My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Friday, March 31, 2023

Nature, Final Feature and Feline Friday

  Nature Friday host LLB Gang  

Feline Friday Hostess Miss Mimi 

Nature featuring a Golden Rod seen on an EMW

Final Feature and Feline Friday

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Many of you know I fondly call my husband my Train Brain.

He loves trains of all sizes.  Recently he said he needed to pick up a new train magazine at Nick's Trains.  I needed a wooden dowel for a quilting project.  My Train Brain told me Nick's Trains has all sizes.  We took a ten minute road trip to the Choo Choo store.  I was double delighted to see Nick's and the welcoming RED Door.

If you look closely at the black arrow in the picture below, you might see a furry friend having his breakfast at his permanent feeding station under the awning in a bed of pine bark.

Introducing Racoon the Choo Choo Cat.  

About three years this tabby arrived at Nick's pretty much feral BUT hungry.  They put out food and water under the awning.
He kept coming every morning for all the TLC from Nick and staff. Nick was finally able to trap him.  He was neuter and fully vaccinated. I don't know why/who named him Racoon it is rather endearing.  He comes and goes out of the shop and can be found lounging all around the shop.

My most recent quilting project is a wall hanging with Cat Head Appliques.

This one is completed except for the dowel and ribbon for hanging it.

Front of another and back fabric shown on bottom right

My Train Brian was right Nick has a gazillion dowels of all sizes.


  1. we love the choo choo cat... and we always remember the model world you have... and the special antenna of one of the tiny cars...

  2. Great applique work. ❤️ Raccoon.

  3. The golden rod is so pretty and we do like the cat head appliqués (although Nobby of course things a fox terrier profile one would be even better!)

  4. I know your train head was happy to make that trip. I love the mini quilts.
    I read that Gulfport, MS is building the largest model train museum in the U.S.
    Your train head would love that!

  5. Hari OM
    Well hello, Racoon! What a fabby wee shop outing you had together - everyone's needs attended and lots of of fun to be had too!!! Fabulous post for FFF. YAM xx

  6. Love your cat head applique quilt! Hi Raccoon!

  7. the cat has a raccoon tail, looks like a cat/coon mix. adorable and I would enjoy a visit to the choo choo store too. those dowels are good for so many things. bob always has a few sizes of them

  8. That is one smart cat. We're glad to hear he can go in the shop now if he wants to. Your cat wall hangings are so cute and that is the perfect backing fabric, too!

  9. Wow! Great quilts ~ so creative and that kitty is very healthy with his permanent feeder at Choo Choo ~ Hugs to Angel Madi ~

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  10. It's so nice to see the Spring blooms, blooming!

    What a beautiful quilt C, you always do such wonderful work!

  11. Wonderful "feel good" story about Raccoon! Your quilts are adorable!

  12. The quilts are lovely. Nice story about Raccoon the cat.

  13. Cute kitty. I love your wall hanging! Very pretty. You are so talented. XO

  14. That looks like an interesting place and I'm glad that sweet kitty has a place to call home!!!

  15. Your new wall hangings are adorable. Glad you're still quilting!! The train store is a cute little shop - and now that there's an official Train Store Cat Guard, it's even cuter!

    Hugs, Pam

  16. Wow! An entire store just for trains? That is amazing! It was nice to meet Raccoon the kitty. You have some great talent for quilting. I tried to do some quilting a long long long (talking when the 4 siblings were still little and I still sewed clothes for them) time ago, but I didn't have the patience. Now I don't have the sewing machine. Good luck with future projects!

  17. Train stores are awesome for everyone except for Bobby Baccalieri

  18. Maybe someone saw Racoon in the dark and that he was a racoon and that's how he got his name?? I've got that same material you have for backing on the second quilt, only with dogs on it instead of cats, and use it for scarves on dogs I groom!

  19. Your wall hanging is marvelous! Very clever!


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi