaves a Memory meme. It applies to our fur babies and beloved humans. I think of my girl and boy kitties all of the time and I speak to them as well. Maybe just a short sentence but they now my love stays forever. And I will say that the tribute to the dogs who have gone on to the Bridge was lovingly beautiful.

  13. What a wonderful, heart felt post! Our Peep was awed by the wonderful Spark and the tribute to the befores! Truth be told, our Mom talks to our befores all the time! Though we do not have such wonderful markers, there is a special place where some of their ashes have been scattered, both in the yard and up at Lassie Lake. Mom often goes there and talks to them. We also loved your new Header! Madi is so furry gorgeous! Our Mom has had a ton of issues with commenting over the past few months too, we feel for Da Phenny and Da Nellie!
    Awesome Post! Purrs Marv

  14. What a beautiful post, perfectly timed.

  15. A lovely loving post that all of us can relate to in so many ways. I still think of our Z Cat multiple times a day and she left us in January of 2009. The words with the blue butterfly say it all... a beautiful Spark. Hugs♥

  16. What a beatiful post and amazing Sparks. Mom says she must have been so very loved by all the furries that came before us because she has been left with so many wonderful memories.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  17. That really is such a true and wonderful Spark. Thanks for the info on the Weim twins!

  18. And I had to click several times to get myself allowed to comment under our own name...
    What a special spark and tribute. I don't have personalized markers...well I did of a few earlier furs, but I do have a lot of reminders of all my gone on before furry ones to help me treasure them forever.

  19. Your post today especially touched my heart and soul. Brings back over 70 years of memories for me too. I still miss each and every one of them so much. ♥♥♥

  20. Thanks for posting those two messages - very true. The humans and pets that leave us because it's their time are waiting for us and those reunions will be so wonderful one day. Meanwhile we hold them in our hearts and souls to keep them WARM. I don't have markers for the pets I've had to say goodbye to but there are marks on my heart that are testimony to the love we shared.

    Hugs, Pam


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi