My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Friday, February 10, 2023

Feline Friday Rocky and Pup Part III ...

   Nature Friday host LLB Gang   Click here Hostess Miss Mimi 



Dearest Auntie HiC

We have been in negotiations all week, attempting to reach an agreement on the sharing of bed situation

Although we disagreed on several issues, Mom said we listened attentively & considerately to each other.

We’ve finally compromised on a few rules. Pup will make more room on his bed, and Rocky will attempt to keep his “murder mittens” to himself.

We’re making progress, don’t you agree? 
Stay tuned for future developments❣️
❤️ Pup and Rocky


Auntie's Reply

 DEAREST Pup and Rocky Auntie is bursting with pride and love.
 I think you two have come to a purrfect compromise…and could teach humans the art of compromise.  Auntie is 200% sure you will both find this new agreement 99.99999% purrfect.  Such easy solutions:  more room and soft paws

If you missed Part I, click here

If you missed Part II, click here

Nature indoors 


....but they intimate me.  MOL BOL LOL


  1. Hari OM
    Oh it is so good to see that Rocky and Pup are finding their way to compromise... there's a few politicians in various places who could learn from them... and it is hard not to love an orchid! YAM xx

  2. Oh we are so impressed that Rocky and Pup "listened attentively and considerately to each other" and came up with such a good solution. If only our government and striking workers here in the UK would do the same...
    Nobby (and Gail).

  3. yes... life is full of that... and sometimes they are good... we learnt that from the minute the Nellie landed in the elephant skater next to me :O)

  4. I am glad Rocky and Pup were able to come to a compromise.

  5. Your mom is right - life is all about compromise. So many beyond gorgeous orchids!

  6. warms the cockles of my heart to see the two of you sleeping together. how long until we have a photo of three of you in the same bed? comprimise is what LIFE is all about, even for us humans. Mom, you would love Selby Gardens, they have an entire greenhouse dedicated to orchids and orchids are every where in the other green house...

  7. We can't negotiate with our cat, he refuses. We are heading off to NC this morning, half way there already. Have a great weekend.

  8. Before long they will be all snuggled up. Orchids are pretty.

  9. Compromise is essential to a less frustrating life... that and a big sigh... ahhh. I feel sure Rocky and Pup will work it out with Mom's help. I have not had good luck with orchids but I bought a Peperomia Wednesday and I hope I can do the right thing for her. Lovely photos this morning!

  10. You're making HUGE progress! Compromise is, indeed, the key!

    I love orchids and other flowering plants too, but I don't have a green enough thumb. I saw someone mention a peperomia--you can't kill those. Great in a variety of light, hardy, I had them for over 20 years, though am down to only one real plant now. How sad is that, I'm too burned out to even care for real plants right now? (And this reminds me to go water the one left!) :-P

  11. Mom has orchids. She says they work for her because they thrive on neglect!!!

  12. Looks like Pup and Rocky are doing well on the negotiations so far...we hope they continue without any "murder mittens" BOL!

    You and I have similar orchid outlooks...they are one of my favorite flowers...BUT, I would never own one because I am sure it would come to a bad end LOL

  13. Pup! Rocky! What a terrific compromise! We are happy that you came to a purrfect solution. And Orchids are so gorgeous! I tried - once and the poor thing did not survive...mys sister, on the other hand has 5 in her kitchen. They bloom loads and she says she does NOTHING! (I'm not sure I believe her) but I love seeing her plants in all their blooming glory! Keep being awesome.

  14. That is great progress. Thank you for joining Feline Friday!

  15. Hugs to Angel Madie ~ and sweet doggie and kitty 'compromising' ~ lovely orchid photos!

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  16. I wish the rest of the world would learn to get along like Pup and Rocky!

    There were lots of beautiful orchids and other flowers at our local Wegmans grocery store yesterday. Preparing for Valentine's Day.

  17. Pup and Rocky, we area all really proud of both of you, keep it up sweet ones!

  18. Glad you all worked out your differences. XO

  19. We're glad to hear Rocky agreed to keep his murder mittens off of Pup.

  20. Learning to compromise is a really GOOD thing - it's good with pups and cats AND it's good with people too!!! Those orchids are gorgeous - my Mom loves them too but hasn't had much success in growing them.

    Hugs, Teddy


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi